"FIRST DAY OF SOPHOMORE YEAR!!" Anna groans at the scream coming from her right.
She sees Liam stifling a smile. "What?" She snaps.
"It's sort of cute." He shrugs.
"Not when you have to wake up early, Liam. Never when you have to wake up early." Anna grimaces.
"ANNA!! MY BEST FRIEND! WHAT IS UP?!" Hannah jumps in front of Anna with a big smile.
"It's too early." Anna grumbles.
"Liam doesn't think so." Hannah states, turning to him.
"Oh, I'm not getting in the middle of this." Liam says, putting his hands up in surrender.
Anna' expression turns to one of understanding as she shrugs. She brings her cup of coffee to her mouth when Hannah speaks again. "So word around school is that you guys got together."
Anna spits her coffee out, coughing. "What?" She chokes out.
"Well, did you?"
"No!" Anna exclaims. "Why does everyone think we had sex?!"
"I was talking about dating." Hannah deadpans.
"Oh." Anna blushes, looking down.
"Wait, did you guys have sex?!" Hannah practically yells.
"Hannah..." Anna groans, burying her head in Liam's chest in embarrassment. "We didn't have sex."
"Good. Because if you lost your virginity before me, I would be ashamed of myself."
"Hannah, you called me in the middle of the night to tell me you lost your virginity." Anna reminds her.
"Yeah, but now I know for sure you didn't lose it before I did." Hannah smirks.
"I bet you're regretting dating me right about now." Anna looks up at an awkward Liam.
"Nope. It's you. How could I regret a thing?" Hannah 'aw's as Liam pecks Anna's lips before going to history class.
"You are made for each other." Hannah squeals, taking Anna by the arm and dragging her to class.
Anna gets out of class and immediately sees Liam and Mason conversing. "Hey." She greets, running up to them.
"Do you believe in the supernatural?" Mason asks.
She blinks and looks over at Liam before looking back at Mason. "The supernatural?"
"Yeah, like werewolves, Nagual, ghosts and stuff." Anna gulps harshly.
"I, um..." She tries to think of a good answer.
"Because I know something is out there. You know about the big animal thing at the school and how it attacked Hannah, Lydia and me. I know that Lydia knows something and no one is telling me anything!" Mason exclaims.
"Look, dude. It's the first day of school. Shouldn't you be thinking about other things?" Liam asks.
"Like the soccer team." Anna suggests, seeing the team walk past them.
"What do you think I'm gonna do? Follow them out to the field and watch them practice as I pretend to study?" Mason inquires, watching the teenage boys walk.
"It's hot out." Liam points out.
"They're probably going to be shirtless." Anna adds, winking.
Mason thinks for a moment before patting Anna's shoulder. "I'll see you in physics."
Mason walks away and Anna groans, seeing a passionate blonde approaching. "Cue Hannah."
"Anna, soccer team, now." Hannah orders.
"No, they are going to be shirtless!" Hannah hisses.
"I have a boyfriend." Liam waves with a sarcastic smile.
"So?" Hannah drags Anna away but not before she plants a kiss on Liam's cheek.
"Cute girlfriend." Liam jerks away from the girl next to him and his expression drops to pure annoyance. "And, nice shorts." She looks down to see the shorts Liam had to change into because she put gum on his chair in history.
"Yeah, thanks. You know, I was wondering if you were still pissed off about the sixth grade, but, uh, I guess you cleared that up."
"I'm not pissed off, Liam." Hayden laughs. "I'm vengeful."
"Scott, can you please find Liam. I'm getting worried." Anna says through the phone. "He was supposed to work out with Mason like two hours ago and we had a group thing planned—"
"I got it. Don't worry." Scott laughs.
"Just... Tell him to text me that he's ok." She asks. "Please?"
"Are you ok, An? You sound nervous."
"It's just..." She moves away from Mason and Hannah who are bickering about Mason. "With everything that went down last year and the guy that attacked you? I have a really bad feeling in my stomach. Like something bad is coming. Something really bad."
Scott stays silent, thinking about her words. "It's probably nothing, though." Anna laughs it off, trying to hide her fears. "I'm just being paranoid, right?"
"No, you're right to be cautious. Just don't let it take over your life." Scott tells her. "I'll get Liam. Don't worry. Bye, love you."
"Love you, bye." Anna hangs up the phone and freezes.
"Anna, how can you date him? He has been late so many times and—" Hannah stops her rant, seeing Anna's posture. "An?"
"I just said something I haven't said to my brother in a long time and I'm sort of freaking out cause he said it too." Anna announces.
"What did you say?" Mason questions.
"'Love you.'"
"That's not weird." Hannah scoffs.
"Yeah, you're family." Mason agrees.
"I-I don't know..." Anna mutters. "Let's just wait for Liam." She sighs, looking towards the busses, hoping to see his blue eyes.
Cue Hayden... Hope you enjoyed!
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