TRQ (Version I) | Random Scenes

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Fourteen Years Ago:

"I thought I could trust you," The Red Queen snapped at the cloaked figure. She didn't know why he was hiding his face, she already knew who it was.

"And you still can," he replied back.

The Red Queen only gave a sarcastic laugh, trying hard not to show the hurt he's caused her, "So I'm supposed to trust the leader of Renegades? Was anything between us ever real? Or were they all lies just so that you could get close to me, to use me."

"No, I wasn't supposed to fall for you, but I did, no matter how much I tried not to-"

He was cut off by the impenetrable magic bonds holding the Queen trapped blasting apart. She stood up and walked up to Renegades' leader and pulled down his hood.

She gazed into his eyes, and willed her eyes not to water as she told him with a cracked voice, "I loved you, and you betrayed me. When I come back, I will make sure you will pay for your acts of treason against the Queen of Magic, and I won't regret it."

She planted one last kiss on his lips before stepping back away from him.

"What do you mean, when you come back?" He asked, not surprised Queen Red broke the bonds easily.

With a tear streaming down her cheek, she said, "Goodbye [name], I won't be around for awhile."

He realized what she meant, and ran to her, screaming "No!" But it was too late, by the time he reached out to grab her, she already vanished in swirling red mist and all he had in his hands was air.

He punched the wall of the prisoner cell repeatedly, screaming, "NO!"

A guard must have heard him, because his right-hand man asked if he was alright.

The Renegade leader turned around, facing another, similarly-dressed cloaked figure, "Inform Princess Violet the Red Queen has been captured by Renegades."

"But-" The Renegade member tried to protest.

"Do it, she can't know what really happened to her."

"What did happen to her? If she isn't here, and you want Princess Violet to know her sister has been captured, that means Her Majesty isn't going back to her and the only other explanation is ..." The Renegade member trailed off, his eyes opened in shock at the realization.

"She Soul-Separated."

Meeting Salvatore (Technically, this wasn't when she met Salvatore, but that's what I named the part so...)

"Evianna?" I heard the gentle voice of my mother call from me as she peeked her head into my room.

"Yes, Mom?" I respond, opening the door further so she could enter my room.

"You've been keeping your room clean," she observes after taking a quick look around.

I smile, "Yes, I have been."

She looks back at me with a graceful smile on her lips, her curly dark brown hair pinned up so that it flowed down in soft curls. He green eyes shining brightly. "Would you come to the throne room, so that your father and I could talk to you together?"

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked, confusion in my voice. Usually my parents don't have important new to tell me, considering I'm barely nine years old.

She takes my hand, "Come, and you'll find out."

I let her lead me through the wide halls of the crystal castle until we reach the throne room where my father was talking to a pretty woman with a young boy that seemed a little older than me at her side.

My father notices us and quickly stops his conversation and smiles at us, I run up to him and hug him like I usually do when I see him. I jump into his arms.

"Hello my little princess," he says happily and kisses my cheek.

"She's gotten more beautiful than from the last time I saw her," the pretty woman says. Now that I have a closer look at her face, I see the same wavy black hair, green eyes and pale complexion that the Elven Queen has.

I get down from my father's hands and curtsy, "Queen Elgiva."

She smiles, "No need to be so formal around me, after all, you are more powerful than me."

"But power has nothing to do with the respect that should be given to you anyways."

She smiles and turns to my parents, "You're doing an amazing job of raising your child."

"Thank you, Elgiva," my mother replies, now at my father's side. "And you're doing a wonderful job with Salvatore."

At his name, he lifts his head and notices me. He rolls his eyes, as do I. He and I ... we don't get along well.

The parents must have noticed us do that because they all laugh.

"Why am I here with her?" Salvatore asks like the impatient ten-year old he is. He likes to rub it in my face that he's older than me - even though it's only by ten months.

"Finally, something we both agree on wanting to know, though my company is much more enjoyable than his," I say.

The parents just laugh again at our little rivalry.

Finally, my mother decides to say, "We ... how should I phrase this?"

"We want you two to get along," my father puts it.

"Yes," says Elgiva, "So that when you two grow up, you can be friends. Special friends."

"That is never going to happen!" Both Salvatore and I say at the same time.

"We don't even want to be near each other, much less be 'special friends.'" Salvatore points out.

"Yes," I nod, "I agree."

"See, you two are already becoming closer, you two finally agree on something!" My dad points out excitedly.

"But," I protest, "we're agreeing on you three being wrong ..."

"It's a start," the Elven queen says.

"And we have a very, very, very, very, ve~e~ery long way to go," I tell them and they all just smile.

"Wait," Salvatore says, as if he realized something, "What exactly do you mean by 'special friends'?"

"Uh - well," my mother stutters.

My father and queen Elgiva both also look stuck as to what to say like my mother.

"You don't mean like ..." Salvatore's voice trailed off, "We're betrothed?"

"No," Elgiva denies, "not, exactly."

"Then what do you mean?" I ask, hoping that Salvatore's assumption is incorrect. I can barely stand being near him, much less have to like him - at least, that's what I think it means to be betrothed to someone until you get married.

The parents share a look, and all nod. Did they just have a telepathic conversation?

"No, we just want you two to be friends," Queen Elgiva says, "for now."


I woke up the second I felt the gloved hand touch my mouth. I tried to scream, but the hand kept covering my mouth, and the glove protected his or her's hand from whenever I tried to bite. I kicked and tried to scream but it did nothing other than agitate my intruder. It was still dark outside so all I could make out was the outline of him or her.

"Shh," the voice tells me, "everything will be alright."

Before I could use my magic against them, I felt a pain in the back of my head, and I see all black.


"Red," I hear a deep, male voice call. "Red, wake up."

I groan, and try to open my eyes. I still see darkness, but not pitch-black like how it was before. A face comes into view. I groan again, but not because of the pain I still feel in the back of my head.

"Sally," I say.

I can see him roll his eyes. "Yep, you're fine. I don't know why I was worried about you."

"I'm touched," I sarcastically say. "You were worried about me."

"I wouldn't want the heir to the throne dying, now would I?" he answers.

I shrug, "I wouldn't have done the same."

He rolls his eyes, slides to the other side of the very tiny room, and leans against the wall.

That's when I notice the very tiny, closet-like room without the clothes. I could barely sit up without my head touching the ceiling, and there was about a meter squared in space. There was no light, and all sides of the small room were black.

Great, I think. I'm stuck in a small space with Salvatore. My parents would think this as an accomplishment. And then my eyes widen. My parents. My baby sister.

"Oh no," I mutter out loud. "No, no, no!"


There was one more, but that would include a spoiler for version three so... Next part will be the random scenes and partial chapters I wrote for version two (and there's a lot for that one..)


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