Part 31.

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Carl felt a sense of relief after pouring out his emotions. Never did he thought he would cry in front of anyone. When he saw Miller crying along with him he knew it was okay. All his pent up frustration and self hatred, blame and many more came pouring out in each tear.

Miller became his sense of comfort. His pillar to keep him from toppling over. Carl would always remember the simple words he said. They held so much truth and meaning.

Remembering how they both shared such a comforting moment, Miller's smaller hands emitting warmth on his cheek. He knew it was right to keep him by his side. They way Miller stood his ground whenever they argued. Never backing down because he was the CEO. Never running away when things got too complicated. Mostly loving the feeling he got whenever he was close, when he had him in his arms. Carl never wanted to be in someone else's presence so badly.

Carl never fail to notice the change in his heart rate. He always thought it was just an odd occurrence but today he knew for sure when Miller was with him through ever inch of his distress. Miller was definitely special.

Carl had finally found the strength to get up and face a new day. He didn't know if he could accept Cameron as yet. As he squinted his eyes as the sun that peeked through his window he thought that anything was possible. He felt new and would now aim to be happy for his mother-- for both of them. With Miller by his side he felt that nothing is impossible. It might take sometime for him to turn things around, either way he wanted to take the first step forward. Deep within his heart he feared that Miller won't be around for long.

Marcel rubbed himself against Carl's legs. Meowing at him. The little fur ball made him smile, a true way of cheering him up. As he stroke his grey fur Miller exited the bathroom. He had went to wash his face to hide the fact that he was crying. Carl took notice of the shorter man. His brunette hair stuck out in all direction, a sullen expression on his face that he tried to hide with a smile. He always admired how good looking Miller was, how stubborn, cute and kind he could be.

Paris had let go of a good man. Carl didn't know the history behind the two. Not completely sure if Miller accepted the two of them or not. He had yet to know the bittersweet history of the two.

"I'm not angry at you" Carl thought to make clear. He was at first but he made up for it by being there for him.

"Well you should be" Miller replied, sitting beside Carl watching as he stroke Marcel. "I did something awful"

"You didn't know" No one knew except Cameron and his dad.

"I still did something awful" Miller pressed. "I'll give you permission to punch me in the face"

Carl watched as Miller squinted his eyes. Waiting for his fist to collide with his face. Carl wasn't going to punch him. He didn't see a need to.

The events of two days ago started off rocky but he was grateful how it ended. Instead Carl pressed his lips on Miller's cheek. For someone whose about to get married it was wrong but he couldn't find it in himself to stop.

As his lips touched the warmth of Miller's skin he felt a shock of electricity. Something unlike he'd felt before. He'd kiss plenty of women on the cheek as a greeting before but this was different. It felt like nothing else mattered. Like they were thrown in a world of their own. Such a simple gesture shouldn't hold such an impact.

Miller opened his eyes to be met with brown eyes that gave him a different feeling. His cheeks flush and his heart about to jump out of his chest.
"Satisfied" Carl said, moving away from the adorned man face. Keeping a calm exterior when he was shaking from excitement on the inside.

Miller stood to his feet, flustered like it was his first peck on the cheek. "Y-You're likely to be hungry. I'll go get you something" Miller rushed towards the door.  

Carl smiled, behind it was a blush and beating heart. "I've done it Marcel" Carl would be lying if he said the peck wasn't heart warming.

He placed Marcel on the bed. He needed a shower. The storm wasn't settled yet. He had to face Cameron.


Miller was out the door and down the stairs fast as his legs could carry him. Carl had just kissed him on the cheek and he didn't hate it. In fact he wished he would do it again.

How his soft lips felt against his skin, Miller must be going crazy. These last few hours was different-- good different. How Carl trusted him to tell him his story. Miller even cried along with him, telling him that he would be there for him. Never would he have thought that something like that would happen between him and Carl.

Miller didn't regret it. He enjoyed it. The tears and the peck. He was truly going insane.

"Woah" Eric said as Miller collided with him. "Watch it"

Miller looked up at Eric. His face redder than a tomato. He couldn't form his words, he was still speechless from the events of before. He pushed pass Eric and went to the kitchen. Catching a glimpse of Cameron walking in, just as concerned as Eric.

"Did something happen?" Eric asked, walking over to Miller who grabbed whatever he could from the cupboards. "Is Carl acting up again"

The mention if his name doubled Cameron worries. His name made Miller snap out of his trance. "N-Nothings wrong"

"Sure doesn't look like it" Eric pressed. "Were you crying!?" He lifted Miller's chin, seeing a slight red around his eyes.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Cameron asked.

"Yes I'm sure" Miller raised his voice a bit to high. "Sorry"

"I'll drill you later" Eric let it slide for now. "If Carl's feeling any better, Cameron has something to give him"

"That's only if he wants to hear what I have to say" Cameron added.

"I'll have to ask him before" Miller said. This time he would actually take the time to ask if he wanted to see Cameron. That's if he could stand before him without looking like a blushing fool.

"Show him this" Cameron said, giving Miller a tattered old journal that look to belong in a different era. "I'm sure he would want to listen then"


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