A Couple Months passed and that all forgot about the volleyball "accident." Koki sat on the sand looking at the waves. She looked over at Chris and Aviva building a sand castle. "I'll go get the water." Aviva smiled and went over to get more water. She came back and saw Koki talking to Chris. "Hey." She smiled. Koki fake smiled. "Hey um I need to talk to you Aviva." "Okay, I'll be back Ck!" Once Koki had her back turned Chris kissed Aviva's lips quickly.
As Aviva walked on the sand with Koki, Koki stopped and looked at her. "When did this whole relationship with Chris happen?" Aviva felt weird. "What do you mean?" "I know y'all are dating, so how long has this relationship been going?" "Like A month...I'm sorry I didn't tell you but Chris and I wanted to keep it a secret." "Since when did y'all like each other." "I have always felt like he was cute,handsome, strong, lovable, adventurous, caring..A man who I fell in love with." Aviva smiled softly and Koki was a bit serious. "How did y'all get together?." "I was having issues and after crying about them with you and Jimmy. I went outside looking for the Kratt bros and I saw Chris only in his shorts only, apparently he took a bath outside who knows where. He approached me and I felt like fainting. Such a nice body..." Aviva smiled lovingly to herself. "So?" "Oh yeah, He noticed my tears and asked what's wrong. I told him... Then he started saying such sweet things and I felt happy... Then we argued about some things after that we apologized, to seal the deal we kissed." Koki frowned to herself. "I-it's just not fair!"
"Whats not fair?" Aviva asked. "It's not fair than you got to be with him and you didn't even know him for a long time like Jimmy and I did! I have feelings for him and I felt as if he liked me too for a while!" Koki cried and Aviva felt bad. "I like Chris and you just had to become our friend and then apparently catch him off guard to be with him!" "Koki, you need to calm down and not in a mean way but accept things.." All the yelling from Koki made Chris go over to see what happened. "It's your fault Aviva! You think your the best and that you can get whatever you want!" Koki shoved Aviva to the ground. "Yeah now get up like an animal would and struggle! Cause I've felt that way for a long time cause of you!" Aviva got on her knees and Koki kicked her down. "Koki What are you doing!!" Chris ran over to them and frowned.
"Looking at your pathetic and now fat girlfriend struggling to get up cause she needs to learn how to get up!" "She's pregnant you idiot! And you have some nerve pushing her down and kicking her!!" Chris got furious and he helped up Aviva. Koki frowned and cried silently. She ran off and Aviva cried. "She kicked my stomach Chris, what if something happens to the baby?!" "No don't think like that, okay?" He picked her up.
The doctor examined Aviva as she laid on the bed wondering what he would say. "You got kicked in the Stop right? And it was strong it caused you to fall on the ground." Aviva nodded and Chris kissed her forehead. "And your on the second trimester?" "Yes doc." "Well, have you felt any cramps." "Yes my back hurts and my abdomen hurts as well." "Do you feel any symptoms of nausea? Vomiting?" Aviva shook her head no. "No. I have to go to the bathroom." The doc let her and Chris helped over to the bathroom. A nurse went inside with her in case anything happened. After Aviva being in there forever. Aviva was crying and the nurse tried to comfort her. Chris went over to Aviva and hugged her. "What's wrong babe?" She cried and just wanted comfort. Chris stroked her back and let her cry in his chest.
"A miscarriage." Chris couldn't believe it but it was true. "I'm sorry Christopher, I really wanted you have the baby you wanted." Aviva cried. "No it's alright." He kissed her forehead and wiped her tears. "It's not you fault, you were doing a great job my love...we can always try again." Aviva nodded and sniffled. They hugged and Chris gave Aviva small kisses on her lips, forehead and cheeks. "Te amo." "I love you too."
Once they got to the Tortuga, Martin hugged Aviva and Chris as well. They hugged him back. "I
understand if you want to stop adventuring for a few days and from inventing." Aviva nodded and went to her room with Chris.
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