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"What are your bets?" I ask.

"A boy, wait no a girl." He laughs, "Actually, I don't think Levi could handle a girl. So I'm hoping it's a boy. Levi seems like the overprotective father type."

I laugh staring at them. "A few more pushes." I whisper. I smile at the baby's crying voice.

"A girl." Levi sounds like he's about to faint. We laugh, another girl to add to the group.

"Hey," Christian nudged Levi. "Maybe your girl and Will and Arden's, boy can date."

Gwen laughs, "That would be perfect."

Levi's eyes widen. "Oh no, not happening."

Will narrows his eyes, crossing his arms. "Are you shit talking our one year old son?"

   I laugh.

"Don't take it personal, our daughter is just never getting married. To anyone." Levi warns. Gwen rolls her eyes smiling.

Christian smiles, "I feel out, so I'm going to talk to Kayla about us having a kid soon. Boy or girl is fine with me, good thing Arden and Will have twins both genders. We are in no matter what gender our kid is."

This time Arden laughs, "Yeah, no."

Christian wines, "Oh come on, your kids aren't allowed to get married to anyone either?"

"Oh they are." Will smirks, wrapping his arm around his wife. "Just not to any related to you." Arden smiles, looking at Gwen. They both roll their eyes as the two father's, and one future one bicker.

Spoiler alert, let's just say Arden and Will's son win over both the heart's of Christian and Levi's daughters. Just like his father and mother, he is quite the charmer. Same as their daughter, and future one to come after that.

"Come on." Carter says, "Let's take a break from the crying babies."

He reaches out his hand, and I take it.

Arden was right about a lot of things. Carter was there when I woke up in the unknown. He did welcome me, and I did refuse his charms. At first.

We were always with them, watching them strive and grow. We watched them travel to their new home. Watched them start all over. Watched Will and Arden fall more deeply in love than before. It was a relief they finally learned to express their true feelings. We watched them get marry, say their vows. "Till death do us part." They promised each other, and meant it.

Levi and Gwen weren't far behind. But they did wait a year after them to have their first child. Arden's daughter and son were beautiful. All of their kids will be.

We watched Christian fawn and woo over a nice quite girl named Kayla. They were completely opposite, but they were perfect.

We watched Lily. She refused her true self for a long time, it's sad that she still does. But she's starting to notice the girl that works at the library. The one that dropped a book on her foot.

   Spoil alert, that's Lily's future wife.

We held no negative feelings, while we watched them live. They did what they promised, they lived for us. And because of them, we were at peace.

Carter and I will continue to stay and watch over them, until they join us.

   Time goes by so weirdly where we are. But I loved it.

Love, the feeling I learned because of my sister. She was right about the word she uses to describe it as, beautiful.

It was beautiful. Even more when you got to see it in so many ways and forms.

We watched the world, loving and hating. Though there was still so much death and fighting, there was always some love hidden.

In a world filled with good and evil, there will always be that. In a world filled with good and evil, there will always be beauty.

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