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42 BBY
Attack of the clones

Eris was just as prepossessing and heavenly as she left it, the tropic and now parching climate entering its solstice state, as the eclipse passed and settled securely away. With Naboo and Eris being sister planets, the landscape and overall appearance was predominantly the same; oppressive and intense summers, turquoise translucent waters, and viridescent natural trees and plants.  It was peak time where the wildlife began to flourish again and the once unlighted and bitter weather, sweetened once again.

The celebration of Helios was the night approaching, an event where family's and friends came together outside the Queens home to light beautifully decorated lanterns, holding personal notes and belongings. With that they would be set off into the endless abisque of the dark night sky, as a collective goodbye to the void of darkness which coated and sheltered their homes for months on end.

For years Odessa Tove watched and observed the partying from her grand sized balcony by herself, isolated and alone whilst she gazed at the bundle of light reach the air and spread across the sky. Sometimes she'd show her face, greet a few people and convert friendly and polite conversation, but that was rare. Usually her body was rapped firmly in her own embrace, left alone with her thoughts and loneliness.

This year however was different.

Her eyes hesitated for a moment, allowing the collection of beaming candles scattered along the stone pathway to guide her vision. The garden which she had grown up in and adored heavily looked much different in the dark, the ravishing flowers being tucked away in the shadows as the trees swayed gently in the hushed wind. Lanterns which too were illuminated in translucent yellow lights, hung from the branches and pillars moving down the aisle, where two figures waited patiently.

Anakin could hear her footsteps when he turned around, his smile growing once his eyes lay on his fiancé and soon to be wife walking through the lighted pathway. She refused to look up, but the young Jedi's heart still swelled at the sight of bundles of white fabric layers.

Odessa couldn't believe she was getting married at eighteen and to Anakin Skywalker of all people, the chosen one. Her body was covered in compact lavish layers of lace which snaked around her wrists and upper arms, leaving her shoulders empty and out. The white intense colour was enough to make her brunette hair project against the fabric, the detailed and precise bun holding her natural curls which held lilies and pearls that ultimately matched the simple yet elegant headpiece on the roof of her head.

As she reached him, his hands gentle pulled the veil from her face, where her angelic and glowing skin radiated with happiness and warmth. He couldn't help but stare, being even more captivated by her beauty the longer he took in every detail of her. Odessa Tove truly was the most beautiful woman in the universe.

The ceremony was small and isolated, the two of them only being accompanied by a priest sworn to secrecy, Artoo and C3p0. But it was perfect nonetheless, the perfect place and perfect scenery.

As the vows and sacramental speech was finished, the priest passed the two a small lantern, her brown eyes meeting his blue as their hands met to hold it together.

"It's a tradition for all newly weds in Eris." The priest announced "To let go off the lantern together as a symbol of letting go of your old lives and welcoming the new, as a team in complete unity and love."

He continued "When you both let this source of light go, you are both sealing a bond greater then anything in the universe, marriage. I now pronounce you Anakin and Odessa Skywalker, you may now kiss the bride."

Anakin nodded, staring lovingly at his new wife as they both nodded "I love you."

They both let go off the lantern "I love you too."

And as the small bundle of energy swept away in the wind, the couple pulled each other into a soft and passionate kiss, a seal to a love which they would ultimately drive to the grave.


Warm embraces welcomed her into the new journey of her life, his hands trailing her back as she sat on his lap "Thing's are going to be different now, aren't they?"

Anakin sighed, only pulling his wife into his closer embrace, her hair now pulled down and removed from any heavy and uncomfortable items, blowing gently in the wind "As long as your by my side, nothing matters to me."

She rapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair "There's a war on the rise, Anakin. Soon you're be pulled to your duty's and I'll be tied to mine."

There was a sense of sadness in her words, ones which Anakin Skywalker quickly picked up on. He trailed onto kissing her neck, placing his lip all the way back from her jawline to her collarbones, smoothly and tenderly.

"Live in the moment, my love." He muttered "Not even my loyalty's to the Jedi will stop me from seeing you."

"Even in the mists of a war?" She questioned softly "Don't let our love blind you from helping others, they will need your help out there."

He hesitated for a moment, pulling the brunette into his arms as he lifted her up from the ground "Anakin!"

Odessa squealed as she was settled down onto the cold marble floor off her balcony, the dark night sky surrounding the two as they stared out into the vast surroundings. People continued to party, readying their lanterns as the day almost finished.

She couldn't help but let her cheeks blush slightly as his hands never left her body, his cold and tender hands being a source of comfort in the heat of her wedding dress. His arms were strong nothing to hold every inch of her fears, he completed her.

"After everything, I will always pick you." Anakin spoke "You have a place in my heart, no one could ever have."

She turned to him "I will never finish loving you Anakin Skywalker."

"And you're the stars in my empty night sky, Odessa Skywalker."

Her eyes trailed to their wedding rings before she nudged him, the small bands of white gold reflecting a cosmic and blazing collection of light "I don't think the night sky is empty anymore."

Hundreds of thousands of lanterns filled the once vacant sky, a beautiful sight which blessed the twos eyes. They were scattered everywhere with every persons, love, hope, miracles and memories, a memory which in the married couples eyes, they would never forget. It was simple them, nothing else or nothing more. Hand in hand, her and him, together, tomorrow, forever.



Authors notes:

Hello everyone! So that's a rap for episode 2! So exiting. I really loved the last two chapters of attack of the clones because I really just think it's showing Odessa and Anakin on a deep level now, with the idea of marriage and finally officially uniting each other back at Eris. Eris also was such a fun thing to write about, especially with the whole eclipse and their marriage, which by the way was of course slightly influenced by that one tangled scene. But can you blame me?

I think it's going to be so interesting with the clone wars in the next season, because I'm really looking forward to delve in deeper with their relations as husband and wife. I'm really looking forward to write their banter and relationship maturing as they begin to hide their relationship and further develop living together through the war. Obviously Anakin is going to be a lot more possessive with Odessa now, especially as we are now going to see them work together as husband and wife.

I also would quickly like to touch the idea of smut which i haven't written nor even slightly mentioned in this part of the story. In my opinion i see Odessa and Anakin having sex for the first time after the wedding and the conversation they just had on the balcony, but you can interpret this however how you wish. However as most of you are hoping for, the two of them are going to grow a lot more touchy and expressive so don't worry!

Anyways, please continue to vote and even comment! I would love to hear what you have to say. The clone wars will also mostly be following my own story, which I personally don't in-vision as a cartoon. It will follow some of the movie and series but not a lot.


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