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I'm just gonna go straight into the story. Enjoy! πŸ’™
The next day Maya and Simon met up
Outside of Starbucks at one of the tables so he could continue teaching her math. After they had their heart to heart talk, Simon really helped Maya understand her math by breaking it down piece by piece. Maya blushed every time she got a problem wrong and Simon had to explain it to her. It made her feel embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." Maya said as she laid her pencil down and wrapped her arms around herself in embarrassment. Simon gave her a confused look.

"Why? Is it because you didn't order the right thing?" Simon teased her for getting him the wrong coffee earlier. Maya laughed and shook her head.

"No. I've just never been great at school and math is my worst subject. I'm sorry that you're having to take time out of your day to help me." Maya explained as she looked down. Simons face softened and he shook his head.

"Honestly it's not that big of a deal. Besides, it gives me an excuse to hang out with a beautiful girl like yourself." He teased as he looked back at his notebook.

"Are you flirting with me?" Maya asked shocked with a slight smile on her face. Simon scoffed.

"Please that was just purely a compliment." Simon said then he leaned over and whispered in her ear. "If I wanted to flirt with you I'd do something like this." He trailed off as he purposely leaned over her to grab another pencil brushing her arm in the process. As Simon leaned back in his chair and smiled Maya looked down and blushed.

"Well. If it matters any, I wouldn't mind if you were to flirt with me more often." Maya smiled at him. Simon smiled and chuckled.

"Well. I might just take you up on that. Now we should probably get back to studding before your admire over there burns a hole in my head." Simon said as he nodded to wear Josh was sitting starring at them. Maya looked over and sighed shaking her head.

"I'm sorry. Just ignore him." Maya said as she picked her pencil back up and began to do the assignment. Simon smiled while just starring at her. Maya looked up at him. "What?" She asked.

"You really are trying to get over him aren't you?" He asked shaking his head. Maya chuckled.

"Yes I am. Because I don't see the reason on wasting my time on someone that..." Maya started trailing off making Simon give her a look of sympathy. "That just doesn't want me back." Maya said finally looking up at Simon. "I just wish it wasn't this hard." Maya stated as she looked back down at her math book.

"Well if I could I'd wave my magic wand and you wouldn't have feelings for him anymore but, unfortunately I wasn't born a fairy God mother" Simon teased her making Maya chuckle an shake her head.

"Let's just get back to this." She said as they both looked back down at the paper and started studding again.
Josh just sat and watched as Maya sat with Simon. He still hadn't made a decision on Maya or Adrianna yet. But every time he saw Maya with Simon it made him more jealous and angry. He wanted to be with Maya but he loves Adrianna. He couldn't just break things off with Adrianna just because he had some small feelings left for Maya. That wouldn't be fair to Adrianna.

"I can here you thinking from here." Andrew said as he plopped down beside Josh. Josh sighed and nodded his head.

"I can't break up with Adrianna. I love her and it wouldn't be fair to her just because I have a small crush on Maya." Andrew sighed and sat back in his chair.

"Josh why did you break off someday with Maya in the first place?" Josh gave him a puzzled look.

"Please tell me this is a rhetorical question." He said as he rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"Josh I just don't understand. One minute you couldn't shut up about Maya. Then the next you were all over Adrianna."

"I told you. I told all of you. I fell in love." Andrew scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh cut the crap man! If you were really in love with Adrianna then you wouldn't have any feelings for Maya. You wouldn't be sitting here right now jealous of the fact that she is sitting with Simon. If you were truly in love with Adrianna then you wouldn't even be looking Maya's way. You admitted to me yesterday that you still had feelings for Maya, Josh. You can't just say that one day and then the next be completely over it. You need to figure out what you truly want or one day you're going to wake up and you're not going to have Adrianna or Maya!" Andrew said his speech to Josh only earning a glare from him in return. Without saying anything Josh got up and stormed away from Andrew leaving his best friend to shake his head and sigh.

"Still denying huh?" Farkle said as he came up to Andrew and sat down where Josh had sat. Andrew looked at him confused.

"Uh yeah. Farkle right? Maya's friend?" Andrew asked as he held out his hand for Farkle to shake. Farkle smiled and shook his hand.

"That's me. Josh still denying that he should be with Maya, right?" Farkle asked as he nodded to where Maya and Simon were. Andrew nodded his head.

"He admitted that he still liked her but, I don't think he's planning on acting on it. He has completely convinced himself that he's in love with Adrianna and not Maya." Andrew said patting out a frustrated sigh. Farkle satartef smirking.

"He's not going to believe that he's in love with Maya until he sees it for himself." Farkle explained as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Okay Einstein how do we do that?" Andrew teased. Farkle's smirk got bigger.

"I did something. Something that I think is really going to make Josh realize that his true feelings are for Maya." Farkle explained. Andrew raised an eyebrow at him.

"And what's that?" He asked curious. Farkle shrugged.

"It will be here tomorrow." He said as he watched Maya laugh at something Simon said.

"Tomorrow?" Andrew asked confused. Farkle nodded his head and smiled.

Forgive me for taking so long it's been a rough week. Here is this chapter and I will get the next chapter up hopefully soon!

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