It's been one week since I've woken up, three days since my father told me what plans he has in store for me.
He wanted to send me back, he wanted to fucking send me back. The first day I was in shock, not agreeing or disagreeing. Just confused.
The second day, I was livid. Once again he wanted me to play the puppet.
Today, today I made my own plan.
See, my father wanted to send me back into his enemy's arms. He is convinced I can earn their trust again, be loved by them again. I think they're not stupid again to fall for that.
He wants me to infiltrate their base. They had an inside source, but they were found and killed. So I was to be his new spy, his new eyes, and ears.
I don't think they will fall for it. Will would never fall for it.
I should have refused, it was a suicide mission. A mission to help him, when I wanted to do the exact opposite of that. But then, I started to think.
I hated them, I hated them all. I don't understand why this is the life I'm forced to live. I don't understand why everyone lies, manipulates, and uses me. I don't know what I did so bad to deserve this.
All I know is how I feel.
So angry, I want them to suffer. Suffer for how they make me feel. My father, the people I thought were my friends. All of them lied to me, and I want to destroy them for it.
But I need to be smart about it. I will follow my fathers orders to be sent back. But I won't follow his orders to deceive them, not in the way he thinks at least.
I will go there, and I know I won't be welcomed with open arms. But I will tell them of my father's plans. Tell them that no one wants to see him fail for than me.
They don't need to know the hatred I feel for them. They don't need to know that once they help me, they're my next target. In order to destroy one, I need to destroy the other first. They can think I'm on their side, I'll let them.
I know they aren't going to agree at first. They won't want me anywhere near them. I don't want to be anywhere near them. But I need their help and as much as they hate it, they need mine even more.
So I'll play the part, they'll have no idea. Both sides will think they're using me. Both sides will think I'm on their side. I'm their puppet and they're my puppeteer. Telling how to act, and talk. But the won't be able to tell me what to think.
I was stupid before, but I've learned my lesson. I'll make sure no one comes up on top, but me.
Once I take out my father, they will be easy to fall right after.
I want them all to burn, and I want even more to be the one to light the match.
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