for the rest of the day afterwards, seokmin acted a bit strange. jisoo knew something was up, even if the younger only said it was "because of math." jisoo didn't want to intrude on the younger's secret, so he decided to act normal. they still passed notes in class and jisoo decided to join seokmin's friend group at lunch, after an extensive pep talk from chan about how he'll be fine and fit right in with seokmin. the younger bid his farewell, going to a table with his friends in dance
and sat right next to soonyoung.
seokmin's friend list was rather extensive, but his close friends consisted of seungkwan, soonyoung, hansol, minghao and mingyu. jisoo had known of soonyoung through chan - the younger had the slightest of crushes on soonyoung if you couldn't tell yet - but the others, not so much.
he knew that some of them appeared in classes that he and seokmin shared, but he's never been formally introduced. seungkwan and hansol are together and minghao and mingyu deny the fact that they're in a relationship.
"we said we aren't dating!"
"you guys are so freaking obvious!"
"hyung, listen to minghao! if you don't listen to him then you're being racist."
"how's that raci-"
"wow, it's cause i'm chinese. thanks."
"i saw you guys sucking each other's faces off on the stairs the other day but okay i'll try not to be racist."
that was a very brief excerpt of the long conflict on the relationship status of gyuhao, ("can you please stop with the ship names?") which was the topic of today's lunch discussion. jisoo also watched in amusement when seokmin drank from seungkwan's juice bottle thinking it was his, resulting in the younger shouting rather loudly.
"damn ma is it that serious???" minghao interrupts.
"yes it is MY drink and MY lips touched it so"
soonyoung and jisoo actually had a civilized conversation about food while hansol and mingyu calmed their significant others down. seokmin started to eat his ramen and the table had eventually calmed down to a regular talk.
the others joined in and conversed about how seokmin brought a birthday cake on his birthday and proceeded to drop the cake and slip on it in a span of fifteen seconds.
"it wasn't my fault! who had the grand idea of leaving soapy water on the floor as i walked into the kitchen?"
"it's called scrubbing your crusty floors dumb bitch"
"ok mingyu no one asked for you to scrub my floors but hey gold star for you!"
"your point"
"oh my go- thE TILES WERE WHI-"
"okay, thanks for scrubbing my floors improperly, next topic!"
they brought up the topic of more food, hence leading them to tease seokmin and seungkwan for hating cucumbers. jisoo giggled at seokmin's pout as he sipped his milk. mingyu tapped jisoo on his shoulder and asked him,
"do you like seokmin?"
jisoo spit his drink out in surprise and began to cough as mingyu burst out laughing. the others turned in shock as seokmin went to get his elder napkins. if only seokmin were to like me as much as chan did with soonyoung, jisoo thought.
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