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"No..it's not true..he, he is fine without me", LanZhan uttered and turned around, "It's true..He loves you, he wants you, he wants to be with you or he would never in a 16 years make any useless effort to find you, to meet you once again, he loves you too much still", Xie Yun slightly shouted his eyes being teary now, but Lanzhan stayed silent

"Just come with me..he's already broke, don't break him again and again", Yun uttered helplessly taking a step towards the other, "He's the one who broke me like this that I never want to see him", Lanzhan uttered hanging his head low once again, "I know, I know that he made a very big mistake..but..he never stopped loving you, please give him a chance..I request you", Xie Yun pleaded very hopefully, he was little by little loosing hope now as the other was being too much stubborn

"Don't make me to recall the past", Lan Wangji with a stern tone replied and demanded at the same time, he wanted to become more stubborn but little by little he was loosing his energy, he was moving towards the past which he never tended to.."Can't you see I'm already dead? No one can get more life then one", he continued looking up towards the other boy

"He..he can do this, he can bring you back..if you agree and come with me, then you'll be back to life..I swear, trust him", Xie Yun replied a bit excitedly, "Nobody is made to live for more than one lives. If he can bring the peoples back then make him help the others in need who are helpless", the other answered very dully

"But..he treasures you Lan Gonza", The younger boy uttered quickly desperately trying to convince the Beautiful Lan who was as cold as ice and stubborn as sword striking through the body, but who can know this cold person also has a heart where his Weiying still lives..he could never take him out from it, but, he's mad..still mad, so much mad with the behaviour of the other male that he swore that he never wants to see him again, but..deep inside he knows that Weiying was doing that all for the love for the peoples, but LanZhan was upset by the fact that WeiYing never cared for him when he was alive and was loving the other out of this world,  but now he's dead and WeiYing wants him back?, it's not possible..

"He never listened to me..he did what he wanted to...but..I don't regret dying if that means protecting him", LanZhan uttered smoothly but Xieyun could clearly hear the pain in his voice when he said 'he never listened to me', he felt guilty but he knew that he promised Weiying that he'll bring his beautiful Lan back and he made that vow to himself too as he can see how beautifully WeiYing cherished even that death body of his LanZhan and kept it perfectly more than that of his life depends on it, how can he forget the pain in Wei Wuxian's eyes?

"The Yiling Patriarch regrets!..he regrets everything!", the younger burst out painfully, he was so desperately trying he only knew, Lan Wangji quickly turned towards him hearing the word regret, "Yes..he regrets! He regrets the each single things he have done to you..he regrets choosing Wens instead of you...he is regretting it for 16 years and still..he desperately wants you back Langonza...in his dark time you was with him..and now in your dark time..he wants to be with you...he wants to say how much he loves you..how much you means to him..he regrets each and everything!", Xie Yun shut his eyes gulping hard

"....he regrets?", the sentence was as if asking the boy a question, it was like a whispering..Xie Yun quickly opened his eyes and nodded immediately, "..he..he wants to say that to you and confess his feelings..but you blocked each and every paths that he can meet you in it, that's why he could never interact with your soul..", the other replied taking a deep breath, it hurts so much hearing the truth now..LanZhan always thought that he was the only one who loved WeiYing desperately, but the other was at the same line..he too loved LanZhan more than anything, but could never confess

"When you was taking your last breath..do Lan Gonza remembers anything?", Xie Yun asked him staring deep at the face of the most beautiful person from Gusu, "Yes..he held me in his arms firstly when I was falling down..then..he called me..I wanted to say that I'll love him always..but I couldn't bring myself because of the breath loss I was going through, but I brought myself to utter his name for the last time..he held my hand up, he wanted to bring me back, so I said no...and it all felt blur..my vision went black...that's all I remember", LanZhan looked down and sat on the stone once again placing the Guqin in his lap

"You don't remember after that what happened?", the younger asked making sure if he remembers anything, Lanzhan slowly shook his head as no, "You'll not believe this..but, Weigonza  told me that he said 'I love you' when you slowly closed your eyes..he thought that you remembered that, but it seems to me that you never heard his 'I love you' towards you and only you", Xie Yun smiled softly when he saw LanZhan looked towards him quickly when heard that his Weiying actually said that three magical words to him, he never thought that WeiYing was like this but his heart wanted to believe what the boy is saying to him right now

"He..he said that to me?", He asked standing up immediately as he wanted to hear that it's true what's coming out from Xie Yun's mouth, "Yes Langonza..but he was too late to utter that..as you was already dead", he answered softly smiling, he knew now that the Lan is believing him and listening to him, this way it'll be more easy to bring him back, Lanzhan didn't said anything further and hanged his head low fidgeting, he was too taken back by the confession that he couldn't utter anything, he never saw Weiying like this

"..is he okay?", he asked softly which yet heard by the younger, Xie Yun knew that the other meant Weiying, he was mad but at the same time the feeling of his Weiying was eating him alive, of course he loved the boy too much that's why, "No..he's not, he dies everyday when he never finds you alive", Xie Yun answered after staying in silent for a while

Lanzhan after hearing this felt more guilty as the feeling of your loved otha not beside you hurts more than anything and he knew that, "..Could he bring Jiang Gunya back?", he asked still hanging his head low, "I forgot to tell you this but...He sacrificed Jiang Gunya's soul to bring yours back..as we can only get one back whom we love more than anything, so there was two souls he had to choose..one hers and other one yours, but he right away choose to bring you back as Jiang Gunya's soul Herself said that she is fine living with her husband in the sky and she'll never choose to be back..but believe me..he wanted to choose you in the first place, he could bring her back but she saw the love and hurtful eyes of his, so she asked him to bring you back instead of her"

"...but I never returned", LanZhan spoke his voice being very low as the guilt was drowning him more and more. "Yes..you never returned, but believe me..it's still not late, you can come back..I've only got 5 minutes left to stay here now as there is a certain amount of time we can stay in the outside world, I can meet you here only for 20 minutes..please come back..my time is going quickly, after I go, I want to take you with me", Xie Yun uttered desperately

Lanzhan stayed silent and sat down again placing the Guqin in his lap, Xie Yun stared at him confused, the other started to play the beautiful song which he taught once to Weiying, "You never told him the name of this music name, right?", the younger asked listening to the music, "..how did you know?", He asked looking up towards XieYun who smiled and answered with, "I saw each and every memories of Yiling Patriarch which he remembers till now..he showed me himself so I can perfectly convince you to come back"

"Please Langonza..only 2 minutes left now, if you'll not come back..he'll be broken", Xie Yun was fading slowly now, he hopefully stared at the other who was not looking towards him and only playing his guqin, "Please Langonza!", He voiced out desperately, he was too much upset by the fact that explaining so much like this ends up getting nothing.


Other side, Wuxian was continuously staring at the body of both males, one was already death and one was in a deep sleep..he gulped hard as he too knew that in one minute his Lanzhan will be back or not..it'll broke him when his beautiful Lan will refuse to come, "Lanzhan..I miss you..please come back to me", he uttered softly holding his Lan's cold hand up and rubbing it thinking that it would be warm

"Please come back", he kissed the hand softly, the lone tears fell from his eyes watching the beautiful but lifeless face, how desperately he wanted to see that cold and emotionless face which he finds very pretty to watch, how he wanted to tease him again and see that cute frown, how he crave for that care which his Lanzhan showed him by actions not words...as the saying goes that 'Actions can speak more than Words'

"Please give me one chance..I'll make it all right", WeiYing mumbled sadly staring at the lifeless body of the person whom he loves more than anything in this whole life, the minute past and he could see the slight movement in XieYun's body..whereas the person he desperately loves was not moving at all...this only means one thing that..Lan Wangji refused to come back

"I finally found you!", shouted the female voice from behind, Weiying quickly turned around and met with that Brave girl again, "Zhou Fei", he uttered staring at the girl who was covered in a blood, she was taking a deep breath, it seems like she just fought with his soldiers

"Why are you here?", Wuxian asked standing up, "What have you done to Xie MeiMei?!", Fei slightly yelled towards him when saw her beloved one is laying there in the middle of the ritual spot, "And!..who..is that?", her eyes widen when saw LanZhan as he was as same as her Xie MeiMei

"I can explain", Weiying uttered glancing towards his Lan and again towards Zhou Fei who was already glaring towards him with her sharp eyes, she was too confused and angry with him right now that she blindly killed everyone who came in between her path, she just wanted her Xie Yun back by hook or by crook

"Explain fast!",Fei demanded pointing her saber towards his direction who took a deep breath and started explaining everything from the very beginning till now which was carefully being heard by Zhou Fei

"If anything happens to him then..you'll not be alive till tomorrow comes", she folded her arms staring at her beloved MeiMei and the other staring at his beloved Lan, they both were unconditionally in love with this two, they were waiting continuously for both to wake up as now Zhou Fei was a little calm from before hearing the story

"...mn", Xie Yun slowly opened his eyes frowning a bit, when the girl saw that the boy is waking up she quickly went towards him and held his hand rubbing it, "Xie MeiMei! Are you fine?", she questioned immediately, "A-fei?", he uttered softly with confusion

"Yes it's me", Fei nodded her head smiling widely towards her love of the life, Xie Yun smiled and hugged her tightly, "I missed you my water grass", he uttered shutting his eyes tightly, "I missed you more Xie MeiMei!", she replied hugging him tightly back

Other side WeiYing was observing the both lovely couples, he was too sad by the fact that his Beloved Lan didn't came back, he hanged his head low and took a deep breath trying hard not to burst out in tears, but eventually his tears betrayed him and fell down unconsciously, "Weiying", the sudden voice made him to widen his eyes immediately, it was so much one's own that he always craved for, he quickly looked up and saw the most beautiful sight in front of him..

..He saw his LanZhan..yes! His Lanzhan is back! He was staring at Weiying blinking his eyes, Yiling Patriarch couldn't believe his eyes and rubbed it harshly and again stared at the sight in front of him, he in a flash hugged the other male so tightly like he is expressing his loneliness, crave, love, passion and many more in that hug

LanZhan hugged him back as he too craved very bad for this boy, "Where were you, I missed you so so so much my Fuddy-duddy!", Wuxian uttered sniffing the scent which he had lost 16 years ago and that beautiful scent came back with the man he loved more than anything, whereas Xie Yun and Zhou Fei was watching this very beautiful scene between LanZhan and Weiying, how they both loves each other they could clearly see from the hug

"So you could bring him back", Fei spoke glancing towards Xie Yun who nodded in response, "When only 4 seconds were left Langonza came with me", He answered smiling which she smiled back and again started watching the both males.


Wait Wait! This story is still not finished! There's more hehe..Well do let me know if you liked this Chapter or not, please support this story too, as this has the less views from the others and please do write comments.

Love ya!

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