Sneaking around

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Hey y'all! Sorry about the wait! School for me is starting back in a couple of weeks and everything is hectic trying to get ready for it. So because school is starting back then I probably won't get to update as much. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!!
It's been a few weeks since Halloween and everyone was getting ready to go on thanksgiving break. Finishing up some exams and packing while making plans. It was just around the corner and they all had a full week to go home and have no school. Maya was sitting outside while trying to work on her painting project that Jason had assigned to them. They were supposed to work on the partner projects but that got pushed back till the beginning of the year.

"May I sit?" Maya looked up shocked at who had just came up to her. Jason, her art teacher, was standing above her with his bag slung around his shoulder.

"Sure." Maya said as she moved her stuff out of the seat next to hers and onto the ground beside her. Jason smiled in thanks and out his stuff down before sitting beside hers.

"I promise I won't peek." He joked as he motioned to the canvas. Maya chuckled.

"It's okay, you won't get much on a view anyway." She told him as she turned it around to reveal that it was blank. Jason tilted his head at the canvas and looked back at her.

"Having trouble getting inspired?" He asked. Maya sighed and shrugged her shoulders as she placed the canvas back on the table.

"You could say that. The project was to paint something we're thankful for, something that means the most to us in the spirit of thanksgiving. It shouldn't be this hard for me to think of something." Maya said as was obviously getting frustrated with herself. Jason smiled at her.

"Sometimes, when we know we have things that we should be thankful for, it's hard to put it down on a canvas. When I came here to college I was in more of an emotional state. Some things happened in my personal life back home that was hard for me to come to terms with. It made it even harder to paint." He explained to Maya. Maya's favorite teacher was Jason by far. So being able to hear a little about his history and struggles was very intriguing to her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" Maya asked seriously. Jason smiled as he scooted his chair over a little more to be able to look at Maya better.

"I grew up in Minnesota. My parents divorced at a young age and I lived with my mom but for the most part I practically lived with my other three best friends. In high school we ended up making a band and moving to LA to pursue our dream of becoming rockstars. We went throughout the rest of high school like that before breaking up and coming to college. It wasn't a bad breakup, we just had other things on our mind and decided to go our separate ways. So when I came here I had a dream of becoming a model of an actor. Either one would have been fine with me. Then I met a girl and she was into art so I decided to take that class for a semester to get closer to her. Turns out I was actually really good at it, who knew I would become an art teacher?" He joked causing Maya to laugh.

"Sounds like a heck of a way to get into something." Maya said. Jason nodded his head.

"It was. Even though is was a rough patch in my life I realized that I had that whole experience to be thankful for. My point is Maya that when you open your eyes to the bigger picture you'll realize that you have everything to be thankful for." Jason told her. Maya smiled and nodded her head.

"Maybe so, but it probably won't be enough to get done right before the end of the week." Maya told him. Jason smiled.

"You're one of my favorite students and your grades are wonderful. I'll give you two extra weeks to finish the project. Maybe then when you go home for thanksgiving you can be reminded of what you have and what you might not have in ten years." Jason told her.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Peterson!" Maya exclaimed as she couldn't believe that he had given her an extension.

"What did we talk about?" He asked her seriously. Maya laughed and nodded her head.

"Thank you Jason." She corrected herself. "So a band huh? Anything that I know?" She asked seriously. Jason smiled as he got up from the table and grabbed his stuff.

"Why don't you google me, you might be surprised on what you find." He told her before he put his bag around his shoulder and walked away. Maya laughed before grabbing her stuff and getting up from the table. She was walking off towards her room when someone grabbed her and pulled her between two dorm houses.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Maya yelled at Josh before she was silenced by him leaned in and kissed her. They kissed for a few seconds before Josh leaned back. "I have stuff in my arms that I could have dropped." Maya complied. Josh smiled and grabbed her backpack, canvas and bag of paint that was in her hands and placed them gently on the ground.

"Now you don't." He smirked as he leaned back in for a kiss. Maya placed her arms around his neck and deepened it.

Over the course of the last couple of weeks Maya had gotten use to her and Josh's adventures in sneaking around. She actually started to enjoy it, even more than she already was before.

"We're going to get caught." Maya mumbled as Josh pushed her gently even more into the wall.

"No we won't, you worry too much." Josh said as he leaned into her more. They both were lost in the moment before someone started walking by while laughing. Maya immediately pushed Josh away and they both created distance between them. As soon as the people has passed Josh was right up against Maya again. "What are you doing for thanksgiving?" Josh asked. Maya placed her hands in his chest and clutched the collar of his sweater that he was wearing.

"I'm not sure. Christmas we're supposed to be spending it in Philadelphia with Shawn's brother and his family." Maya told him. Josh smirked.

"You know, I'll be in Philadelphia for Christmas." He told her. Maya nodded her head and rolled her eyes.

"So I've heard. But I'm not spending Christmas with your family, I'm spending it with mine as well as thanksgiving." Maya told him. Josh fake gasped.

"Who am I supposed to kiss under the mistletoe?" He asked. Maya chuckled.

"I'm sure there will be some girl in Philly that you will want to kiss." She told him. Josh nodded his head.

"Well yeah, but she will be spending Christmas with her family and not mine." He teased her. Maya rolled her eyes before her phone started ringing. She went to grab it but Josh stopped her.

"Ignore it." He begged her as he leaned back down to kiss her. Maya let him kiss her before she turned her head to the side.

"I have to, it could be important. My moms doctor said she could deliver earlier than expected with her age." Maya told him. Josh sighed before he kissed her one more time and then let her go to answer. Maya pulled out her phone. "It's Riley." She stated causing Josh to roll his eyes.

"I let go for nothing." He complained causing Maya to glare at him.

"Hey Riley." She answered. "Why?.... Can't you do it yourself?.... Okay.... Alright I'm on my way.... Bye." Josh sighed as Maya hung up her phone. Maya opened her mouth so say something but Josh cut her off.

"You have to go." He answered for her. Maya sighed as she walked over to him and leaned up to kiss him on the lips again.

"I'll see ya later." She said. Josh nodded as he squeezed her hand before she grabbed her stuff and walked off.
Hope y'all liked it! Till next time!

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