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Chapter Six: A Great Idea

"What gives you the right to bring the baker girl into my house?" Chloe booms, Sabrina to her side with a faux angry expression.

Usually Zoe would cower down and wait for her sisters anger to dissipate but Marinette was here and they were vibing, she couldn't let her see her this way.

Crossing her arms, she decided she was going to fake it until she made it.

"This isn't your house, Chloe. It's ours."

"I only tolerate your presence as long as you stick to my rules."

Did she really need to tattle on her, showing Marinette that she's been following Chloe's rules? How embarrassing.

Chloe continues, her anger rising. "And right now Marinette Dupain-Cheng has set foot on the first step of my stairs."

Armand, one of the butlers, approaches with a yellow, stuffed bear in his hand. "Your Mr. Cuddly, mademoiselle," he continues seeing her calm in posture, "I washed him with a new fabric softener. Lavender scented! I hope you like i-"

The butler nods to Zoe and she takes the opportunity to have Marinette put her feet off the first foot of the stairs, while her sister continues on her rant.

"I don't CARE about your lavender, Jean Benoit!"

"The butler's name is Armand not Jean Benoit, as for Marinette, she hasn't stepped foot on your stairs."

Marinette and Zoe give their best doe eyes as Chloe reexamines the scene in front of her.

"I saw it, I saw it. I know I did. We'll check the hotel's security cameras." Chloe closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, requiring all the strength in her lungs to holler: "Daddy!"

Zoe's step dad appears in the flash, giving a convenient excuse for their situation. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, but we're in the middle of a computer update and the last five minutes weren't recorded, because the cameras were off."

Zoe, lets out a sigh of relief in her head and pulls off a confident hand to her hip.

The blonde catches from the side that Marinette couldn't hide her shock that Zoe was actually winning against Chloe and it felt good.

Chloe looks like she's on the verge of a mental breakdown until she sees her mom come in, from down the stairs, trying to pull her in. "Mom! My half of a sister has allowed the baker girl to walk up my stairs."

Mom coolly replies with,"Since when do you need me to torment your sister, Zoe?"

Not sure you were defending me, Mom, but thanks for not turning this into a whole thing I guess?

"But I'm not Zoe," Chloe's hand on her chest to solidify in her mind it's true, "It's me, Chloe!"

"Yes, well, Zoe, Chloe, who cares? Stop confusing me or I'll send you both back to New York, that's for the stairs- they're mine, so shoo. Both of you."

Love you too, Mom.

Mom ushered her way out after getting Zoe's step dad to cough up three of his credit cards, then walks out. When the attention is turned back to Chloe, it seems she still has some fight left in her.

Time to finish this.

Zoe looks her sister dead in the eyes. "Chloe, I believe you're still on the stairs and if you've been listening to our mother then you'd know that that's no longer allowed, unless you wanna go back to New York with me."

Chloe is practically shaking with anger. "Oh, I'll make you pay for every one of these steps."

"Sure, Chloe. Of course you will. In the meantime, have a nice day."

Chloe storms off, tired of losing the fight."Don't you dare go anywhere near my room."

Sabrina picks up Mr. Cuddly and they disappear.

"That was impressive," Marinette playfully nudges Zoe's arm.

Zoe scratches the back of her neck, blush spreading across her cheeks. "Thanks!"

It was exhilarating going against Chloe. She'd never gone against her like that and here she was, going head to head in front of everyone. Confrontation was hard, but the feeling afterwards almost makes it worth it.

Here they were, in Zoe's room and she can freely admit that she doesn't have a thousand pictures of Marinette flying rampant. Only an exclusive photo album that she keeps at the back of her bookshelf that no one will ever-

"No! Don't look in..."

Marinette flips through the photo album.

Zoe considers jumping out her window, because five pages in and she'll realize the massive crush she's been harboring for this girl. And to think they were having such a good time together.

"No way!"

Yup, there it is. This confirms it.

"Zoe, I have a great idea. If you're open to it."

She takes tentative steps towards the bluenette, cautious of where this is going.

It wasn't an immediate rejection, so maybe this is salvageable?

"Okay, I'm listening."

"Let's be friends with benefits."

As Kitty Noire roams the sky of Paris, sad Ladybug resurfaces in her mind. She knows that Ladybug will probably act like it didn't happen or gaslight her into believing it was all a dream, but she just hopes she was able to help. Hallucination is a tall order of prescriptions that this hero doesn't seem to be taking or even speaking about to anyone.

"You chose to arrive on time today, I see."

"Yeah, I didn't want to overstep your boundaries."

"Well, thank you, fur ball, I appreciate that but I'm fine now, thanks."

Kitty Noire grins, the use of the nickname was a win.

"So you're telling me I'm not bugging you?"

A tear runs down her face.

Shit. Did she do something wrong?

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just- you made a pun and Chat used to make stupid cat puns all the time and I...I didn't realize how much I actually missed that."

"Well, I'm not Chat. I'm Kitty, but I would be honored to keep his puns alive and incorporate a few of my own. Unless you object?"

"I would love that, actually."

As Zoe lies in bed she hears Marinette's words ringing in her ears.

Let's be friends with benefits.

Her crush of forever finally knows her feelings and is offering her a situationship. Why does she want to accept it? It's not truly what she wants, but Zoe had me qualms knowing a long time ago that she would never be able to have Marinette fully. Maybe this was the universe's way of offering a consolation prize?

She should take it.

She wants to take it.

She's going to take it.

After all, what's the worst that can happen?

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