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42 BBY

Attack of the clones

Eris was a planet widely recognised for its virtue and attraction, the diminutive sized mass of land and lengthened unique landscapes, being found beside the outer rim, neighbouring its twin orbit of Naboo. For millenniums it was home to great calamity and war, a deprived and adverse area which suffered from civil battles for land and power, that ultimately resulted in a diminishing population and tainted reputation.

Battles however were put forcefully to rest, the Tove bloodline with the advanced help of the Jedi knights, successfully restoring peace and unity into the once loved nation by reclaiming back what was rightfully theirs. Eris was a planet of tenebrosity, a solar eclipse which emitted the land into constant twilight for almost half the destined year. It was a marvelling thing, the spread of dusk and absence of light where the heavens lit up exquisitely with stars by greeting people's eyes to lift both their heads and hearts towards the sky.

It was a promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from cold, and a vastness to bring eternal space to peoples homes.

And yet for a planet so welcoming to the eternal void of nothingness, Odessa Annika Tove could never understand how although being queen of the divine and arresting planet, she was scared of the dark.

"Our relations with Naboo are far too significant, Chancellor, I will not commend further complicated agreements to strengthen your personal gain whilst diminishing my own and my peoples."

Power was not something that Eris lacked, the planet being prime producers for Kyber crystals, a necessary natural resource for a Jedis lightsabour. Emerged beneath crested mountains, the extraction of the crystals where a main livelihood for the people of Eris, who sold the materiel to the republic as a way of regular income.

A jittering voice from a hologram spoke "Of course your majesty but with the increase of the Jedi order and increase in demand, surely you would benefit more from the help of our experienced droids."

"My people are also experienced Chancellor, I would even argue they are more than your droids." The stern and demanding voice of a female explained "I do not wish for my planet to be overrun by your new advanced machinery if you will, the republic must be patience and as I explained to Master Yoda who praised to the accord, must recognise I will not alter my agreement." 

"As you wish your majesty, have a blessed day and may the force be with you."

With that the blue tinted hologram switched off, the woman sat comfortably yet completely upright on the chair furnished out of gold, raising from her position.

"Thank you R2." Odessa mussed as she graced her fingers littered in jewels along the metal of her personal droit, smiling slightly at the small beep received in response "I do hope his voice wasn't as aggravating for you as it was for me."

Odessa trailed adequately around the Castle she considered her home, her extensively long gown dragging smoothly behind her in a collection of laced black fabrics that ravelled all the way up to her waist. It was royal edict to be dressed in the traditional wear of Eris, especially when having  official meetings similar to moments ago. It was a symbol of power, exaggerated dresses which were worn alongside bundles of jewels communally in the colour red and the rightful diadem that belonged to the Queen. Her diadem.

Many in every universe, marvelled on Odessa Tove's beauty a compliment which was often recognised as weakness and softness for the young ruling Queen. However she would consider it the opposite, her beauty being a small benefit to her cunning attitude and intelligence to rule her planet as she should, as a strong and independent women.

Once her mother died when she was only fifteen years of age, Odessa was forced to step up to the significant role of Queen, as the only child of the late ruler and her past hidden lover, Qui-Gon Jinn. It was forbidden for a Jedi to love, the relationship quickly crumbling as their hardship came into light. She visited her father often in secret, going back and worth her hometown of Eris and Jedi temple with the help of her fathers former padwan, Obi won Kenobi. It was a regular meeting the young brunette relished in, enjoying the company of her father who explained the way of the force and attempted to teach her before his untimely death. That part of her life was quickly cut off, only being allowed to visit the likes of Obi won and Anakin Skywalker for a few months before she was permanently wished away from all concepts of the force.

"M'lady, we have urgent messages from senator Amidala." One of her generals interrupted as he walked into the room were her right hand lady's where removing parts of her outfit off, ready for bed.

"Padmé?" She spoke softly "Of course general, please proceed."

"She explains that in recent moments she has had an assassination attempt upon her life, an explosion." He explains, making everyone in the rooms breath hitch

Odessa turns towards her hand maidens, indication for them to leave the room as she finished removing the last of jewellery herself "Is she alright?"

"She seems to be." He nodded "However some were lost in the blast."

"Ready my ship for Naboo General-"


"Ready my ship." She repeated sternly "I don't have time to waste."

Turning and clutching onto a night coat to pull around her now cold body, Odessa struggled to contain the outburst or emotion. Padmé was a business partner, a friend and nevertheless her older cousin, someone she had great accustom too. She slipped her arms threw the silk black fabric, rapping around her waist as she walked in hot pursuit towards the door, making it only centimetres from it before she felt a cold object pushed against her head.

She raised her eyebrows and froze, clenching her jaw in frustration "Have you forgotten your place General?"

"I am sorry your majesty but business is business." His voice was clear as he readied the trigger

"I should have known you would have been easily swayed." She mussed "You never did have a backbone to stand on."

"They offered me something I couldn't deny Odessa." His breath became closer "Something even you couldn't offer me."

The young Queen remained silent as she ravelled her hand down to her thigh, gracefully sliding out the blade which she hid in the material covering her wrist.

"Don't worry it will be painless."

"Oh." She pouted mockingly, switching the blade in her hand as she turned it in position "Where's the fun in that?"

Ducking her head away from the pistol, Odessa pushed the small weapon straight into the man's chest, swiping under his arm as he release the gun in pain.

"You-" He hissed in pain as she kicked him away from her again "You're be sorry for that."

"Maybe." She shrugged

The two dived for the pistol that was kicked across the room, the brunette scrambling to grab it as the man lunged onto her hair, pulling her backwards and slamming her into the dresser across the room. Blood seeped from her forehead, the pain driving her as she ran for him again, elbowing him in the face as he attempted to yet again grab the pistol.

"You're a coward." She hissed, punching him again as blood tricked from his mouth "Trying to kill your own Queen how dare you-"

His hands rapped around her neck, sucking the breath out of her he pushed her body onto the floor yet again, her hands clawing at his body to let go. It was no use, her hits becoming weakened as he further tightened his grip. Using her last once of strength however, Odessa motioned her hand towards the candle holder on her bed side, concentrating massively as he hands shock with desperation.

It moved into her grip, the force carrying it as she bashed it against his head with one hard blow , rendering the man unconscious whilst she gasped for breath.


"With you both the force is strong your majesty and young senator. To see the two of you alive brings warm feelings to my heart." Yoda professed making the two females smile softly

Following Odessa's assassination attempt, the young Queen was quick to be ushered out of the comfort of her home planet, leaving it unknowingly in the hands of her most trusted subjects. She despised the idea of running but ultimately it was the only way of decreasing the change of harm towards Eris, drawing the attention away from the planet and more towards were she was moving too. 

The two cousins had been reunited early, their hunger for justice and answers overshadowing all judgement that theirs lives were in grave danger.

"Thank you master Yoda." Padmé spoke gently "Do you have any idea who was behind the attacks?"

"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice minors, on the moons of Naboo." Mace windu explained

Odessa raised her head and left out a deep breath "With all due respect Master Windu but I have reason to believe that this is not the case, I believe master Dooku is behind the matter."

"You know, my lady." Mace Windu started carefully "Count Dooku was once a Jedi, one which was very close to your father. He wouldn't assassinate anyone, it is not in his character."

"And what is his character exactly?" She began "From what I've heard he's hardly the man he once was, the Jedi which my father trained is gone."

"He is a political idealist." Another Jedi spoke "Not a murderer."

"In dark times nothing is what is appears to be, but the fact remains Senator, Odessa, in grave danger you are." Yoda stated, making the two girls look at each other, the younger of the two sensing Padme's discomfort, clutching her hand behind her back.

Palpatine stood up, walking towards the window to get a better view of the vast city "Count Dooku has always avoided any kind of conflict. It appears he has no desire to start war. Why would he kill you both? To what end?"

"I don't know, but everything in my being tells me he was behind it."  Padme agreed

Palpatine turned to Master Windu "Master Jedi, may I suggest that the senator and Queen will be placed under the protection of your graces?"

"Do you think that is a wise use of manpower during these stressful times?" Bail Organa questioned

"Chancellor, if I may comment, I really do not believe that the-"

"..situation is that serious. No but I do senator." Palpatine directed whilst Odessa grew more frustrated at his lack of understanding

"Chancellor I really do not think guards are necessary, we can defend ourselves, my security team is extremely capable." Odessa stated

"And they have done an amazing job." Palpatine nodded in approval "I realise all too well that additional security might be disrupted for you both, but perhaps someone you are both familiar with ..... an old friend ... like master Kenobi."

Odessa kept her face neutral and stern at the mention of her father's old friend, her friend, her mind racing with questions and queries. The last time she had seen the man was her mothers funeral, a short exchange were he expressed his sorrow and hope for the young female who was going to become Queen. She considered him a brother, a man she could always count on, however distanced slightly due to their busy schedules.

"That's possible." The Jedi master replied "He has just returned from a border dispute on Ansion."

"You must remember him Senator, he watched over you during the blockade conflict, and you your majesty seem to have close relation to the Jedi through your late father, his padwan he once was." The man added

"That is not necessary Chancellor."  Odessa continued, despite recognising she was not going to get what she wanted in this circumstance

"Do it for me, my lady's please. I will rest easier. We had a great scare today. The thought of loosing you both is unbearable." He pleaded

She sighed, the two looking at each other as Padme spoke "As you wish chancellor."

"I will have Obi-Wan report to you both immediately." Master Windu nodded as everyone began to raise from their seats

"Too little about yourself you both worry and Senator too much about politics. Be mindful of your danger, Odessa, Padme. Accept our help." Yoda said before following master Windu and leaving the room.


Obi-Wan and Anakin were in an elevator proceeding up to Odessa and Padme's apartment complex, the air tense and strained with nerves. The older male stood calmly and with a natural sense of confidence, were as his young padawan fidgeted with his robes anxiously. He made sure that everything was perfect, adjusting himself to look presentable.

"You seem on edge." He pointed out as his young apprentice dropped his robes

"Not at all." Anakin responded as a way of dismissing the conversation.

He was lying of course, the dread and worry of seeing the girl he had been caught up in with since being a child, being an antagonising taunt in his mind. Of course he had heard about Odessa from obi-wan and the republic who described her as a born leader, a confident young female who faltered for no one. Even as a child she was demanding and stern, always stubborn to making sure everything is going her way. Nonetheless Anakin knew that there was a softness inside Odessa Tove, a loving woman who only wanted the best for the people she loved.

"I haven't felt you this tense, since we fell into the nest of gundarks." Obi-Won continued, Anakin scoffing at his masters remark

"You fell into that nightmare master." Anakin reminded "And I rescued you, remember?"

"Ohh..yes." He let out a laugh as Anakin looked over at him and chuckled "Your sweating, relax. Take a deep breath."

"I haven't seen her in 10 years, master."

Obi-Wan simple shock his head at his padawan's nerves, the intense need to have a conversation with the Queen himself growing as the doors opened. Before his masters ultimate death, he had swore to him he would protect Odessa with his life and guide her towards the right path. So it was somewhat truthful to say he was a little on edge after the near death encounter she had experienced.

"Obi, Obi!" Jar jar explained as he grabbed and shook the Jedi's hand "Mesa so smiled to seeing yousa."

"Good to see you again, Jar Jar." He greeted back

"Senator!" Jar jar called out to Padme who was standing on the balcony in conversation with Captain Typo "Mesa palos here, lookie lookie, Senator."

Padme walked over to the two Jedi, Anakin itching to ask where Odessa was but biting his tongue nonetheless.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, milady." Obi-Wan greeted, Anakin behind him.

"It's been far too long, Master Kenobi." The senator greeted with a heartfelt smile as she shock his hand, turning her attention to his padawan "Ani, my goodness, you've grown."

"So have you." He nodded

She smiled sweetly "Oh Ani, you'll always be that little boy, I knew on Tatoonie."

"And you're always be that Senator, I knew on Naboo."

"She was the Queen actually." Odessa injected, making her presence known as she walking into the room.

Anakin felt his breath hitch, his eyes longing to meet hers as she kept her gaze on anything other than him. She had noticeable changed, a mess of gorgeous chaos that was noticeable in her dark and intense eyes. Her figure was slim and defined, most of it concealed underneath the tight fitted lace dress which clung to her shoulders to reveal her radiant olive toned skin.  Odessa had lengthened brown hair which was left down and natural unlike Padme, tucked complete behind her back to reveal her jewellery ridden neck.

"Obi-Won." She smiled as she pulled the man into a comfortable greeting "It's so good to see you."

"I do wish this were under better circumstances." He spoke  "But nonetheless you've grown into a fine woman Odessa and an even brighter Queen."

"Thank you." She paused "I just hope I'm around long enough to continue my duty's."

"Don't worry your highness, you're both safe with us, I can promise you that." Anakin spoke up making the brunette turn to the voice cautiously

Anakin Skywalker had grown into a fine young man and Odessa couldn't help but admit he was extremely attractive. He was a kind hearted man, one that had hardly changed since they were both kids. Here now he was, so polished and professional as a Jedi knight, with a dangerous smirk and handsome face which the brunette caught herself staring at for too long.

She turned to him "My safety is not my concern, only the fate of my planet and the Senator's future."

"But your safety is our concern." Anakin argued softly

She smiled "My Anakin you really do speak like a Jedi now, you've matured."

"So have you, you've grown even more beautiful, f..for a Queen I mean, yes a Queen, your majesty." He stumbled awkwardly making the brunette almost laugh, she looked to Padme who was raising her eyes in amusement.

"What a charmer you are Anakin." Odessa mussed, turning herself to sit down onto the sofa as the captain stepped forwards.

"I'm captain Typho of her majesty's security service." Captain Typho introduced himself to the Jedi "I am grateful you're here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than her majesty and the senator will admit."

"Their plans are weak and have faults, the people who are behind this are not ones to be afraid off." Odessa huffed "I however still would like to know who's trying to kill us both."

"We are here to protect you Odessa. Not start an investigation." Obi-Wan answered

Anakin however spoke up again "We will find out, who's trying to kill your majesty."

"We will not exceed our mandate, my young padawan learner." His master interrupted sternly , not liking nor agreeing with his take on approach.

"I mean that in the interest of protecting her, Master." Anakin argued

"We will not go through this exercise again, Anakin, you will pay attention to my lead."


"What?" Obi-wan questioned, disliking his padawan's defiance

"What else do you think? We were assigned to

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