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"Will you be quiet!?" Denali yelled at Rosé, who was just sitting on her bed scrolling on her phone.

"I didn't say anything!"

"Well stop thinking so loud!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Rosé put her phone down. "It's not my fault that your boyfriend cheated on you."

"Get out." Denali curled up in her bed, facing the wall.

"You can't banish me! This is my bedroom too!"

"Stupid bitch." Denali muttered to herself, but Rosé heard.

"Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?"

"I don't know, probably both." Denali replied.

"Okay, this isn't about Joey, right?" Rosé took a deep breath, "If this is for Nicky, I'm sorry. And I mean it, Den-"

"I don't want you to fucking apologize." Denali shouted, turning around to look at her. "I want the guilt to eat you alive. I want you to drown in your thoughts like I drowned in mine." She yelled, as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Are you kidding me, Denali? I did everything I could to be with you, and you kept rejecting me every fucking time. Can you even imagine how that makes me feel? Huh?" Rosé yelled back before taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Why does there always have to be a villain, Denali? And more importantly, why does it always have to be me?"

Denali didn't say a word. She just faced the wall again, trying not to sob, as the tears were burning her face. They stayed like that for a while, in pure silence, until Rosé spoke again, softer this time.

"Sometimes you make me feel like I actually have a chance with you, Denali. But when I try to take that chance you make me realize I actually never had it."

Denali looked at her again, "I told you this before, Rosé. I'm scared. I'm sc-"

"You're scared of the way I make you feel because you don't want to feel anything."

That statement left Denali breathless. Rosé was right, and Denali knew it. She tried to speak, but the words barely came out.

"I want-" Denali stopped. Tore her fingers through her own hair. "Never mind what I want." She mumbled.

"What do you want?"

"You. It's always you."

"And why do you keep rejecting me every time, Denali?" Rosé asked, the frustration taking over her whole body. "You keep pushing me away, like I'm-"

"Sometimes I push you away, because I need you to pull me closer." Denali spoke almost in a whisper.

"Stop it." Rosé exhaled, getting up, "Just stop, Denali." She left the room, crushing the door behind her.

Rosé began to walk down the street, alone, with tears filling her eyes. She was sick of always being available to whatever Denali wanted or not. But what about herself? What about her own feelings? She wiped her tears away, took her phone and began typing.

Rosie: Baby, you home?

Nicky: Hey, boo. Yeah, wanna come over?

Rosie: On my way.

After a few minutes of walking, she arrived at Nicky's, who welcomed her with a huge smile and a warm hug.

"Hey boo." The French girl said, as she was hugging Rosé.

"Hey baby."

"Are you okay?" Nicky wondered, getting apart a little to look at her.

"Yeah, don't worry." Rosé shook her head, "I just needed you."

"You? Miss 'I don't need anyone, I'm tough as hell'?" Nicky joked, with her arms still wrapped on Rosé's neck.

"Oh, shut up. We all have our weaknesses!"

"What are yours?" Nicky wondered.

"Just a random girl I met online."

"Oh, really? How is she?"

"Hmm..." Rosé slurred her words, pretending like she was thinking, "She's blonde..."


"She has this thick accent that drives me crazy..."


"And she has this cute little nose that I'm obsessed with." Rosé finished, as she lifter her hand in front of Nicky's face and slipped her finger down the girl's nose.

"Not that again." Nicky giggled.

"I could do that a million times."

"Stupid," Nicky smiled and unwrapped her arms from Rosé's neck, "let's go inside. Wanna drink or eat something?"

"Can we just cuddle?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Nicky smirked, and carried Rosé to her bedroom.

They crawled up to the bed, and Rosé put her head on top of the girl's chest. "Pet me."

"How's Denali doing?" Nicky asked, as she began to rake her hand on Rosé's hair.

"Incredibly annoying."

"It's understandable after what she saw... Did she talk to him?"

"I'm not sure, I don't think so." Rosé replied.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What's the deal with Denali?" Nicky wondered, as Rosé's heart began to pound hard.

"What do you mean?"

"She has been weird for a time now, and yesterday at the movie theater I saw her looking at us a couple times. Especially at you."

Rosé took a deep breath, trying to figure out what to say. "We had something going on," she admitted, "but not anymore." Rosé lift her head to look at Nicky. "I have you now, you make me feel good."

Nicky held her tighter, and pressed her lips against Rosé's forehead.

"Are you mad, Nicky?"

"No, boo." Nicky smiled at her, "The past is in the past, right?"

"Yeah." Rosé mumbled.

"I have an idea." Nicky said, "We could have a girl's night today to cheer Denali up."

"Yeah, we can do that."

Nicky took her phone and began to type to her friends.

Nicky: Tonight girl's night at Denali's place to cheer her up. Bring chocolates.

When the night finally came, and after a day full of cuddles and sweet kisses, the girls went to Rosé's and Denali's place. They met their friends on the door, and entered all together.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Denali asked from the couch, her face brightened up as soon as she saw them, but suddenly it faded away when she noticed Rosé and Nicky holding hands.

"Catch!" Jan yelled, throwing at her a bag full of chocolates, and of course Denali failed it.

"Jan, easy, you could have hurt her." Jackie said.

"You're the one who's gonna end up hurt tonight." Jan smirked, and Jackie face turned bright red. She adjusted her glasses nervously and cleared her throat, without saying a word.

"Hum? Bitch, what?" Rosé giggled.

"Okay, let's talk about the important stuff." Jackie stated, changing the subject, "How are you, Nals?" Jan and Jackie sat beside Denali, and Nicky and Rosé sat together on the couch in front of them.

Denali took a deep breath, "I don't know, guys." She sighed.

"Did you talk to him?" Jan asked.

"Not really. I've been ignoring his texts."

"He doesn't know that you saw him?" Nicky wondered.

"Nope. I was thinking to talk to him tomorrow, maybe."

The girls kept talking, advising Denali, and making fun of Jackie and Jan. Nicky was with her head resting on Rosé's shoulder, and their hands holding on top of Rosé's lap.

"You're staring." Nicky spoke softly, for only Rosé to hear it.

"What do you mean, baby?" Rosé mumbled.

"Denali. You're staring at her."

Rosé didn't reply, she sighed and wrapped her arms around the girl instead, pressing her lips on Nicky's forehead.

A few hours passed, and the girls began to dance in their pajamas in the middle of the living room.

"I think I'm gonna die." Rosé stopped and tried to catch her breath.

"What would I do if you die?" Nicky said, getting close to her, "You're not allowed to die."

"Oh, you don't let me?" Rosé smirked, pulling Nicky closer.


"Are you wearing chapstick?"

"Strawberry this time."

"Tempting." Rosé smirked.

"Wanna try it?"

Rosé pressed her lips against Nicky's, "I prefer cherry."

"I put that one on my other pair of lips."

"Nicky!" Rosé laughed, "You horny bitch."

"I can't help it." Nicky laughed too, "Let's go rest for a while." She said, pulling Rosé to the couch. They sat there, and Nicky put her legs over Rosé's, and began to play with her hair. The other girls never stopped dancing and laughing.

"You're staring at her again." Nicky sighed.

"I'm not." Rosé replied. "Simply just gazed over in a direction and she was there."

"Then what was that look on your face?"

"What look?"

"You look a certain way when you see her." Nicky informed. "You look at her and it's like you're staring at some sort of galaxy."


She looked down. "You love galaxies."

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