It's almost time

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Paul wakes up. As he tries to stand up he gets the worst headache. "Fuck" Paul lays back down and looks up at his ceiling. Sighs."Why-" Paul looks over at his desk and reachs for the poster. "When does this start? September 20th" so I got one more day before this thing starts. I should probably text my family. Before I leave, I'll miss them" Paul tries to get up. Paul weakly walks to the kitchen where their phone is. Paul texts his family's group chat. "Okay know time to wait and see of they saw the text." And hour passes by and no one saw the text. "oh" Paul looks down. "My head hurts so bad!"

(This drawing looks so bad😭)

"UGH!" Paul exclaims "I need to lay down-" Paul walks to his bed and lays down. Then He falls asleep.


Pippa is sleeping then hears knocking at her door. "Who is it?!" Pippa asked. "Pippa who do you think it is-?" Bella keeps knocking at the door. Pippa walks to the door and opens it letting Bella in. "So Pippa ready for tomorrow?" Bella gets in Pippas face. Pippa blushes a little bit. "What's tomorrow?" Pippa looks at Bella. "You literally forgot. The competition! Of course!" Bella steps back out of Pippa's face "I didn't say that I was joining-" Pippa said. "WHAT-?!" Bella excailmed. "Yeah I never said I would join yo-" "BUT WHY!" Bella interrupted Pippa. "Because I don't really want to." Pippa look at Bella "sorry." Pippa quietly said. "But it'll be fun!" Bella nudges Pippa. "I guess I'll do it-" Pippa replied. "HELL YEAHHHH!!!" Bella yelled. "Woo-" Pippa Replies.

(At Bryn's)
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm" Bryn quietly says "This is boring I'm out." Ash gets up and walks out of Bryn's house.

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