The first wedding Miller attended was his aunt. He remembered how everyone was excited and dressed in their finest suits and best dress they could pull from their closet or store.
Miller didn't understand why adults would make fuss over two people standing before a crowd of family members, putting rings on fingers then kissing.
As he grew older he begun to understand why. Why not only the attendees of the wedding was happy but the bride and groom or both combined.
Why everyone looked forward to marriage. It was the greatest symbol of love. Joining together as one and vowing to a happy fulfilling life with each other.
Miller didn't think he would ever get married, he's had his fair share of couples who ended badly after marriage but that didn't mean there wasn't others who had years upon years of successful marriage.
When he decided to propose to Paris, Eric had asked him if he was sure about it. Giving a toothy smile he would reply with a yes. The same thing happened when he bought the ring.
The same ring that sat in Eric's apartment after he thought he lost it in the lobby at Marty Barty apartment complex.
The very same ring that didn't make it onto the girls finger. It was faithed for Miller not to get married; at least not yet. He'd gotten rid of the ring at the pawn shop and donated the money to some organization Eric suggested. Something good should at least come from the ring.
It was harder said than done when Miller agreed to show up at the wedding. He didn't know what Eric was up to; what being here would prove.
Cameron had gave him a boost and so did Eric. Hence, Miller found himself out of the house and standing at the venue of the wedding.
Paris had done a good job --he'll give her that much--with selecting the decorations in such short time. Eric, Miller, Cameron and Miller's date stood at the entrance looking like the four wedding crashers they are.
Cameras aligned every inch of the place. Miller could sense it was Paris doing, Carl wouldn't do something like that.
Eric soon left with Cameron, leaving Miller standing with Cindy. She was dolled up and nervous to be attending her boss wedding.
Miller took a seat in one of the seats in the back, giving way to those who wanted to enter or exit. Cindy sat beside him.
"I can't believe he's getting married" Cindy said, looking around the room admiring the amazing decor. "I'd never thought this day would come"
"Well its happening" Miller said, already loosening his tie and feeling the urge to go home.
"I mean, he's so mean and aggressive, self centered yet handsome and rich" Cindy said. "At least that's what the rumors said"
"Don't believe such crap" Miller became defensive. "Carl is the most loving man I've met, he's stubborn, kind and sweet. He's a bit broken but non the less he's a great man that doesn't deserve what this shitty world have to offer him. So tell whoever you heard those rumors from better yet the whole building to shut up and stop spreading lies"
Cindy's eyes widen at Miller's words. "I'm sorry" what else could she possibly say.
Having blow off some steam, Miller saw a man with a toddler walking towards the seats at the front. He noticed he dropped something, being nice he got up and walked up the isle, talking up what looked like a small stuffed bear.
The man hadn't gotten too far. "You dropped this " Miller said, handing back the stuffed animal to the man.
"Thank you. I didn't even realized it fell"
Miller smiled, looking at the baby boy in his arms. "You have a cute son" Miller complimented.
"Wait until you see our daughter" The man laughed. "She looks exactly like her father"
Miller noticed a ring on the mans finger. Reminding him of how hurtful today was. "You seem to have a wonderful family" Miller tried to hide the pain in his voice.
"I guess I do" he replied. "I'm Xander by the way"
"My husband is the makeup guru of this wedding" Xander added, smiling a smile that said he loved his husband. "And my daughter is about somewhere. I'm sure you would find them both interesting"
Miller smiled, saying his goodbyes moments later. As he thought he couldn't stay. Miller could feel the tears coming out, the scene piercing his heart over and over.
He wanted something like what Xander had, something so beautiful. He wanted that with Carl.
"Where are you going" Eric grabbed Miller by the shoulder before he could run away.
Miller wiped away a tear before turning to face his best friend. "I can't do this Eric"
Eric rested both hands on his shoulders. "You can't turn back yet, trust me"
Eric pulled Miller to the front rows. Four seats reserved for the four of them, Miller being situated in the middle on a chair that was decorated differently from the rest.
It had small pink hearts and balloons written with I love you on it. He found it really strange.
The wedding ceremony proceeded. Carl stood before Miller, dressed in a neatly tailored suit-- he just looked perfect. This was the man that he was going to give up.
Paris walked down the isle, a satisfied smile formed when she saw Miller. The scene became even more heart breaking.
Miller bit his bottom lip to hold back his tears, his heart overwhelmed with sadness. He had loss the man he loved all because he wasn't selfish.
Carl didn't even look his way during the whole thing. He didn't have a reason to, Miller had rejected him and his soon to be wife was in front of him.
Cameron squeezed his hand noticing his distress, smiling as he looked ahead at his older brother.
It was now time for the exchange of vows. Paris gave a short one; a friends event, Margarita and one thing led to another.
Miller only looked up for a brief moment, seeing Carl taking a paper from his suit pocket. A man who was standing nearby gave him a mic.
"I've written this many times" Miller felt a jolt in his heart, Carl's voice was like a soothing melody for him. "But I finally found the right words"
He unfolded the paper, evidently nervous. "When we first me I didn't know your name mainly because you left as soon as I saw your face" he began. "The second time we met I still didn't get your name mainly because you didn't give me the time of day. They say thirds time a charm; I thought it was just another saying until I met you for the third time and I got your name"
"Luckily did I know it would be the name that my heart longs for" Paris knitted her brows, wondering what he was talking about. "You by far are the most determined, caring and kindest person I've every met. You stood your ground and even kept your feistiness; even against me"
The crowd erupted in laughter. Miller couldn't believe his ears, Carl was with no doubt talking about.....
"Before I knew it I was in love with you. You stuck with me through my darkest hour, you gave me someone I could call a brother. You gave me something worth moving on for and most of all you gave me love"
Carl finally looked towards Miller who wasn't able to hold back his tears. Walking towards him, holding his hands and pulling him to his feet. "Someone once said it isn't love if you can't accept the bad points along with the good ones and as you said before we're both awful people" Miller didn't care that everyone was shocked at the turn of events. He only had to look at the man before him.
"Two awful people with love stronger than no other. So I'll give you all my love-- my heart until the day I die. I love you Miller Hemming"
Miller cupped Carl's cheek and kissed him. "I love you too stupid CEO"
I'm not crying.
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