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Virat was sitting and waiting for Rohit's call. But instead he received another call only to hear a stern yet soft tone.

"you are really an idiot!! Didn't u think before taking such a big decision?? Atleast you could have talked to Ro.... I know why you didn't tell him, but he is really upset about it."

Virat sighed knowing the mistake he had done, but he had a reason behind it. Listening to Ro being upset was just increasing his guilt more and more.

"I am really sorry Rits, I just didn't know how to tell him!!"

"Vi, why didn't u talk to him once?? Official announcement ke pehle bata deta na.... Atleast he would not feel that bad.... Aise toh u both talk utter nonsense for hours. Why did you hide it from him??"

Vi- I am sorry!
He said sadly because now he didn't what else to say! He was at loss of words.

"Vi stop being sorry and apologetic to me and do something about it !!! Take it back Vi ... think about it and take it back!!"

Ritika said tired of hearing sorries from him. He was saying only that ... nothing else other than being sorry !!

"No Rits I can't take it back .... I had given a lot of thought on it and came to this decision... u know how difficult it is for me ... this WC gonna be my last try to win as T20 captain !!! It won't matter anyway Rits !! Whether I take it back or not !!"

Virat said being sure of his decision but regretful of his actions. May b he could have handled it better.

"It matters Vi ... it matters to everyone who loves u and care about you !! It matters to your Ro !! To the team ... Vi ..."

"Can we please talk about something else Rits?"

Vi cut her off as she was explaining him. He just didn't know what to think about it.

"You know when I asked Ro to talk to you once ... what did he say ?"

Ritika said ignoring the pleads about talking something else.

"Go and ask your brother who didn't bother to tell me as I am no one to him ... Vi u cannot avoid this for long ... so u calmly think about it okay!!"

Ritika tried to explain him that he was wrong in hiding it from Ro.

"But isn't he happy ... he will get the captaincy which he deserves from so long ... because of me he was not getting it !! He was the person who should have got the captaincy after Mahi bhai ... not me !! Ritzy he should b happy na!!"

As the phone was on speaker Rohit who came in the room had heard that. He was going to call to him and talk but now he decided against it.

"Vi you are completely wrong in this ... dont u know ur Ro ... you calmly think about it .. take care!!"

Vi sighed as the phone call ended.


ICT had gathered for the World Cup at the hotel. Rohit and Mahi was yet to arrive.

"Virat bhaiya .. think about it once more Na !! You can continue as a captain !"

"Ha bhai ... ek baar phir soch lo please"

Rishabh and Jassi said and requested him as soon as he came.

"We talked about this kiddos... it's about time I step down and someone capable than me takes the position and leads the team towards victory ... it's very important"

Rohit arrived and heard that. He just walked passing Virat and went towards Bhuvi and Jaddu.

Virat sighed at that. On top of that he was avoiding Mahi bhai's calls too as he thought he disappointed him.

"Virat and Rohit come to my room once you are done with the formalities and I don't want to hear any excuse on that"

Mahi said sternly as he saw Virat was about to deny.

They agreed as Mahi used their full names they knew it was something serious discussion.


"Cheeku why are you avoiding me ?? I have called u three times and u are not picking up my call ... do u think that's the solution to all this ??"

Mahi asked wanting to know what was going on in his head.

"I didn't know what to say to you ... I know I have disappointed you too!!"

Virat said looking down not meeting their gaze.

"Did I tell you that Virat ?? No, right !!! How come you always jump to conclusions Cheeku ... when will you stop overthinking every single thing ??? I can never be disappointed with u"

Mahi said softly explaining him.

"I am sorry"

"Stop saying sorry again and again ... stop apologising ... why didn't u tell us about resigning at first ??? U could have told me anytime Vi ... why didn't u ... 10 baar call karke bakwasss kar sakta hai ... but u can't share this important thing with me ha ???? Why ?? Didn't u trust me ?"

Rohit asked being angry at him for not sharing it with him ... he hated that feeling when he was sitting clueless in that meeting! That his best friend was going to take this step and he didn't know ... he knew how difficult it was for Virat ... to resign that way !!

"Ummmm I know you both would tell me that it's a stupid decision and all that ... and the then somehow convince me not to do it .... But I didn't want to get convinced ... I think it's the right time... I don't think I can give my best anymore to this position and role ... so .. I didn't discuss...."

Virat said stating the reasons ... he knew how Ro would convince him and he would not be able to deny at all.

"Cheeku no matter what it is we both will always support you in your decisions ... you just have to talk to us ... don't shut us out like this!"

Mahi said softly seeing his sad face.

Virat went and hugged Mahi tightly. Mahi hugged him back knowing how difficult it is gonna be now. He knew the consequences of resigning from one format of captaincy.

"Bhai ... Rohit ko bolo na Mujh se baat Kare please ... he hasn't talked to me to since that meeting .."

Virat pleaded with moist eyes not able to handle Rohit's silence anymore.

"I am not going to talk to you ... you didn't tell me such imp decision. .. I am still angry at you ... I share each n everything with you and u didn't ...."

Rohit said turning his face away from him.

Virat looked at Mahi bhai to which he responded -

"You have to fix it yourself Cheeku !! I can't help u in this!!"

"Look Ro ... I am really very very sorry !!! I seriously can't even imagine how u must be feeling how u must have felt when I announced in that meeting .... But please forgive me ... I promise I will not do such thing in future .... I can't handle ur silence Ro ... whatever punishment u give I will take it but please talk to me Yaar .... It's killing me !! I can't handle it ... I am ... I can't ...."

Virat said shedding tears not able to continue further ... seeing Rohit's hurt face and his silence .. it just makes him feel terrible!

Rohit couldn't watch more of it so he hugged Virat tightly. Virat bursted into more tears.

"Bas kar ... Kitna royega ... Vi !! Flood aa jayega ... Abhi tak Hume WC Jitna hai ... calm down ... I am not angry at you !!"

Rohit said calming him down ... he broke the hug and wiped Virat's tears. As they always do ... stand by each other in happiness and wiping each other's tears in sadness.

"All this is okay ... but now u owe me a treat !!"

"For resigning as a captain ??? Are u really serious Ro !!!"

Virat looked at him and asked in disbelief.

"You idiot.... Because u didn't tell me in first place ... and resigning ka kya ... we should celebrate ur successful captaincy stint ... in your captaincy we won T20 series in all SENA countries ... that's the legacy everyone should remember !!! ... everyone should know that how you had the belief and vision that we could go and win overseas !!!!"

Rohit said being proud of his idiot best friend.

"Captaincy stint afterwards we will celebrate with whole team once this tournament is done which is very important ... Abhi ke liye tu dinner se kaam chala le!!"

Virat said to him and then three of them went to dinner.


It was match day... first match indvspak... Virat went for the toss and lost it as usual. They were batting first. He came into the team room.

"How come u always loose the toss Vi ??? U know this is the biggest mystery than my Jamnagar stories u know !!! Every single time !!"

Jaddu said jokingly and seniors who were in the room along with Mahi bhai chuckled at that.
Virat took a seat beside Rohit.

"Kya hi pata yaar ... I have such horrible luck u know !!! Anyway after this we all know except the juniors ki Rohit is gonna be the captain even if it's not official till now but we know ... so we will win the tosses then ... haina Ro??"

Virat tried to joke a bit about that lightning the atmosphere as this was a very imp match.

Ro smiled at that and he knew it was joke but he couldn't shake out the feeling of weirdness in that statement.

Ro and KL went to open the batting but to their luck they were out in first two overs.

Virat hit that six which lightened the atmosphere in the dressing room and made them smile.

Virat was there at the crease with support of Sky, Rishu, Jaddu they all trying to reach to a defendable total.

But deep down Virat knew that it was not enough at this pitch. 

They lost the match which was devastating for everyone. Bowlers were blaming themselves even though Mahi made them understand. Batsman taking blame on them.

Rohit did not meet anyone and straight went to his room being so disheartened with his performance. He turned on the PC Virat had gone to.

"Aapko nahi lagta agar aap opening combination mai changes karte toh kuch better result hota ??? Matlab agar Ishan ...
{Don't u think if u would have done some changes in the opening combination then it would be a better result ?}"

Reporter asked and Virat could have snapped then and there but he took a deep breath to control it.

"So will u drop Rohit Sharma from T20 internationals ... will u drop him ??? Did u know what he did for us in last T20 match ?? Unbelievable!!! Sir if u want controversial answers then tell me before hand I will prepare n come !!"

Virat mocked him and backed his Ro! How dare they question him about his Ro ??

Rohit kept his phone aside after seeing that and felt so upset with his performance. He knew anyone could have bad day anytime but why today ? That Was the only question going through his head.

"Ro ... open the door !!! Why have u locked it ?? Are u okay ??"

Rohit's thoughts were broken by Virat's voice who was knocking his locked door.

"I want to be alone Vi ... please go away ... please"

Rohit said tiredly not wanting to be consoled or anything.

"Ro please talk to me and let me in !!! U didn't have ur dinner also ... Ro u will have headache if u sleep empty stomach... please let me in ... open the door yaar !!"

"I am not in the mood to talk Vi ... and i am not hungry at alll.... U go and have ur food ... leave me alone!!"

"As if that's gonna happen .... I am not gonna leave u alone ... I am sitting here only .... Take how much time u need !!"

Virat sat down with the support of the door. Rohit thought he left as he didn't hear that late bit .. he was so lost in thoughts.

After 15 mins Rohit opened the door expecting that Vi had gone to his room but instead he found him sitting leaning onto the door.

"Vi tu pagal hai kya ... what are u doing here ? Didn't I say to leave me alone ... pagal abhi you would have hurt your back !!! Idiot ... ek percent ki bhi Akal nahi hai tere me!!!"

Rohit said holding him as he was about to fall on his back as he opened the door.

Virat got up and entered the room. They both sat on the bed. Virat made him have his dinner at first ... they had it in silence ..

"Vi kal subhe baat karte hai please ... I don't want to talk about it now ... I don't have that energy !!"

Rohit said it tiredly not wanting to talk about it today.

"Ya I know ... I am just here to sleep ... I am not able to sleep in my room ...!"

Virat said and lay down on the bed beside Rohit. He smiled at that and closed his eyes. Virat just held his hand and slept. Virat was also disturbed by the loss.


Back to present.....

"Pehle toh when u didn't get sleep ... or u would feel headache ... u used to come to me but now ... u didn't even bother to tell me !! Why Vi ? Why did u make me feel so distant from you ... why didn't u share it with me all the imp decisions ... u seriously thought That I was gonna judge u ... but instead u chose to hide it from me ... why Vi ?? ... why did u create this distance between us and leave both of us suffering like this ??"

Rohit said caressing his  forehead and remembering all that past incidents that had caused all this.

Virat slides closer to him feeling the comfort. Rohit just could not make himself to push him away. He just sat there waiting for him to be okay. Whatever may have happened he could not see him in pain.

"Ro ... Rohit ... please .... I am sorry .... I know I said some ... hurtful things ... please don't leave .... Please Ro I will die .... Please don't leave me ... Rohit !!!!"

Virat woke up from the nightmare gasping for air. This was the first time he got a nightmare like this. It scared him so much.

Rohit was shocked to see him so restless in his sleep. He tried to wake him up... but he was not able to.

Ro forwarded a glass of water to him which Vi gulped down in a go.

"You okay ??"

Rohit asked in concern seeing him sweating so much due to the nightmare.

"Yes I think so ... I thought u left after giving me medicine ... what are you still doing here??"

Virat asked looking at him. As Rohit never stayed this long and never came in his room from past 1 month or so. He had missed him so much.

"I just thought u may need something so .... Others are busy so as a captain it's my duty !!!"

Rohit said the last bit cursing himself internally and noticed an immediate disappointment and sadness on Virat's face.

"As you are awake and okay now ...ummm ...  I think I should leave ..."

Rohit said and left the room hurriedly not able to see that look of sadness on Virat's face.

Vi sighed seeing him leaving from there. He just didn't know what to do! He lay down on the bed again ... thinking about how everything changed.


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