Big Investigation

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Half of the BFB cast had died. They try to ask 4 and X to bring them back. But no luck. This was the first time they couldn't bring them back. This led to the others burying them. Some were upset. And some were angered. But one thing was in their mind, what exactly killed them?

Leafy: (sigh) I miss Firey.

Naily: How about we try recovering them?

Pencil: We tried to remember. 4, X, or 2 couldn't do it.

Naily: Oh yeah.

Cloudy: Wait! Doesn't the talking box have a recovery center?

Lightning: We tried that too. That just made the recovery centers explode.

Cloudy: Oh yeah.

Barf Bag: This Is Outrageous!! How Could Someone Do This To Us!!

Lollipop: If only we can figure out who could've done this.

Liy: Like we do an investigation.

Lollipop: Exactly!

Coiny: Now wait a minute! Nobody did this, it just randomly happened!!

Golfball: That is incorrect. According to my calculations. There is a 95.784% chance that someone might have done this!

Coiny: They Died Randomly!! We Don't Even Know What Actually Killed Them!!

Clock: Hey maybe someone sabotaged 4, X, and 2's powers so that they couldn't revive them.

Coiny: I don't think-

Golfball: Sounds like that could be the solution! Everyone Follow Me!!

*Everyone followed Golfball. Except Coiny.*

Coiny: Oh boy.

*All of them go to see 4, X, and 2.*

Tennisball: 4! X! 2!

4: Wha- What do you guys want!?

Donut: We Think Someone Might Have Sabotaged Your Powers!

2: What? That's nonsense!

X: Yeah. We're fine. Are we?

Gaty: You guys probably ate something bad that might have messed it up.

Black Hole: Maybe you injured yourself badly?

Eraser: I usually get beat down if I don't have enough sleep.

4: Guys guys. Look, I know we couldn't revive anyone earlier.

2: But that doesn't mean our power is messed up!

X: Just watch.

*4 uses their powers and kills Teardrop.*

Taco: Wha- What Did You Do That For!!?

4: Wait for it!

*Then they used their powers to recover Teardrop.*

Golfball: Woah. I did not see that coming.

Eggy: I don't understand. How are you able to recover Teardrop but not the rest?

2: Well, me, 4, and the other Alegbraliens have done some research. And it's something we've never seen before.

Needle: Well, what is it?

X: Come with us.

*They all go to the equation playground. 4 grabs the bag that 7 had in their hand. They put on some gloves and grab what's inside the bag.

4: This is what we picked up when half of you guys died.

Everyone: EW!

Price Tag: What Is That!?

2: It came from the fumes of fear!

Snowball: What now?

7: Fumes of Fear creates your worst fear.

9: And if you don't face it, you'll die in your mind!

8: But you can only get physically killed if someone got a bunch of crystals to activate the eternity belt!

6: And it looks like someone got those crystals and killed half of you guys.

5: And the thing is, if you had this fume in you, there's no way of you coming back.

X: And that's why we can't recover anyone.

Bell: But Why!!? Who Would Do Something Like That!!

Coiny: We don't know! And maybe it's for the best we don't.

Winner: What are you saying?

Coiny: Look. I know it's hard for you guys that someone you cared about is not here anymore! I'm deeply upset that Pin isn't here! But the truth is, there's no way of bringing them back. And we just need to move on from it!

Golfball: Well I'm Not! I Still Say There's A Chance Of Bringing Everyone Back! Everyone! Let's Head To My Underground Factory! We Can Build A Super Duper Recovery Center And Get Our Friends Back!!

Tennisball: Yeah! Let's Go!!

Everyone: YEAH!!

*They all left again. Leaving Coiny behind once more.*

Coiny: Ugh!! I miss them too. But why get our hopes up if we can't get them back!

*That's when he hears a portal being open in the middle of the woods.*

4: What is that?

Coiny: I don't know. I'll go check it out!

*He runs to the woods to see what was going on or where the portal was coming from. He finds the portal being opened. He hides behind a bush. That's when he sees Nickel coming out of the portal. He starts to run, scared. He ran so fast that he tripped on something.*

Nickel: AHHHH!!

*He fell and hit his knee on a rock. That's when Coiny came out of the bush to help him.*

Nickel: AH! My Knee! Great! Just Great!

Coiny: Nickel?

*They both look at each other. Nickel looked at him with a shocked look. Coiny looked at him with a concerned look. Wondering why he was so shocked to see him. 10 minutes later, Nickel had a cast on and they were both sitting by a tree.*

Coiny: So uh, how have things been?

Nickel: (Sigh) Could be better.

Coiny: Why are you visiting anyway?

Nickel: Well, things haven't been the same ever since MePhone died. So I just thought I would hang out here for TPOT.

Coiny: Inanimate Insanity got canceled?

Nickel: No it's still going. But it will take a while to find a new host. What about you? You look like you had a rough time.

Coiny: I am. It's just that half of our cast died. And now everyone is just getting their hopes up finding a way to bring everyone back even though they can't!

Nickel whispered to himself: Crap, it got to them too!

Coiny: What got to us?

Nickel: Umm. Nothing! It's not important.

*Coiny gets up and goes in front of Nickel.*

Coiny: You know something and you're not telling me. What happened!? Why is half of our cast dead!?

Nickel: Ok Fine! Look, we didn't mean to kill everyone ok! We were just trying to do our part and save everyone from all the damage that Cobs did! Turns out, he did that to distract us! And he killed half of the population! Including half of our friends! I thought he just killed half of it from our home! I didn't know he killed more people outside of our home! And what makes this worse, it's my fault this happened!

Coiny: Dude. Don't say that. This Cobs guy was just distracting you.

Nickel: But It Is My Fault! Because Of Me, Both Of My Friends Died! Because I Was In Their Stupid Fear! I Ran Away When My Crew Needed Me!! And Now Everyone Thinks We're Useless Because We Caused Everyone To Be Killed!! And I don't even know what to do anymore.

*Nickel started to tear up. Coiny put his hand on his shoulder.*

Coiny: I understand that it's tough. You have so much pressure on top of you that you lose focus on what you were supposed to do. And I can imagine how much it hurts when half of your friends get killed because of that. But don't let that think it's your fault. And don't let anyone think it's your fault. But no matter what happens, you know I'm gonna be by your side.

*He pulls out his hand to give Nickel a fist pump.*

Coiny: Los hermanos se mantienen unidos.

*Nickel was hesitating on giving him a bit to give him a fist bump. But instead he gave him a hug.*

Nickel: Los hermanos se mantienen unidos.

*Coiny hugged him back. They both decided to get out of the woods. They see everyone outside standing there like if they were waiting for them.*

Coiny: Oh. Guys. I thought you were-

Fries: We heard everything Coiny.

Coiny: Oh! Wait guys it's not-

Tree: Look Nickel, we understand that it's not your fault or your friends fault that this happened.

Lollipop: Cuz we know you guys wouldn't do something like this.

Flower: But there's one thing we need you to do.

*Nickel had a worried look.*

Flower: When you guys get back on your feet, promise you'll find a way to bring back everyone.

*Nickel looked worried. He looked at everyone. And he looked back at Coiny. Then he made his choice.*

Nickel: Don't worry. I promise.

To Be Continued

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