(Ch1) A very odd chrismas?

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It was winter already at hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry . And harry potter was staying for Christmas just like every other "ordinary " year . It was about time before the other kids were going to go home for Christmas including Ron and hermione . Ron was going to Poland since his dad got a raise at the ministry . And hermione was going to go visit her aunt and uncle this Christmas . So harry said his good byes and went back into the castle . But on his way he bumped into some one very familiar boy . Blonde hair, pale face, and silver eyes. Bloody hell it was malfoy!
Watch where your going potter! Blurted malfoy ." I could tell you the same"said harry . Malfoy got up and brushed himself . Harry stared for some reason he didn't know of. What are you looking at potter? Said malfoy with a grin . Nothing replied harry . But malfoy had already walked off .

Harrys pov ~

Who does he think he his?
Watch where your going potter .
Thinks so highly of himself .
Not even the minister of magic can be that confident about himself .
Bloody malfoy.
Always so hot...
What no!
Snap about of it harry!

Back in the common room ->

There was barely anyone in the common room this Christmas.
Everyone must've left ....
I guess it is quite peaceful this year... says harry to himself.

End of chapter one peeps 😏

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