Princess Raya

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Submitted by @Sunsetgold12.

Anything I say will be in bold.

Anything the author says will be in normal text.


This was pending and I had nothing to do, so have a review that came in a day ago (or maybe longer this was published )

Full name: Princess Raya

Starting off with royalty, I see! This'll be interesting.

Fandom: original


Sexuality: straight


Gender: female


Age: 15


Appearance: Raya is on the shorter side at five feet, four inches, and is of average weight. She has a heart-shaped face and her skin is lightly tanned. She has blue eyes and her hair is a golden shade. She doesn't especially like her hair, since it gets frizzy easily, but it has a wave to it. Her hair, when straightened out, reaches around halfway down her back but is usually pulled back into a tight, braided bun (her handmaiden, Serena, is good at hair) that slowly loosens during the day, with strands falling out. She enjoys wearing hues of blues and greens, her favorite gown being a mint with white lace. She barely ever wears jewelry, insisting it's just a nuisance for her. She has a scar below her right knee from where she tripped when running through one of the secret passages in the castle and never went to the Royal Mage to have it healed. Usually, the side of her right hand has charcoal smeared on it from drawing.

I don't like jewelry either. 

Backstory: Nothing really of interest since the bulk of her story arc is in the book I'm writing.


Family: She's the third born child of the king and queen of Arkaya. Her parents consider her the troublesome of the three, frequently causing mischief. Her siblings are Verin, who's a year older than her, and Alamar, who's three years older than her. She has a good relationship with Verin, meeting up to discuss castle gossip multiple times throughout the week. Alamar and Raya have never been close, but they have a mutual relationship and watch out for each other.

Ah, the classic not close but i'm watching you relationship! My OC Alyssa also has that conversation with her brother because he didn't really spend time with her while he was obsessed with the Cursed Vaults (If you play/watch Hogwarts Mystery you know what I mean)

Likes: Desserts and candy; she has a big sweet tooth, enjoys drawing, the smell of parchment, pushing things to their limit, exploring Casporina, watching people perform magic.

I also have a GIANT sweet tooth

Dislikes: Stuck-up nobles, when Serena pulls her corset too tight, sitting through her lessons, seeing people be put in unfair situations, spicy food.


Habits: Wiggling her quill in her hand during lessons, doodling on her lesson parchment, eating too fast, putting one too many sugar cubes in her tea, arriving at meals late, smearing ink.

0_0  I drink tea (well basically it's a milk and sugar tea flavored drink for me) and I put too much sugar in there as well.

Hobbies: Sneaking out of the castle, sitting at her desk drawing the landscape of Casporina (the capital), visiting the few ladies she considers friends.


Fears: Deepwater, becoming stuck in an arranged marriage, spiders.

I hate deepwater too. For me I'm scared I might drown even though I know how to swim.

Personality: Raya has a streak of rebellion engraved in her that usually gets her in trouble and has never been one to follow the rules, always having to test their boundaries. With curiosity driving her, it's a fifty-fifty chance of whether or not it will lead her somewhere she shouldn't go. She doesn't care what people think about her, which annoys her mother to no end. She's not afraid to blackmail people by dropping a few rumors that may or may not be true. Snide and snarky responses are common from her, and due to this she usually finds herself in her father or mother's study, being scolded. She's impulsive and unpredictable; it's hard to tell how she will react to something. Unlike other ladies her age, she's not interested in courting anyone, she would rather go off and do her own thing. She's extremely knowledgeable about what happens around the castle and is someone to come to if you want to hear fresh gossip.


Additional details: She can withstand having a lemon slice in her mouth for thirty-two seconds, seven seconds more than Serena. Sometimes eats sugar cubes when no one's watching. Not entirely fond of the knights, since they're so loyal and honest. One of her favorite secret passages leads straight to the kitchen, where she's befriended a baker who is more than happy to slip her portions of the dessert for dinner that night.

I can't have a lemon slice in my mouth for more than 3 seconds.

Pet peeves: Cannot stand self-centered people, the sound of metal grinding against metal, book pages being dog-eared, her room being messy, when her gowns aren't organized by color.


Well, That's it for Princess Raya. At first, I assumed that Raya would be a 6/10 Mary sue but after reading the bio through, here is the final level.

Mary sue level: 3/10 

I'm extremely thankful that none of the OCs I've come across are Mary Sues. ngl they actually make me queasy irl. 

I have another review to work on, so ig I'll see you all next time!


~Dreamer out

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