Anna lies in bed in her room. Her eyes keep fluttering shut but she fights to keep them open. In order to stay awake, she starts to mutter what she knows. "I know that whatever he did is killing me from the inside out." She takes a deep breath. "I know that I'm hearing voices and seeing things that aren't there." Another breath. "I know tonight is the Super Moon, meaning every werewolf is going to be angrier and stronger."
"That's right." Anna doesn't even look at her chair, knowing that she's just hearing things. "Anna, I'm trying to help."
"You're not real." Anna gulps.
"Just because only you can see me doesn't make me not real." The voice says.
Something, through the fogginess of her brain, clicks. A name comes to mind as Anna lets her eyes trail their way up to the girl in the chair.
When Anna's eyes meet the brown ones of the girl's, everything becomes clearer. Her name slips from Anna's lips in a whisper and the girl smiles. "Look outside, Anna."
Anna glances at the window to see the Super Moon rising. "What's gonna happen?" Anna whimpers.
"Someone might die." The girl warns. "Hayden is dying right now. Scott is trapped at the school with a very angry Liam. Theo has planned every part of this night to the dot, except for one thing."
"What didn't he plan for?" Anna pants.
"You." Anna uses all of her strength to get out of bed and call Hannah.
"Hannah, you have to listen to me." Anna starts once the phone is picked up. "Don't trust Theo, ok? He's the bad guy. He's probably working with the Dread Doctors. Liam and Scott are trapped at the school and I'm going."
"Anna, hold on a second—"
"No!" Anna struggles to stand but manages. "Those driving lessons are really gonna come in handy now. Stay with Hayden, help her. I'll be fine."
She hangs up the phone and slowly makes her way to the car. She gets in and the girl appears next to her. Anna starts to drive to the school, wincing the whole way.
Her phone beeps and the girl checks it. "Hayden's dying and Mason is on his way to the school." She tells her.
"By the looks of it, he's gonna get there before me." Anna takes a deep breath as she continues on.
Anna's eyes start to droop. Her hand slides off the wheel as the girl screams for Anna to keep her eyes open. Anna's eyes snap back open in time to swerve away from an approaching car. Her car slams into a tree and she falls to the ground. Anna pushes herself up and sees the school in the distance. She starts to walk, holding her hurt arm.
She staggers the entire way to the school, hearing encouraging words from the girl. She stumbles towards the library to find Mason running in. "Liam!" He yells.
Anna freezes behind the wall. "Liam, what the hell are you doing?!" She hears panting, and Liam mutters a name that she can't hear.
"She's gone." Mason announces. "She died a few minutes ago. She's gone."
Liam runs from the library, covered in blood. Anna staggers out from her hiding place once he's out of view. "All that's left is me." She breathes.
The girl nods as Anna makes her way into the library. She's too tired to be shocked when she sees Mason picking up a bloodied Scott.
The boys don't notice her as Mason asks for an explanation. "It was the Super Moon." Scott justifies. At the sound of footsteps, Anna turns around to see a very angry Theo. Her heart rate picks up, seeing his claws extended. He smirks at her as Scott shakes his head. "It was just—"
"Bad timing." Theo finishes. He raises his clawed fingers and then next thing Anna can feel is pain radiating from her stomach. Theo removes his claws and glares at Mason as Scott screams out Anna's name. "I mean, seriously, you couldn't have waited five minutes?" Theo pushes Mason to the ground and Scott faces the newly identified chimera.
Anna slides to the ground, holding her stomach. She chokes back a sob as blood seeps through her fingers. She looks back as Theo continues his rant. "I should've stayed. I should've made sure."
"Because now you have to kill me yourself." Scott realizes.
"They're still mine." Theo tells the wounded Alpha. "Maybe not yet, but they'll come around."
"Not for you." Scott glances at Anna to see that she is still alive and watching with a pained expression. His eyes tell her to look away and she shakes her head. Theo's claws are shoved into Scott's gut and Anna cries out. "They're not like you." Scott manages to say. "They never will be."
"Because I'm a chimera?" Theo asks menacingly. "Because I'm not a real werwolf?"
"Because you're barely even human." Scott whispers in his ear. Theo lets out a battle cry as he shoves Scott into the stairs and let his claws dig deeper.
"SCOTT!" Anna's scream is heard throughout Beacon Hills. The only way to describe what every member of the McCall pack heard was to compare it to the scream that echoed through Oak Creek when Allison Argent was killed.
Theo gets up and walks away with bloodied claws. When he gets to the door Anna spits, "You're a monster."
"So are you." He tells her. "But, I'll let you in on a little secret, Anna." He kneels down next to her and pushes the hair off of her sweaty face. "I'll see you soon."
Theo walks away as Mason drops down next to her. Anna lets her head roll towards him. "Oh my god, Anna." He breathes, seeing silver liquid poor from her wound.
"You have to tell him." She whispers, tears pouring from her eyes. "You have to tell Liam..."
"Tell him what?" Mason asks, seeing the light slowly dim from her eyes.
"Tell him I love him." Anna begs, nodding her head with certainty. "He needs to know. So does Hannah. T-Tell her she's the best friend only people in tv shows have. Please?"
"I will, I promise." Mason sends her a soft smile.
"And, can you tell my mom that I..." Anna takes a deep breath before a desperate smile appears on her silver lips. "I crashed the car and I don't regret it for a minute."
"She's gonna be so pissed." Mason plays along, trying to keep her happy.
"I'm gonna be grounded for months." Anna lets out a watery laugh.
"I'm so sorry, Anna." The girl kneels down with a sad look in her eyes.
"Help them." Anna tells them both. "I need you to help them."
"Of course." Mason nods.
"Will you?" Anna turns to the girl.
"I always have been. They just need to listen." The girl says.
"Anna? Who are you talking to?" Mason asks cautiously.
"They're one more thing you have to tell them." Anna's voice gets weaker as her eyes close. "She's here, with everyone."
"Who? Who's here?" Mason demands.
"Allison." Anna's chest stops moving as her heart slows to a stop. Mason looks towards where Allison sits, trying to make sense of what Anna's last words were.
"I know you can't see me, but I'm here." Allison's words fall on deaf ears. "But now, Parrish is going to come for the body. Go to Scott."
As if on cue, Deputy Parrish shows up at the door to the library. Mason has the good sense to back away as Parrish picks up Anna's body. Mason watches as Parrish carried the body of his friend away and towards the Nemeton.
ONE MORE CHAPTER BEFORE 5B!!! You guys guessed right! She can see Allison!! Did you guys like? Was this good? Did you cry? Cause I sort of did when I wrote this.......
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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