"Dad, why do you have that scar on your left eye? Was it from fighting a dragon?"
A young Almond Cookie sat on the couch, staring at his father's scar. His father smiled as he thought of an answer for the innocent question.
"Almond, how did you know? I was a knight, and I sliced off the dragon's tail with a swish!"
Almond's eyes had a special sparkle to them; the sparkle of a child's innocence.
"Yes, and finally, your dad made the dragon retreat!"
Almond happily smiled as he thought of his father battling the dragon.
"Almond, why don't you go play outside? It's a lovely day today, let's go to the park!"
"Hurray! Let me go pack my stuff! We can play the slides together!"
The excited cookie jumped off the couch and ran to his room. His parents smiled, sitting on the couch.
"You really just borrowed Knight Cookie's story, did you?"
"We both know what actually happened, Cashew. When Almond turns 18, he'll have to know the truth of our family, our rivalry, everything."
Pecan stared at the clear blue sky as he recalled his fight with Gouda Cookie.
"But until then, let's keep this a secret from him...let him have a happy childhood."
Cashew Cookie let out a small laugh before she embraced Pecan Cookie.
"You know, children are innocent as always. At least we have each other."
Pecan returned the hug.
"Yeah, let him be happy when it lasts."
"Mom, why do you always have to be in a wheelchair? Can't you walk?"
A young Roguefort sat at the dining table, staring at his mother in a state of confusion, instead of eating the food.
"Roguefort, don't ask these questions!"
Mozzarella slapped her brother's shoulder, the brother wincing at the sudden pain.
"Mozzarella, it's fine. Roguefort was just curious. I'll tell you when you're older."
"Mom, can you please just tell me a little bit? Please?"
"I told you not to-"
Mozzarella attempted to slap Roguefort's shoulder again, but the cookie was fast enough, and blocked her arm.
"I'll just tell you, a Cookie hurt me when I was holding a jewel. He stole it from me, and even made me unable to walk properly."
"Who is that Cookie?!"
Mozzarella jumped up from her seat in anger.
"I'll kill him!"
Roguefort stared at his sister in shock. She was thinking of committing a crime to take revenge for their mother?
"Now, now, Mozzarella, sit back down, the past cannot be changed."
The cookie sat back down,still angered, but she knew that she could not say no to her parent's request.
"However, you can change the future."
Author's note:
This is just a prologue - both of the Cookies are still young here.
Anyways, that was the prologue - there are hints here as to what will happen next.
Chapter 1 coming out soon!
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