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They were cooking dinner together everyone and having fun talks with them

The had their dinner cuddled each other and slept

The next morning everything was prepared where only Jisung needs to arrive for breakie

Everyone was waiting for mins or few

While tired Ji entered down to the dinning table and took a seat

The greeted each other and started with their breakfast soon Jisung recieved phone call it was his boss

Daisy needs to be ready in one hour a car for the production of this event and the staff members is picking you and get someome with you get yourself in there Boss said while Jisung agreed with the plan he wanted to stay home with his hyungs but he had some works too and Lino, Lix and Hyun are going with Jisung for the practice

Ji stuffed half of his breakfast in his cheeks and ran upstairs to pack everything while others chuckle at him Channie and Lino help with packing Jisung's lunch and water

Everything was ready while Bang Chan behind Jisung feeding his breakfast while he was late

The four members left the mansion and reached following the car sent by the eve the place of production of the event it was elegant and huge

The other olders were told to wait in the Limo

While Jisung was choosing his theme and outfit design

The Mafias were wearing mask to cover their identity from peoples 

He was said that there will a competition between the Pole Dancers and Pole Dancer Teacher

Jisung was nervous and excited at same time

Audience were staffs, The Three Mafias and the other dancers

It was a few dancers to did the dance at the first

Finally his turn came

He was on the pole wearing only black sports bra and black shorts with black high heels

His body took all the vibe of the pole dancer 

He did a flip before getting on the pole 

Where the Mafias and others were shocked

The teacher on sitting on his leg at the pole 

Jisung was ready he got on the pole by hooking the inside leg, rising the hand high through the lats 

His hairs flying along with him which made him look sexy

Soon one of the dancer started the music it was Popular by The Weekend, Playboi Carti and Madonna

Jisung started with flying around the pole with split 

Where Hyun was shocked with his flexibility and body control 

Held high in pole spinning with the walk 

Next was fan spinning with legs where it exposed his inner thighs 

His dance was attractive and sexy

(Don't ask me about the teacher please idk)

He was end of the performance het got on with a flip and strong landing 

He landed on the ground breathing heavily the dancers rushed towards him and caught him with cheering and screaming 

His close friend was dancer fixed his hair and covered his body with the large jacket

The Mafia Trio was proud of Jisung's dancing skill 

Jisung was sitting on the chair while drinking water where the mafias were also with him telling the dance was so fucking good 

Jisung was blushing so much which made Lino tease him more 

Lixie kissed Ji's forehead getting addicted to him 

Hyunie hugged him by his waist and handed him some lollipops

Ji happily took and thanked him and accepted the candy and popped Cherry flav and enjoyed the taste 

Soon the competition session was done 

Jisung was walking towards his a room where it was given to him for his personal works and getting ready which was only for him 

The four of them where walking together Hyun carrying the stuffs of them, Lixie and Lino holding Ji's waist and hand fearing he might fall by wearing the high heels but he knew how to control it 

They entered the room and locked the door Ji's threw himself on the bed and relaxed on it everyone chuckled at his cuteness and settled themselves to rest

Not even five mins someone knocked the door Lixie opened the door it was designers of Jisung's outfit 

Honey look someone came for you Lixie said walking towards Ji and patting him to wake up 

Jisung sighed tiredly sat up on the bed it was Mr. and Mrs. Gae  (Don't ask me what is Gae hehe)

He stood up and bowed the couples bowed to him and they greeted each other 

The trio wore mask, Lino told him to remove his heels and wear something comfortable Ji did 

Hyun tied Ji's hair and told him to wear jacket 

The Gae couple and Ji was discussing about the outfit and the time passed from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

The Trio was bored so they went out for a walk 

They finally decided the design the couples left and after sometime only Hyun came into the room and saw Ji laying dead on the couch due to lack of rest for today 

hyun walked towards him and stroked his fluffy hair 

Have your lunch Love Hyunie said as he bent Ji's level and pinching his cheeks

Ji whined and turned to other side and sat up "Hyung I am tired I wanna sleep please" Ji told with a puppy eyes and a cute pout Hyun couldn't deny it but he has to look after his Ji's health

Hyun shook his head and held Ji's wrist tightly pulling him closer to his body and back hugging him while Ji was still processing what just happened

"Hyung will feed you in different way baby" Hyun said in a deep voice sending shivers to Ji's spine he gulped hardly and shook his head but Hyun pulled him closer to his body creating Ji's blood red on his face, ear and neck he was blushing crazy

Hyun chuckled and pecked his cheeks and hugged him even more tightly

Ji's heart beat like a rollercoaster he was crazy at this moment

Finally Hyun let Daisy go Jisung stood uo but fell on his kness shaking rapidly

Hyun noticed how sensitive was Jisung and helped him to sit on the bed

"Is my Daisy Okayy?" Hyun asked with a teasing voice

Jisung whinned and covered his face with the pillow and hid his smoll faceu in the pillow and told __________             "Stop it hyungiee"

Someone opened the door
It was????


UWU ~ I Love You Y'all So Much 😭😭


Take Careee


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