Chapter 48

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Ruelle's POV

"Now let's get one thing clear,this isn't happening. Put it away and go to sleep" I said turning away as she stood on the opposite side of the bed...

Naked might I add.

"So your denying me what's naturally mine?"

I turned my back ready to fire back a sassy reply but was faced with lust filled dark eyes, her necklace swinging back and forth as my eyes wondered all over her perfect frame.

My whole body went to flames as my mouth was slightly opened--no words leaving me. I tried to fight whatever trance she has just put me in.

"What did you do?" I whined and she smirked touching my chin.

She's just their all naked. Doesn't she feel embarrassed?. Ahh that reminds me.

"I remember the days you wouldn't dare to stand before me naked like you do now. We've come so far" I said with a big grin and she looked shocked for a moment but regained her composure.

"I guess you brought out the better parts in me. Now, come here your clothes shouldn't still be on" she said reaching her hand out to touch me and I slapped her.

"You can't be serious. You think it was gonna be that easy- "

She gripped my neck and pulled me into her warm lips, my skin prickled in goosebumps.

"I know your saturated down there so stop trying to fight it. I can smell your pheromones" she said with a smile before our lips conjoined together again in a feverish spar.

Licking my bottom lip and caressing my cheeks she asked asking for permission to welcome her tongue inside my mouth.
But I had to stop this before I get too deep into this feeling so I shoved her away.

I touched my lip and looked to see a speck off blood on it. "I'm so sorry" she apologized in panic but I smiled at her and brought my hands to cup her cheeks.

"These things happen baby" I said and her eyes glowed in relief "But your not getting any tonight" .


"You dug your grave now lie in it" I said sounding adamant but the rapid beats of my slick heat firmly disagreed with my words.

"I want, no I need to fuck you Ruelle"

Record screech***.
Did she just swear at me.

My eyes blinked rapidly in surprise.

When did she ever get this explicit.

"If you needed it, you wouldn't have waited 6 months ago to take it"

That's a bit of an exaggeration but still...

"Your forcing my hand woman" she frowned.

My eyes lowered to her nipples before looking back into her eyes.

"You wouldn't" I challenged.

"Ruelle, come to me and let's do this the easy way. Don't let me take it forcefully" she said in a stern tone.

I knew she wouldn't actually hurt me. At least not in the way I didn't like.

I looked away and shifted while playing with my fingers before meeting her eyes again to see she's smirking.

She knows.

"Which will you choose, love"

"Take it then. I dare you to" right after my words she pounced right on top of me, staring at me with such deep lust it feels like I would combust right where I laid.

"You'll regret this" she warned and I shook my head "I highly doubt that so do your worst" I said bravely but internally I was hoping she would not break me in two.

•Miriam's POV•

"Are you just going to stare at me all day or are you gonna say something "
a familiar voice said and my eyes studied her from head to toe.

"This is a dream"

"Yes it is silly. I have no idea why you brought me here though" she said as she sat beside me and smiled while observing me.

"You sure do look the same before you left" she said leaning her head to the side.

I looked in a puddle of water near us and  touched my face seeing I was in the same battered rags before I left.

"I don't understand...why" I said not really comprehending what was going on.

"You want to come home right?" she asked and I looked at her then nodded.

"You'll figure it out. I know you will sister" she said as she started to drift away before I could grab a hold of her.

I looked off into the distance and saw the portal in midair. I sighed as my sisters words repeated continuously in my head.

My eyes opened as I felt something soft on my cheek.

"Good morning, sweetheart" she greeted with a bright smile.

The morning was filled with her prancing around while fixing things around the room and she would occasionally stop to twerk.

"Someone's happy" I said and she paused before slowly turning to me all pink and embarrassed but continued what she was doing.

I took a quick a shower and threw something on. She took her turn in taking a shower as I went over to the crib to see the little ones still asleep.

After a few minutes she came out and yawned. "Did they cry in the night or anything?" I asked and she nodded rubbing her head.

"I said if that happens you should wake me up so I can help"

She yawned again and shook her head at me "Look I was perfectly able to handle it. Plus Martina helped" she said the last bit under her breath.

"So you could call her but not me" I huffed putting hands on my hips and she walked over to me and held my hands in hers while looking up into my eyes.

"You looked peaceful and I just didn't want to disturb you. Is that crime?"

"It is a crime when I promised that I would be there for you and them" I spoke brushing her hair back behind her hair and she gave me tight lip smile realizing I was adamant.

"I'll wake you next time, now if you don't mind."

She took up Martina's camera directing it toward my face as I pushed at her with a frown.

"I would like to take picture of my wifey she cooed pinching at me cheek.

I groaned in annoyance but got into position anyway knowing I won't be winning if I choose to decline.

My frown was so deep that she glared at me.

"When you were balls deep in me last night you weren't frowning, now show me those beautiful teeth babe"

She would find some way to make sure she takes a picture today whether I liked it or not.

"That's it baby you look good, your  glowing"

She continued taking pictures and giving me thumbs up every time I managed to keep a pleasant facial expression on.

"You could be a model in another life if you wanted that kind of career. Hell your beautiful" she complimented.

"Not even in another" I mumbled snatching the camera away from her and walked away.

Cries were heard from the crib and I stopped doing what I was currently finishing up and stepped over to them.

The door opened and I turned to see Zenith stepped inside with a shy smile.

He reached his hand out to me but I ignored him and took up my crying daughters, rocking them in my arms as Kazimir laid silently.

He watched me intently then drooled over his fingers.

"This, baba" he said reaching through the small space in the crib to hold unto Kazimir's foot making him fuss and wriggle to escape his hold and Zenith giggled.

"Alright stop it Zen, your going to make him cry"

"mile baba" (smile)

"No he'll cry, leave him" I said raising my voice at him and he turned to me with a teary face.

But I stood my ground and gave him a firm look without even blinking. His eyes widened as he wiped them before lunging forward to hug my leg.

"So you were in here. Come on baby let's make some breakfast with God mommy" Martina said and he smiled as his eyes turned black causing Martina to hold her chest.

"I still never get use to that" she mumbled then glanced up at me.

"Good morning Miriam, can I give you  hand" she offered and I nodded to Kazimir kicking who has his feet sticking up in the air as he saw Martina reaching for him.

Zenith grabbed her leg and slapped it when she started talking to Kazimir.

"Mama no baba" he said stomping in protest and she glared at him.

"ya tuviste suficiente de mi tiempo cenit" she said and he huffed his eyes shifting to dark before storming out of the room.

"Don't show me those eyes, you-
she sighed then kissed Kazimir's head.

"I forget he's 9 months sometimes" I said with a chuckle as we both started walking out the room and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know who told me to get a kid so early" she said and I shook my head at that.

"Your 25 Martina"

"So what?. He's growing up so fast I can't keep up. I barely get to enjoy any moments with him before I know it he'll graduate college and get married before I'm 40" she  complained

"You know that's not how it's work  right?" I said taking my time going down the stairs.

"But that's how it feels like. Dodeka says he wants a daughter and don't get it wrong I love my son but hell no, not in this life time" she said shaking her head as Kazimir daintily clapped his hands  together.

"Exactly Kaz"

My eyes wondered over to my girl friend as she held unto Zenith's hand making him eat a piece of strawberry.

"Alright that's enough. If you continue their won't be any left for anyone else" she said and he threw the rest of the strawberry on the floor making her whine in protest.

Ruelle looked up at us with a pout as she complained about the fact that Zenith slapped the cup with water off the table.

"Martina come get your son!" she yelled pulling him off the stool he stood on and he started to let out whining sounds and earsplitting screams.

"Zenith Hernan Finly" Martina said in a warning tone.

"Wait who's idea was it to name hi-

His little tantrum immediately ceased the minute he saw Dodeka entered the room.

"What's all that crying for, hmm?" he asked and Zenith rubbed his eyes.

He always did that when he was caught in his little fits by his father.

We all engaged in chit chat about every and anything.

Martina went up stairs after handing Kazimir to Ruelle to spring clean up Regan's room. I turned the sparklers on to water the garden and looked off into the distance deep into my own world .

"Figure what out" I mumbled to myself remembering Ena's words. I wondered if she was really talking to me. Most likely  not.

I walked inside to see everyone crowded in a circle. I quickly made my way over to see what was going on.

Dio holding his left arm with a bloody nose and swollen lip. Someone entered the room with some first aid and started piecing things together to apply. My eyes caught sight of a familiar face in the room.

I motioned my head to outside and she sighed before leaving it to Martina.

Once we both made it outside Jade glanced on her watch before crossing her arms.

"I'm guessing you want to know who did that to him and trust me if I knew I would have told you the minute you walked into that room. I was supposed to pick up my son so we could visit my grandma but I saw him all battered in some alleyway near where I worked. It's almost like they wanted me to find him that way" she explained and I pinched the bridge of my nose to let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your plans I'm sure things haven't been the best with your husband" I said and she rolled.

"Ex husband but sadly the court ordered for my son to see him twice a week, as if he even cares for his own son"

I blinked rapidly looking over her head in deep thought.

"Anyway what ever you have planned boss lady I think you should hurry it up because I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg" she said.

"I know, if there's anything you need let me know" I said placing my hands behind me after subtly biting my lip.

"There is one thing..." she said nervously not making eye contact with me .

"Go on"

"I need money but I swear it's something to help me sustain my son's schooling until I find something else. Jed's basically drowning in debts so I didn't even win nothing much from the divorce" she explained and I nodded fetching my phone out and stood there for a few minutes

"Check your phone" I said before walking back inside to see Ruelle handing him a plate of warmed up creamy chicken pasta which she knew he loved.

She handed him a cup of water with fork.

Ruelle offered to feed him but he declined after glancing my way.

"This is a warning you know" Dodeka said with a sleeping Zenith over his shoulder drooling all over his shirt.

"What happened?" I asked and Dio sighed placing his fork down on the half empty plate.

"It was honestly all vague, makes me think Chantria had something to do with it" he replied.

"When are we gonna get the hell out of here?" Martina asked standing beside Ruelle as they entered the room together.

"I'm telling you these are two sisters from another mother" Dodeka commented elbowing me while motioning his head over to the girls who stood side by side in the same outfit.

I shook my head expecting as much.

I looked at everyone intently as a distinct voice started rambling on and on. Without a hitch my gaze was already fixed on a suspected individual and I smirked as I could still hear her thoughts which were filled with

I smell that, it's jealousy. Ruelle's jealousy.

The curses started to become more coherent the better I focused on her. She eventually let up on glaring at me and went on to do something else.

As much as I would like to entertain her jealousy tantrum we had more import matters at hand.

"I think I know just the thing we could do"

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