You had known Pope Heyward since kindergarten, where you met the pouges. They grew up all together in and were always the best of friends.
But as they entered their teenage years, the group began to see the sparks between you and Pope.
Breaking the Pouge on Pouge macking rule, you and Pope started dating at the age of sixteen.
On your first date, Pope took you to the wreck and managed to convince Mike to let them in after closing hours. Whilst Kiara made their food in the kitchen.
Your first kiss was unpredictable, erupting in the middle of your first argument. Pope seemed to have lost his cool, crashing your lips together like there was no tomorrow.
But it was during your first intimate moment that Pope professed his love for you.
Dating Pope Heyward was a learning experience for you. You learned a lot about him that you had never known before. For example you found out that beneath his gentle demeanor, Pope was incredibly intelligent and hardworking. Despite his usual calm and collected nature, he could get aggressive when it came to protecting his friends, especially you.
As you became more involved in the relationship world, you realised Pope was faithful and honest. He was a hard worker who never lost sight of achieving his goals. He always sought to understand before proceeding, making him an ideal partner.
However, your relationship wasn't without bumps, Rafe and Pope's mutual dislike for each other led to several arguments. Though, Pope's love for you was unwavering, he always put you first.
You couldn't believe your luck in finding such a remarkable person to share your life with, every day with Pope was an adventure, and you was grateful to have him by your side.
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