Newt moved around his room, taking what he wanted to pack and putting into the Muggle Worthy section of his case. His door was open so Tina came into the room, taking a seat on his bed.
"So, you're leaving tomorrow?" she asked, watching as he pulled opened a drawer and took out his pajamas. It was several weeks since the letter had come. They had replied a few days later, saying that the book signing would be on the 15th.
"Uh, yes," he replied. He paused, a frown forming on his forehead. "I don't like the thought of leaving you behind though," he said. They hadn't discussed this and he was afraid she would get upset at him for acting like he thought she couldn't take care of herself. But she didn't seem to mind.
"I'm sure I'll be fine," she said. "Even if I don't remember the last few years, I'm still an adult. I can take care of myself." However, even as she said that she felt doubt creep into her mind. She knew from the letters and from Newt's story that she had lived alone for several months but she didn't remember it and the thought of staying in the apartment alone scared her.
Newt studied Tina. Her face had taken on a far off look and he could see she was nervous. Suddenly, he realized what the most obvious thing to do was. He let out a gasp, mentally slapping himself for not having realized it sooner. Tina's gaze slid back into focus and she looked at him curiously.
"What?" she demanded.
"I've been a complete fool. I don't know why it took me so long to think of this," he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"What?" Tina repeated, an annoyed look forming on her face.
"I just realized, you could always come with me. In fact, it would probably be best if you did."
Tina's look of annoyance was quickly transforming into one of alarm. "Why would I be going to England with you?" she asked. "What reason would I have?"
"Well, I am currently responsible for providing for you, seeing as you can't work right now." Tina scowled and Newt quickly offered another option. "Besides, Queenie lives in England and you'll get to see her again."
Tina let out a long breath. "Alright then," she said, trying to sound reluctant despite the excitement that was quickly building inside her. The thought of traveling to England with Newt thrilled her. Then she suddenly realized the problem with that plan and frowned slightly. "How are we going to get me a ticket so last minute?"
Newt frowned as well. "I didn't think of that. I suppose I should go deal with that right away." He slipped out of the room, making his way towards the door. She got to her feet and followed him, watching as he pulled on his grey, wool coat. "I'll be right back, Tina," he murmured. "You should probably start packing."
"But what if you can't get me a ticket?"
"That's unlikely," Newt said. "Anyway, if I really can't then I'm smuggling you into England."
Tina looked appalled. "That's illegal!" she exclaimed.
He laughed slightly. "It'll be fine. I'll get a ticket. Don't worry."
He pulled the door opened and left the apartment. Tina felt a grin spread across her face as the door closed behind him.
Newt's going to take me to England, she thought happily. I'll get to see Queenie again but I'll also still be with Newt. She had accepted the fact that she enjoyed having him around. She had been surprised when she realized she didn't mind the fact that Newt loved her. She had always been disgusted when a man claimed to be attracted to her but when Newt had said it, she didn't mind. He hasn't mentioned it since our conversation, though, she realized. Of course, she hadn't expected him to.
She turned quickly and moved towards her room. She pulled out her suitcase and began packing some clothes. She grabbed her favorite pair of pajamas and slipped them into the case. She moved around her room, packing quickly. Then she moved to her dresser and pulled out her jewelry box. The only thing she had found in there that she wore was the thin gold chain she currently had on but she wanted to have something else with her as well.
Tina carefully lifted the lid and looked into the small box. Only one thing stood out to her. It was the silver chain with the diamond pendant that she had been fascinated by before. She didn't know when she would wear it but she liked the thought of having it. After taking the necklace out of the box, she conjured another, smaller box and carefully set the necklace inside. Then she slipped the box in her suitcase.
Newt made his way to the ticket office. He quickly found himself at the end of a long line of people. The line moved slowly. Several long minutes later, he finally reached the desk.
"How can I help you?" the man behind the counter asked.
"Uh, I've got a ticket for the ship to England that leaves tomorrow," he started.
"Is there a problem with that ticket?" the man asked, sounding mildly annoyed.
"No, but I need to get a second ticket for a friend of mine. She wasn't going to be coming until today," Newt explained. "I was hoping you could tell me if it would be possible to get a room next to mine?"
"May I see your ticket, sir?"
"Uh, yes," Newt stammered. "Just a moment." He dug in his pocket until he found his passport. Pulling it out, he found his ticket and handed it to the man.
The man studied, the ticket. "Hmm. Let me check this." He pulled out a few pieces of paper and began looking at things. He frowned slightly. He looked up. "Unfortunately, all the rooms on your hall are booked. In fact," he went on, glancing down at the papers again. "It seems that all the second class rooms are booked."
Newt frowned. "Well, is there anything we can do?" he asked desperately.
"I'm sorry but no, I don't think so," the man said, not sounding sorry at all. He handed Newt's ticket back to him. "You could always change your ticket to a third class ticket and purchase one for her as well. There are free, third class rooms that are side by side." The man looked him up and down, an ironic look forming on his face. "Of course, the same applies for first class, though I doubt you have that kind of money."
Newt looked down at the ticket, fighting a frown. He had more than enough money to pay for two first class tickets, despite what his appearance showed. Something on the slip of paper in his hands caught his eye.
"Just a minute," he said. "My room has two beds, doesn't it? All the single rooms had been taken when I purchased this ticket and I had to pay extra for the double room, even though I was alone. Would it be possible to just get a ticket for her to share this room?" he asked.
The man looked annoyed. "Well, yes," he said.
"Okay, then," Newt breathed. "Can I just purchase the ticket then?"
"Give me a minute," the man said.
He rummaged around before producing a pen and quickly writing something down on a slip of paper. He turned and did something that Newt couldn't see. When he came back to the window, he handed Newt the ticket. Newt paid for it, slipping the two tickets into his passport and pocketing it.
"Thank you," he mumbled before leaving quickly. He found a corner and Disapparated, making his way back to the apartment.
When he entered the apartment, he saw Tina moving about her room, tossing things randomly into her suitcase. He moved to join her and she looked up at him, an expectant look on her face.
"You've made quite the mess," he observed with a chuckle.
Tina shrugged. "I started out neat enough but I decided it would be faster to do it this way." She pointed her wand at the case. With a flick of her wrist, the contents of the case rearranged themselves neatly.
"Fair enough."
Tina dropped onto her bed, looking up at him. "Well?"
Newt frowned worriedly. "Well, I managed to get you a ticket," he started.
"But?" Tina asked, correctly guessing his next word.
"But the problem is, they didn't have another second class cabin. In order to avoid having to put one or both of us in third class cabins or paying a ridiculous amount of money for first class cabins, we're going to have to share a room. My room already had two beds so . . ." He trailed off, looking up at her nervously.
Tina frowned. "Oh . . ."
"I understand if you don't feel comfortable--"
"No, it'll be fine," Tina interrupted. "We've got magic, right? It won't be a problem."
Newt breathed a sigh of relief. "Right," he agreed. "We'll just see what happens tomorrow." His eyes flickered towards her suitcase. "Are you packed?"
Tina shrugged. "I think so but you're not."
"No, not yet," he replied. "It won't take me long though."
He turned and made his way to his own room. Tina got to her feet and followed him, taking a seat on his bed. She watched as he moved around his room, neatly packing things into his suitcase.
"Is that your case?" she asked, looking at the object sitting on the bed beside her. "I mean, the one where you keep all your creatures?"
"Uh huh," he said.
"But it's not leading down into your shed now," she pointed out.
Newt shrugged. "I designed it to have two insides. One is where all my creatures are kept but the other is the Muggle Worthy setting. This setting is just a regular inside of a suitcase, though I'll admit it is a bit deeper than a Muggle suitcase. Then again, most magical suitcases are."
Tina frowned slightly. "What's a Muggle?" she asked. "You keep using this word and I have no idea what you're talking about."
He looked up at her, startled. "I'm sorry. I keep forgetting you don't remember things like that. Muggle is just the British term for No-Maj."
She gave him a funny look. "You Brits are weird," she observed.
"Not really," he argued. "If anything, it's you Americans who are weird. I mean, you have such strict laws regarding magical and non-magical relations and yet you call non-magical people 'No-Majs'. I mean, it's a pretty obvious name." He hesitated. "Though I'll admit I had no idea what you were talking about the first time you used that word."
Tina let out a laugh. "So it's not actually that obvious," she giggled. "As long as the No-Majs don't know what we're talking about, does it really matter what we call them?"
Newt shook his head. "Of course not. Besides, No-Maj isn't the most obvious term for non-magical people. I mean, in France they use the term 'Non-Magique' which is literally French for no magic."
She stared at him. "Then how do they keep that a secret?" she demanded.
Newt shrugged. "I don't know but they're also not a strict as America is so I guess it's not a big deal." He turned and quickly finished packing his suitcase. "There we go. Why don't I make us some supper?"
Tina nodded and they left his room. She dropped into her seat at the table and watched as Newt pulled out his wand and quickly began preparing a meal. A few minutes later he set the food on the table. She waved her own wand and dishes flew from the cupboard, settling on the table. Then a tiny smile formed on her lips and she flicked her wrist again. Two candle holders and candles flew to the table, one settling at each end of the table. The flame flickered to life as the lights in the rest of the apartment went out.
Newt glanced at her curiously as he took his seat. "What's with the candles?" he asked.
"Queenie and I would use them sometimes. It makes it feel much cozier," she explained. And more romantic, she thought, though she quickly shoved that thought away.
Newt smiled sadly. "You know, the first meal we ever had together was at this table with candles."
"Really?" Tina said, tilting her head to one side.
"Uh huh. You dragged Jacob and me here, we met Queenie, and the four of us shared a candlelit dinner. It was quite awkward for us actually, Queenie spent the whole meal flirting with Jacob and he spent the whole times staring at her." He stopped suddenly. "I'm telling you too much."
Tina rolled her eyes. "Come on, Newt. It's been almost three months and I haven't remembered anything. The last time we went to MACUSA, Gallagher said you could start telling me things."
Newt sighed. "I know. It's just . . . it's strange to have to tell you about everything we went through together. I mean, you were a part of all of that and you can't remember any of it. I promise I'll tell you how we met at some point, I'm just not ready to do it yet."
"That's okay," Tina said gently.
They began eating, neither of them saying anything for several minutes. Eventually, Tina broke the silence.
"We met in December, right?" she asked. "Two years ago?"
Newt nodded. "It was on the 6th of December," he said. "I remember that clearly."
"Really?" she asked, startled.
"Uh huh."
"Newt, it is the 6th of December," she pointed out.
A small smile formed on Newt's lips. "That's true. I hadn't realized that."
"So we've known each other for exactly two years," she observed with a laugh. Then her face fell. "And I only remember three months of it."
Newt hesitantly reached across the table to cover her hand with his. "It's okay, Tina," he reminded her. "It's not your fault and I'll tell you about the rest. I promise."
She nodded and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze before pulling away, quickly eating another bite of food. She immediately missed the contact but she also went back to eating. The next morning, they'd be on a boat to England and they'd have plenty of time to spend together. We've got plenty of time together anyway, she reminded herself. We're living together because he's taking care of me.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please vote and comment.
The title of this chapter is "Invitatio" which means "invitation" because Newt invites Tina to come with him.
I meant to finish this chapter yesterday but I spent quite a lot of time seeing if I could find out how much a second class ticket from New York to London cost in the 1920s. I couldn't find anything.
Here's a picture of the necklace that I was supposed to put in the chapter that first mentioned it.
Anyway, have a good day!
Written March 3, 2019.
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