"Your Highness, the day has finally come!"
Lady Bertia holds her hands closed in front of her chest. She wears a beautiful pure white dress and has decorated her crimson hair with pale yellow roses.
The necklace adorned with a fake blue jewel that I gifted to her rests shines on her chest along with an exquisite chain scattered with jewels that makes the necklace all the more vibrant.
We are currently alone in this waiting room.
Well, to be precise, two of her maids and Zeno are standing in a corner, but they're doing their best to remain unseen, so it's probably alright to say that we're alone.
"That dress suits you well. Very beautiful, Lady Bertia."
"Thank you very much. Your pure white knight uniform suits you well too, your Highness! So that's formal attire! ...I feel like I pale in comparison."
After I praise her clothing, she gives me a rather strained smile despite her apparent happiness. For some reason, she became a little downhearted after comparing herself to me.
Even though she looks cute and well-dressed even if she doesn't force a smile.
Speaking of which, when did I begin to be able to sincerely say that she looks 'beautiful' and 'cute' with no hesitation?
At the very least, I think that when we first met, I mainly only called her 'cute' out of obligation.
When we met again a year later, she had indeed changed enough to make me double-take, but I didn't consider her as pretty as I do now.
Part of the reason is probably because her face is getting less round as she grows older... but I know that her flawless porcelain-white skin, her glossy and shiny crimson hair, and her thin body that's showing signs of maturity are all thanks to her hard work.
"... You've become beautiful," I murmur unconsciously, rephrasing my words a little from before.
Today, gazing at her again, I vaguely think that she really has changed a lot.
"W - what!? Ah I see - your Highness, do you need something from me!? But I can't do anything for you right now! After this, I am going to make my memorable social debut at a party and carry out my 'Plan to Corrupt Father - Take 2', after all! Even if you're the one asking, I can't spare any energy for you at this crucial event!"
...Correction. Perhaps the sorry state of her inside self has not changed much.
Just as she says, today is the yearly party hosted by the royal family to celebrate young nobles who are making their social debut.
By attending this party, we finally can become a part of high society.
Social debuts typically happen from ages thirteen to twenty.
The reason why there's such a large age range is that different families may take more time than others preparing, and there may be some issues related to the young noble in question's schooling - enrolment times or studying abroad, for example.
Some among low-ranking nobility find it difficult to afford the necessary attire, so naturally their social debuts end up later due to the time needed to raise the money. And young nobles who study abroad either have their debuts before or after they leave, so they end up earlier or later.
In my case, as I'm royalty, fairly talented, and set to start middle school at Halm Academy starting from next year, it was desired that I make my debut the first spring after my thirteenth birthday.
That in itself was perfectly fine - you could even say that it was a natural turn of events.
However, the issue with this was Lady Bertia.
She is two years younger than me - still eleven.
As she is my fiancée, it has obviously become more common for her to be my partner at parties I attend. However, it's too early for her social debut.
However, if I end up making my social debut, I will inevitably take part in parties and governmental affairs. I absolutely need a partner.
And so, I have only two options - have her make her debut with me, early as it is, so she can accompany me... or have a different woman accompany me.
This may not have been a problem if I had an older sister, but there are no single woman who have made their social debut in my family.
There are technically some if I go looking at my distant relatives... but since it's possible for me to marry relatives who are not closely related, I would likely end up in a troublesome situation.
It would be even worse if I was accompanied by some Marquis' daughter who I wasn't even related to.
... It's a pain just thinking about the kind of trouble that would bring.
If I were single, I could've easily gone through numerous partners to choose the one who would be my wife, but I have Lady Bertia. I can't do something like that, nor do I want to.
In this case, I can only either ask Lady Bertia to make her social debut a little early and back her up if anything happens, or wait for her to turn thirteen to make my debut - to hold things off until I turned fifteen.
To be honest, I planned to choose the latter.
Debuting at fifteen isn't particularly late - there aren't any big problems with it.
It's just that I would be restricted from participating in some governmental affairs until I was fifteen. It's just that they want me to help them as soon as possible since I'm 'talented', but it's not like governmental affairs will be put on hold just because I delay my debut.
I had ignored pleas saying 'It would be nice if you debuted early...' and thought to wait for her to be sure she wanted to make her debut before debuting with her.
The reason why I changed my mind is because Lady Bertia herself asked otherwise.
If she made her debut at eleven, I would need to back her up a little as her fiancée if she made mistakes, but the burden on her would be much greater.
As I would be able to do more things, the advantages would greatly outweigh the disadvantages.
If she was fine with it, I had no reason to refuse.
...Even if she were plotting some slightly amusing plans.
"Just watch, your Highness! All my plans to convince Father up until now have failed horribly, but I will make my comeback now!"
She punches her hand into the air enthusiastically. I can't help but let out a snort.
It makes me recall everything she's done since she declared that she would turn her father, Marquis Noches, to evil.
I feel a little bad for the marquis, but it was a pretty interesting story.
"Speaking of which, the other day, Marquis Noches let me read that document you made for him - The Basics of Villainy! From Zero to Villain. It was pretty well made."
"What, no way!? Father showed it to you!? When did he...!? How can this be? I'm so embarrassed."
She jumps in shock at my words then looks down, face flushed red.
She reminded me a lot of Zeno this one time... I once went to his room to kill time and ended up finding an interesting-looking book he had hidden. I didn't mean anything bad by it. After flipping through it, I carelessly left it on the bed. Afterwards, Zeno came up to me, bright red, and complained heatedly that a maid had seen it when she cleaned his room.
Back then, I was young so I just felt like messing around to help kill time... I mean, I was just a bit careless, but now thinking back I feel a little bad.
But well, I also think that Zeno's partly to blame for leaving it somewhere I could find it.
Anyone would find a hidden safe embedded in the floor beneath the bed.
And how cliché to put the key in a hollowed-out book in the bookcase.
It's like he was asking for it to be found.
"Lately, Marquis Noches and I have often met for tea as friends. Sometimes, after he visits Father, he visits me as well and talks to me about many things. That's when we sometimes talk about you. So he said that you gave it to him as a present and showed it to me."
It would be more correct to say that I go to him for advice about Lady Bertia, but I'm not lying.
It's just that I'm fudging the small details.
That was yes, a few weeks after Lady Bertia began her crusade to convince Marquis Noches to let himself be turned evil.
Out of nowhere, Marquis Noches sent me an invitation to tea.
As it was an invitation from my future father-in-law, and as I had no particular reason to refuse, I agreed readily.
And so, we had a tea party in an inner courtyard of the castle.
He looked disheartened. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth to say...
"Prince Cecil, lately I haven't been able to understand my young daughter's feelings."
... in a grave tone.
"What's the matter?" I ask with a smile, acting normal even as I feel Zeno letting out a small snort behind me.
His story was basically 'My beloved and stupid daughter, Lady Bertia, has lately for some reason been encouraging her father, me, to do evil deeds.'
I wanted to carelessly say that I already know about this since I've already heard about this from the person herself and since I've received reports from my 'envoy'. But instead, I endured it.
"Yes, yes, I see, and so?" I encouraged him to continue.
Because see, given that I was the one to tell Lady Bertia to not talk about her previous life in front of others, I can't exactly bring it up myself, and since my 'envoy' is performing their duties in secret, I can't go blathering about them to Marquis Noches.
"Prince Cecil, I believe that a member of my family becoming a criminal would bring nothing but shame to the family. However, my daughter does not appear to think the same... she says to not murder, to not commit robberies that may physically injure others, and to not do anything worse than taking over or crushing other families... but she says to embezzle and commit fraud, to tyrannically abuse my authority, and to take initiative to do anything that wouldn't merit a death sentence. The other day, she finally even began to prepare documents like this... oh, but the contents are rather good even if it's wrong on a fundamental level. It's well put together and very easy to understand. There's even illustrations, but although it's rather interesting as just something to read..." he says, holding out a book to me.
The Basics of Villainy! From Zero to Villain, the title of the book, was neatly written in a feminine hand.
"I may see it?" I confirm before taking it.
Flipping through it, I see front-and-centre the approximate income of your everyday prime minister after they used their monthly income and influence to embezzle money, along with even interviews with actual criminals. Although I have no idea where she obtained this information nor how trustworthy it is.
Additionally, it contained illustrated examples on how to commit a number of crimes, along with their benefits. A slightly strangely drawn girl that closely resembled Lady Bertia explained all this. It was a book with an extremely interesting concept.
"... Marquis Noches, I would like to carefully investigate this book. Would you mind if I borrowed it?"
"... Yes, of course. Please, feel free to keep it."
I smile brightly. Although he looks rather tired, Marquis Noches still smiles brightly back.
Mm, if this is just a complete fabrication, I can simply enjoy it as interesting reading material. But if it seems like she got the information from actual informants... I'll definitely need to watch the situation and deal with it if necessary.
That's right, I borrowed it because I may need to deal with the situation. It's most definitely not because I wanted to read it because I thought it seemed interesting.
I just want you to understand that.
"But, how to say it... what a waste of talent. With this kind of interesting concept, she could probably make a tourist guide for the capital or something and have it sell."
"Yes, that is definitely one positive. While it's an unusual drawing style, her drawings are charming and cute - it would surely be popular."
"Shall I propose this idea to Father and commission her if there's an opportunity?"
"I would be grateful. Lately, if I talk to his Majesty the King about my daughter's positive, he refuses to listen to me, saying that I just think that because I'm such a doting father. Why is his Majesty so blind to her idiotic cuteness?"
"... I see. While I will avoid statements on that subject, if I want to make a proposal to Father, I would need Lady Bertia to make another book. I cannot show him this book, after all."
"I will try to make my daughter make one when I see my chance. For now, the problem at hand is... the fact that my daughter is passionately trying to make me into a criminal, perhaps? Every day, morning to night, all she talks about is that. Until this situation is dealt with, I do not believe that she will consider anything else."
"That's... how should I say it... my sympathies."
Since it's Lady Bertia we're talking about, I expected her to make good on her words. And from my envoy's reports, I had thought that I understood the gist of the situation... but hearing it from the marquis himself makes me feel rather sorry for not stopping her.
As a simple observer, I can't do anything but consider it amusin... I mean, worry for him in a detached manner, but the marquis himself probably can't stand it.
And also I feel like Marquis Noches has actually somewhat aged.
Well then, what should I do?
If I could, I would prefer to let Lady Bertia do as she pleases for a bit longer, since that would be more amusin... I mean, that would allow me to obtain more useful information, but at this rate, Marquis Noches may get depressed and fall ill. That would trouble my father due to the marquis' inability to fulfill his duties towards the administration of the kingdom.
... Oh, that's it. I just need to have Marquis Noches build up a bit of an immunity towards Lady Bertia's rampage.
If he could just simply enjo... calmly deal with Lady Bertia when she runs wild, he would probably deal with it himself somehow - he's very talented, after all.
In that case...
"Marquis Noches, if Lady Bertia does anything particularly bad, I will stop her as her fiancé. I believe that it may be a good idea to not take her words and actions to heart. She's going through puberty right now - she's probably starting to like bad boys, like a lot of other girls her age."
"But in that case, would she not normally want you, your Highness, to become bad, rather than her father?"
"She really loves her father, after all. She probably admires you more than myself. That's why she must want to see her ideal man in you."
"That can't... no, never mind, that could be it."
... I'm rather proud of myself for not inadvertently muttering 'stupidly doting father'.
"Additionally, as you can see, I'm still young. I do not have the right appearance to pull off the bad boy look. She surely thought that your dandiness gave you a charm that best fit that ideal."
"I see. Your Highness, you sometimes exude an... aura... sometimes, after all. My daughter likely thought that there was no need to encourage you to be evil."
"... Marquis Noches?"
Didn't you just casually say something incredibly rude?
And Zeno, I can tell that you're furiously nodding your head with sparkling eyes even if you're behind me, you know?
"Oh, I apologize. That was rude of me. I've been a bit tired lately, worrying too much about my daughter. I've often insulted people lately. In fact, earlier in front of his Majesty, I even murmured 'Gush about your family somewhere else. You dimwit. Hurry up and finish things up.' Ha ha ha..."
Looking a little brighter, Marquis Noches lets out a lighthearted laugh... but Marquis Noches - no, father and daughter both - just what do they think of us royalty?
I would like to thoroughly hear just what they think sometime.
"So then, it's like this? I consider my daughter's words and actions as a form of love, and if she goes to far, all I can do is punish her - watching over her otherwise? ... I see. It makes me feel a little gloomy, but I will bear with it as you've promised to deal with it if she does something."
Marquis Noches had finally brightened up a little, but his expression clouds over again at the thought of the future.
... Is it just my imagination, or is he trying to push dealing with all of Lady Bertia's troublesome actions over to me?
Could you come asking for advice after you've done your best as her father?
Despite how I may look... no, just like I look, I'm still a twelve-year-old child, you know? I'm someone who hasn't even made their social debut yet, you realize?
"If it's too difficult for you, why don't you ask your wife for help? She is both your child, after all, so she would gladly help you, no? And as they're both women, perhaps she may better understand your daughter's feelings or talk with her more smoothly."
"That idea has promise. However, I thought it a little disgraceful as a man to complain or whine in front of women or children. I believe my wife may get exasperated with me..."
Like I've been saying, you do realize I'm still technically a child that hasn't even made their social debut?
Are you alright with not only complaining in front of me, but going as far as asking me for help?
... For now, I feel like if I back down now, he'll make me deal with all the annoying things. Shall I do my best to convince him to get his wife to work hard?
"What are you saying, Marquis Noches? Women spoil men who are normally calm and composed that start complaining in front of them. They feel it's 'special' and thus find you endearing - didn't you know? Apparently after I go to sleep, Father often goes to Mother's room to get her to spoil him as he grouches. The next day, they're even more annoyin... lovey-dovey than usual. According to Father, the secret to a happy marriage is to occasionally trigger your wife's maternal instincts."
"W - what did you say!? T - they do such things!? H - how disgraceful. But well, if my wife enjoys it, some embarrassment on my part is... and if I could have my lovely wife comfort me, I may cheer up a little... but still..."
After opening his eyes wide at my words, he glances back in forth, looking agitated.
He's quite similar to Lady Bertia in this way. It's amusing.
"Marquis Noches, comfort is important at times even for us men. Also, Father told me that spouses should help each other. I believe that it's important for you to be able to relax and get help at home precisely because you play an important role that helps support the heart of the country."
"Y - you think so as well, your Highness? I see. I see, that's true! I think I should be brave and try to get my wife to spoil me," says the marquis, his eyes sparkling as he nods in agreement.
"Why of course," I say, nodding back with a smile.
I feel like his motivation has shifted a little from getting advice about Lady Bertia to getting spoiled by his wife, but well, it doesn't really matter so long as it doesn't adversely affect me, I guess?
And it's probably good for my future parents-in-law to become closer.
"Very well then your Highness, I will now take my leave. Today, I will finish my work early no matter what and sneak into my wife's room... ahem... I mean, as I need to ask my wife for some important advice, after al."
Your true intentions are written on your face, Marquis Noches.
But well, someone young and pure
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