Aizawa: Basically I will draw 7 teams and that means it will be 3 persons in one team.
You hoped you will get someone that is easy to work with.
Aizawa: The first will be...
He pulled his hand inside the little box where the names were put in.
Aizawa: L/n, Mineta, Bakugo.
You looked over at your teammates, Bakugo didn't have any special expression and Mineta...was like always.
Aizawa continued.
Bakugo: Oi, extras! Come here.
Bakugo yelled from the side. You did as he said to avoid any problems. You could see how Mineta was scared of Bakugo.
Bakugo: Whatever team we will fight against, we have to win.
When you heard the last words, strangely you felt nervous. And that made a little rock next to your break.
Mineta: Wah! What was that!?
Y/n: O-oh, im sorry. It was probably my quirk I still can't fully control it. I felt kinda nervous...
Bakugo: Eh? How does your quirk work?
Y/n: I told Izuku at lunch, weren't you listening?
You rolled your eyes.
Bakugo: I didn't pay attention.
Y/n: My quirk is based on negative emotions. For example when im sad, mad, or stressed I make some kind of energy that can destroy things or help me with fighting.
Bakugo smirked.
Bakugo: That's pretty helpful... So we just gotta make you mad huh..?
He looked around and noticed Izuku staring at your team.
Bakugo: The heck are you looking at Nerd?!
Midoryia jumped and quickly turned around. Suddenly you've heard Aizawa's deep voice.
Aizawa: Okay then, The first battle will be Team no. 1 and no. 2, you have 5 minutes to get ready.
You turned your head to check who's in the team no. 2. It was Izuku, Sero and Tokoyami. When Midoryia saw that you looked at him, he smiled and made his way to you.
Midoryia: Hi, Y/n! It's so cool we can fight against each other, of course, im not going to hurt you... I don't want to hurt you.
You smiled.
Y/n: It's okay Midoryia, I would actually ask you if you could use all you got. This is a training to get better so you don't have to be less harsh on me.
He nodded slightly.
Midoryia: I'm impressed by your motivation to train Y/n! Oh, by the way, call me Izuku!
Y/n: Okay... Izuku.
After those words, he seemed happier than before.
Bakugo: Oi! Y/n! Were staring now!
Y/n: Comin'!
You yelled back.
Izuku: Well, good luck then!
You nodded and ran up to Mineta and Bakugo. You and your team stepped to the fighting area where the Team no. 2 was already waiting for you.
Y/n: U-uhm, Bakugo?
Bakugo: hmm?
Y/n: I'm sorry to say that but... Well at this moment my quirk is useless...
Bakugo: Ha! Just leave it to me...
You nodded with a suspicious look.
Aizawa: okay...uhm, Go..? Or something
Sensei said with his usual sleepy voice. Bakugo immediately rushed on the enemies. You didn't know what to do so you used the chance to sneak in the side to get closer to the other team. Suddenly you felt something on your shoulder.
Y/n: Huh?
You turned your head and saw Mineta sticking to you and shaking.
Y/n: What in the hell are you doing?
You said in half-whisper.
Mineta: Have you seen them?! They are fricking strong!
Y/n: Like, that's the point, Mineta.
He didn't respond and just stayed where he was.
Y/n: Eh, whatever.
After a second Izuku noticed you sneaking closer to Tokoyami that was distracted by Bakugo. Midoryia was standing some meters behind you so he ran up to you and jumped right in front of you so you can't fight with Tokoyami.
Your reaction was clearly saying 'the fuck just happened'.
Y/n: Izuku?
He smiled and started a fight. He tried to k.o. you. Even tho you blocked all his attacks, you couldn't hold it any longer. You felt Mineta throwing his grape looking things from his head on Midoryia. He got them in hair and shoulders but it's still didn't stop him.
Bakugo: Oi! Deku!
you got distracted by Bakugo and quickly ended up on the ground as Izuku twisted your hand.
Izuku: Sorry Y/n-
A yell cut him off. You saw Bakugo still fighting with Sero.
after those words, you felt a strange feeling that you don't experience that often. Rage. Anger. Sadness. You felt like you were about to explode from anger but also die from sadness.
Sero: The heck Bakugo!? Why are you insulting her?
Sero said with a confused look while fighting.
Bakugo: Shut up!
You looked over at Bakugo.
Izuku almost jumped off of you. You felt how your body was slowly filling with this energy. You didn't control yourself. Short after this, the power pushed Izuku far away from you. You stood up with Mineta shaking on your shoulder. Tokoyami was quite scared but he was still ready to fight.
Bakugo smirked as he finally took Sero down and tied him up in his own tape. You quickly battled Tokoyami and his dark shadow. After a moment he wasn't able to fight anymore.
Aizawa: um..... Well, I think team no. 1 won...
Bakugo: Fuck yeah!
You were still mad but then Izuku that was laying on the ground caught your attention.
Y/n: Izuku... I'm sorry!
You ran up to your friend to check if he's okay. You kneed next to him and looked into his eyes that's was surprisingly open.
Izuku: Y/n... You are amazing!
He slowly sat himself up and smiled.
Y/n: im really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Izuku: It's okay, it's nothing. As you said, it is training, right?
You helped him to get up.
Bakugo: Hey, Y/n! Nice job!
He grinned and walked over to you.
Y/n: Don't talk to me.
Bakugo: Huh? Wha-
Y/n: Come on Izuku, I will walk you up to recovery girl.
You did as you said and left Bakugo by himself.
You, Izuku, and Mineta (that was still sticking to you) were already in recovery' girl room. Izuku sat on a chair next to the old woman.
Recovery girl: Oh it's just a scratch, just hold some ice against your arm and it will get better. Now, im sorry but I have to leave, Aizawa just called me that one of your classmates is not able to walk.
All of you nodded and watched her going out of the room.
Izuku: Hey y/n... Please don't mind Kacchan... In my opinion...
"You're going to be one of the best heroes in the world!"
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