The Truth Comes Out

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Is anyone else in the Christmas mood already? Because I am currently listening to Christmas music while writing this. By the way y'all my birthday is this week!
Maya took a deep breath before she knocked on Simons door. She knew that this was the right thing to do.

"Hey! I was fixing to head your way. What's up?" Simon asked as he opened the door with a huge smile on his face. Maya bit her lip and sighed.

"I um, we need to talk." She said shakily. Simons face went from happy to concerned in a split second.

"Yeah. Common in." He said as he opened the door wider letting Maya in. Farkle was sitting at his desk with his chemistry book in his hands. "Hey dude, can you give us a minute?" Simon asked. Farkle looked up to see the redness in Maya's eyes and immediately stood up.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked rushed as he took Maya's presence in.

"Look Farkle we just really need a minute please." Maya said. Farkle hesitated but nodded and pulled her into a hug.

"Fine. But you better tell me what's up later." He said. Maya nodded as he left a kiss on her head and gave Simon a pat on the back before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

"What's going on, baby?" He asked. Maya's stomach fell and she broke down sobbing. Simon immediately took her into his arms and held her while she cried. Maya started to shake her head while pushing him back.

"No you can't do that. Not right now." She said making Simon narrow his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Maya, what's going on?" He asked as he became more and more nervous by her reaction.

"Simon, I- you don't deserve this." She said as she started pacing the floors.

"I don't understand." Simon said. Maya cried even harder. She took a few minutes to get her self together before she sat down on his desk chair with shaking hands. Simon sat down in front of her on his bed while waiting patiently for her to start talking.

"Josh came to visit me in my room today while I was waiting for you to come pick me up at six. And he- he told me he loved me and that he wanted us to be together and I tried to say no but then... He kissed me." Maya looked up to see Simons reaction. "And I kissed him back." She finished as she immediately closed her eyes really tight awaiting his reaction. When he didn't do anything Maya opened her eyes and looked at him to see that his face was blank while he just stared at the floor. "Simon I didn't mean to hurt you."

Suddenly Simon got up from his bed and ran his hands through his hair while trying to keep from tearing up. For a few minutes there was nothing said between the two. Maya hesitantly got up and placed her hand on Simons bicep. Simon took a deep breath before turning to her.

"I think you should go." He whispered as he moved around her to sit on his desk chair and place his head in his hands.

"Simon please, I-"

"Go Maya." He demanded in a low voice. Maya sniffled before walking to the door and leaving.
"Take care of the problem first." Josh repeated Shawn's words as he was right outside of Adrianna's hotel room.

He could hear music coming from the room which made him roll his eyes because he knew that she wouldn't be able to hear him knock. Suddenly he remembered the key card that she gave him the day she got here just incase he wanted to "stop by" sometime. He sighed as he grabbed the key card and swiped it in the door before heading inside.

"Adrianna I need to tal-" Josh cut himself off with his own laugh. Right in front of him was his soon to be ex fiancé in bed with another guy. No wonder she couldn't hear him. Josh turned off the stereo that was on the dresser before turning back to the bed.

"What the he-!" Adrianna started before gasping as she came out from under the covers to see Josh.

"Hello." Josh said as he leaned against the wall and waved at her. Suddenly the smirk that was on Josh's face turned into pure shock and anger as he watched the guy that was in bed with her uncover his face. He couldn't believe it. "Lucas!"

(Just kidding!😂😂)

The guy that was in bed with Adrianna uncovered his face to look up at Josh in pure shock and annoyance. Josh didn't recognize him at all.

"Josh this isn't what it looks like, I swear!" Adrianna gasped as she threw on her shirt over her bra that she had on.

"Oh I'm sure. You have an excuse for everything don't you Adrianna." Josh said as he rolled his eyes.

"Look just let me explain." She begged as she threw the guys shirt over to where he was.

"No need. I only came over anyway to say that we're done." Josh said simply. Adrianna glared at him.

"Excuse me!" She exclaimed as she finished putting her shorts on.

"Yep! I actually felt really bad about it too. But thanks to this little segment I can actually do this with a smile on my face and not feel guilt afterwards. Also I will be needing my ring back but since you already took it off." Josh said as he picked up the ring that was beside the stereo on her dresser. "I imagine that there isn't any emotional attachment to it." He said as he slipped the ring into his pocket.

"You can't do this!" Adrianna yelled as she pushed the guy that was trying to walk over her.

"Yeah I can, I just did. Oh and also I'm in love with Maya and we kissed this afternoon." Adrianna's glare deepened.

"You did what!" She screamed. Josh nodded his head.

"Yep. So once again thank you so very much for helping me not feel so upset about this." He said as he took his wallet and flipped the key card out towards her. "She's all yours!" Josh shouted at the guy before turning his heel and walking out the door. He chuckled to himself as he could hear Adrianna screaming at him to come back.

He took care of the problem and now it was time for him to face it.
I'm so sorry but I just had too! Y'all don't know how much I want to see the looks on your faces when you read what I wrote! 😂 anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Adios!

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