Anna and Hannah walk up the stairs in Anna's house. "You know, we should go see the new Channing Tatum movie." Hannah suggests.
"Maybe after everything is over." Anna laughs slightly. Hannah freezes in the doorway to Scott's room.
"Crap." She mutters.
"What?" Anna asks. She peaks in and stiffens. Scott, Stiles and Liam are all facing towards the door with Hayden standing in Scott's bathroom with glowing, yellow eyes.
Anna doesn't say a word before she runs from the room and down the stairs. She somehow catches Hannah groaning, "I just got her to stop."
Anna jumps into Hannah's car as the blonde barrels out of the house. Hannah doesn't even fasten her seat belt before Liam and Scott come running out. "Go, go, go! Hannah, drive!" Anna yells. Hannah slams her foot on the accelerator.
The car speeds away from the house, leaving Scott and Liam in the dust. "What the hell is going on with her?" Scott asks. "Are you guys fighting?" He asks the beta.
"Something like that." Liam grumbles.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD!" Anna starts to hyperventilate. "Hayden is a freaking chimera and everyone is just—"
"Anna, breathe." Hannah orders.
"I-I can't!" Anna yells, tear running down her cheeks. "How can I do something as simple as breathing when they—"
"I know. I get it. But you have to breathe, An." Hannah tells her.
Anna finally gets a few deep breaths in before letting herself relax. "This town is horrible." She states.
"I know." Hannah agrees.
"Too much stuff is going on and I just... I'm sorry, Han."
"Don't be sorry."
"No, I'm serious. First, I have to finish the last chapter in the damn book that's supposed to restore my memories. And now I'm involving you in all this."
"The Dread Doctor book, right?" Hannah asks.
"What could they have possibly taken? A memory of someone dying? I mean..." Hannah shakes her head.
"That's what I'm afraid of."
Anna sits in her bed, playing with her hands. She had finished the book and doesn't know how to trigger the missing memory. She left Hannah passed out at her house and had come home to change.
She doesn't look up when Scott enters the room. "I'm sorry." She mutters.
"About what?" Scott asks, sitting on her bed.
"About running." She shrugs. "I want to help. I really do. I just don't know how I'm supposed to. I'm supposedly waiting for a stolen memory to slap me in the face and then there's the whole thing with Liam and Hayden..."
"He said you were sort of fighting." Scott says gently.
"He said that?" She sniffles, finally looking up. "I guess he's sort of right, then."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
Scott sighs, not knowing what to do. "How about this: I tell you how we plan to protect Hayden from the Dread Doctors and you can forget about your problems and help us?"
Anna thinks for a moment. "That actually sounds perfect." She tells him, smiling slightly.
"Ok then. Didn't think that would work." Scott laughs. "Remember what Valack said about telluric currents?"
"Well, there is a ley line under the school."
"We're going to hide in a school?" Anna asks.
"Of course we are." Scott laughs. "Lydia also has an idea about how to disrupt the frequency between the Dread Doctors."
"But that's not all." Anna says knowingly.
"If tonight works, we won't only have protected Hayden." Scott announces. "We would have caught a Dread Doctor."
Sorry it's short. The next chapter should be longer and it is very important for the storyline. Hope you like it!
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