Only Friends

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Martin smiled as he walked on the beach holding his surf board. Swimming was his thing and when it was a sunny cool breeze day, he is up for any kind of wave. He took a deep breath and smiled. "Yep today is gonna be a great day." He stepped into the water.

"No no Chris I don't wanna!" Chris picked up Aviva bridal style and threw her into the water. She wiped her face and frowned. Koki laughed and pushed her into the water as well. "Ah!" Koki frowned as well and chased Chris. Aviva laughed and Jimmy watched laughing as well. "Okay okay I'm sorry Koki!" Chris hid behind Jimmy and smiled. Koki rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's alright." Aviva Smiled and looked over at Martin standing up on his surf board. "Hey let's go surfing!" "Good idea Aviva!" Chris got his surf board and Jimmy got the other one. "Hey I didn't bring mines." Koki pouted. "Neither did I." Aviva said. "How about two of us go on one board yeah?" "Yeah." Koki smiled and wished to go on with Chris. Aviva grabbed Chris's board and ran off. "Ha!" "Hey!" Chris laughed and ran after her. Jimmy smiled and ran after them. "Koki come on!" Koki sighed "I'm coming!..."

Aviva sat on the surf board while using her hands to move closer to the wave, she was now standing behind Chris and smiled as they rode the wave. Aviva held onto Chris and laughed. "Alright!" Martin smiled from behind them and splash! They crashed into the wave. "Are you alright?" Asked Aviva. "I'm fine." Chris laughed and swam to the surface with Martin and Aviva. Koki sat on the sand poking a stick in the sand and sighed. She liked Chris but she didn't see them dating cause of Aviva. Koki was jealous that everyone loved Aviva cause she was so smart and caring and she could go on. "Hey aren't you gonna go surf as well?" Jimmy asked. "Nah I feel sick.." "Koki what's wrong? You can tell me.." Jimmy sat by Koki and looked at her. "It's silly..." "I act silly and say silly things too, I'll understand." He Smiled softly and she looked down. "I'm..i-I'm jealous of Aviva and it makes me a bad friend..."

"Why would you be jealous?" Koki teared up. "Cause she's beautiful,smart. Sweet and so much more.. And I am nothing compared to her.." Jimmy frowned. "Don't say that Koki..Your such a caring, trustworthy and beautiful girl. Don't say things like that.." Koki looked down. "Your right.." "Cheer up, your better than her at some things as well." She smiled a bit. Jimmy stood up. "Now come on let's go have fun."

Aviva slept on Chris's shoulder and he didn't mind at all. Martin slept on Chris's other shoulder and Chris didn't care. Koki laughed a bit at them sleeping on his shoulder. "That's pretty funny." "You think?" Chris smiled and Koki got a marshmallow and put it on her stick. Martin woke up and yawned. "What time is it?" "11:23." Responded Chris. "It's late, I'm going to bed. Night." Martin got up and stretched them made his way to the Tortuga. "It is late." Koki looked over at Chris who carried Aviva bridal style. "Ima take her to bed." Chris went inside and Koki sighed sadly. It was bedtime.

Koki heard some giggling noises in Aviva's room so she listened by the door. In Aviva's room, Chris kissed her lips softly and she kissed back. "I love you Chris.." "I love you too Aviva.." They kept kissing and Aviva giggled as Chris stroked her thigh. Koki knocked. "Aviva?" Chris and Aviva parted and they blushed. "What do we do Ck?" "I'll hide." Chris hid in the closet and Aviva opened the door. "Yeah?" "Whatcha doing?" "Nothing." "Okay." Koki walked away to go to bed and Aviva shut the door. Chris came out of the closet and sat on her bed. "Should we plan on telling her and Jimmy about us?" Aviva crosses her arms and decided to think. "I don't know maybe soon, Martin technically is the only one that knows." They shrugged.

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