(Before we start, I'd appreciate it if you took the time to read the Author's Note and the end when you're done with the chapter.)
Tina climbed down the ladder into Newt's case and left the shed in search of her husband.
"There you are," she smiled when she found him.
He looked up and grinned back. Pulling her closer, he pressed a kiss to her lips.
"I was wondering when you'd turn up," he said.
"You could have woken me up, you know. I could have helped you feed them." Tina gestured around her.
Newt shook his head. "No, you were so tired last night and you've been so focused on our last assignment I figured you should get to sleep in on our day off."
"You should have gotten to sleep in too."
"I did, a bit, but I wasn't as tired as you were and I had to get up to feed everyone down here."
Tina pouted. "I miss having you there when I wake up."
"I usually am," he pointed out. "Now, why don't we go get something to eat?"
"So, what do you think we should do today?" Newt asked as he and Tina cleared the table. "It's not often we've both got a day off."
"Let's go for a walk," Tina suggested. "It's been ages since we've done that."
"We'll go on a walk then," he agreed. "I'll just finish up here first."
"Let me help you."
A few minutes later, they had finished clearing up and were getting ready to leave the apartment. Tina quickly buttoned up her coat and tied the belt at her waist. Newt cast a spell to silence their footsteps as they slipped out of the building. When they were safely outside, Tina slipped her arm through his and they started down the street.
"You know, we really should consider getting a new appartment," Tina observed.
"What's wrong with ours?"
"Nothing," she replied. "But it is a bit small, and you're techinically not supposed to be there."
Newt chuckled. "I don't mind sneaking in. It's easy with magic."
"So you don't want to move?" Tina asked.
"I don't have a problem with moving," Newt said. He hesitated. "It's just . . . I thought you might not want to move."
Tina frowned. "Why not?"
"Well, you have lived there for a long time," he pointed out. "It is your home."
"Just because I've lived there for several years doesn't make it my home," she laughed. "Besides, we're probably going to move to London at some point, aren't we?"
"We don't have to."
"Of course we do. All your creatures are there and so are your family and my sister. It doesn't make sense for us to stay here."
"What about your job?"
"It's just a job. I can work as an Auror for the Ministry," Tina suggested. "Your brother could arrange that, couldn't he?"
"I suppose he could, if that's what you really wanted."
"Yes, eventually, but in the mean time, I think we should look into getting a bigger place to live. One where you can enter without sneaking past the landlady."
"Well, I'm sure that won't be too hard to arrange," Newt promised.
Newt looked up to as his wife approached. He smiled at the sight of her wearing one of his button down shirts. It was still quite early, but he had woken up and hadn't been able to get back to sleep.
"Good morning," he greeted as she sunk into the sofa beside him.
"Morning," she mumbled sleepily.
They shared a brief kiss. Then Newt turned back to his book. Tina rested her head on his shoulder and slipped her hand into his.
"Newt," she whispered.
"I remember."
He turned to look at her. Hope burned in his chest, and he needed to know if she meant what he thought she did. "Everything?"
She nodded. "I remember Holder getting injured on that mission in 1925 and I remember when he died. I remember attacking Mrs Barebone and loosing my job. I remember meeting you, arresting you, that first dinner with you and Jacob, helping you catch your creatures. . . . We were nearly executed, but we ended up catching Grindelwald, and I got my job back.
"I remember not wanting you to leave because I had already started to fall in love with you. You promised to bring my book but you didn't and that stupid magazine said you were engaged so I started dating that idiot. I remember having a fight with my sister about Jacob and leaving her behind to go search for Credence. I remember you finding me and I remember when you told me that it was your brother who was marrying Leta.
"I remember that awful gathering in the mausoleum. We nearly lost both Queenie and Leta and all of Paris was nearly destroyed. Then we went back to London and stayed with you for a few months. I remember falling in love with you a little more every day, but I couldn't do anything about it because of Tolliver. Then Queenie and Jacob got married and Leta and Theseus got married and then I returned to New York on my own.
"I broke up with Tolliver, and when you came to visit we shared our first kiss. Then you had to go away for a little bit, but you came back and Queenie and Jacob came to visit for my birthday. You proposed to me on my birthday. Then, about a month later, Queenie and Jacob had come to tell us they were expecting a baby, but I had to go on that mission shortly after they arrived."
Newt listened to all this in silence, staring at his wife in awe. Light from the fire danced across her face, making her dark hair glow. He was certain she had never been more beautiful, and when she had finished her story, he reached up to pull her into a kiss.
"You really do remember everything," he murmured when they pulled away.
He felt her hands on his cheeks and realised that he was crying. Tina also had tears trickling down her own cheeks so he reached up to wipe them away before kissing her again.
"I love you," he whispered. "And I loved you without your memories too."
"I know," she smiled, kissing him gently. "And I love you all the more for it."
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the final chapter! Please vote and comment!
The title of this chapter is "Integrum" which means 'complete'.
And it's done! It has now been two years since I started this book and it is wonderful to have finally finished it. Anyone who has read the author's note on the very first chapter will know that this book was inspired by another story where Tina had amnesia. It was a really good book and it was my favourite book on Wattpad. Unfortunately, it was never finished so when I started writing this book, I was determined that I would finish it. There were several times where I may have seemed like I was never going to get it done, but here we are! I am very glad I can say that, while I may have several unfinished books, I have never abandoned one yet.
For anyone who's curious as to what I'll be working on next, I've got a few projects in this fandom that I'm thinking of doing (as well as several others in several other fandoms). There are three main projects in particular:
(1) The first is one I've already started and that is Hanging On. I came up with the idea for this book nearly two years ago and my original plan for that story included 30 chapters. However, that was a long time ago and I've forgotten some of the ideas I had so I'll probably rewrite my plan to make it shorter since I never wanted it to be that long in the first place. I'm really looking forward to that book though because it'll have quite a lot of angst and I haven't even introduced that plot of that book yet. (Yes, I love writing angsty stories. Does that make me a horrible person? I don't think so.)
(2) The second one is something I mentioned a little while ago. For anyone who doesn't know, Love is Patient was the first book I ever wrote and there are several things I'm not happy about including Leta's characterisation. I've decided to rewrite the book, but I'll publish it seperately so that people can still read the original.
(3) The third project is something I haven't started yet, but mainly because I didn't want to interfere with meeting my deadline for finishing this book. I came up with idea about two weeks ago and I'm very excited to start writing it. It's not exactly an original idea and I know it's been done many times, possibly even for Newtina, but I wanted to give it ago myself. For several reasons, it'll be nearly impossible for me to use actual pictures of the characters to make a cover so I decided to attempt to draw to cover picture myself. I'm not going to tell you what the actual idea for the story is yet, but I will let you see part of the cover that I've drawn so far.
It's not done yet and I'm planning to add colour later, but I'm proud of it so far. We'll see how it comes along. Feel free to let me know what you think the story might be about if you've got any guesses.
Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that. It has been two whole years and I'm so glad I can finally say that it's finished. I really hope you've enjoyed this book and thank you all for reading. I want to say a special thank you to everyone who has been reading ever since I posted the first chapter two years ago and has stuck with me, even with the months long gaps between updates. You guys are awesome even if you always told me to take my time and not feel any pressure when the 'pressure' probably would have gotten the book out a bit faster. I love you all and thank you so much for reading.
Have a great day!
Published: 16 February 2021
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