Chapter Five

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Izuku's POV

I glare at him mostly for waking me up. "What is it," I ask sitting up and assessing where I am. Todoroki's room, his bed, and I fell asleep while playing video games with Toga, good.

"Just please get ready and come downstairs. I have something to show you," Todoroki practical begs.

"I don't have any clothes," I say deciding not to argue.

"There are two outfits on the dresser. I don't know what they are since I didn't pick it out. I will be in the hallway waiting," Todoroki walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I stand up and walk over to the dresser looking at my two options. Both of the clothes were obviously girl clothes. "Guess their clothes are the only ones that would fit me," I think out loud.

I pick up one of the outfits not really caring. I quickly put on the ripped boyfriend jeans and white shirt. I start to wonder whose clothes these were as I slip on the long green shawl.

A knock on the door makes me jump. I check myself out and nervously open the door. Toga is standing in the doorway with a creepy smile. I look around and realize that Todoroki had left me with the girl.

"Oh my God, you choose my outfit. I knew that I knew you better than Pinky," She exclaims.

"These are your clothes?" I look down at what I am wearing suddenly feeling very self-conscious. I felt girly and small. I promise myself to change one whatever is going on is over.

"Of course, you are the same size as me so I was one of the only choices," She says happily. "You look great by the way."

"Thank you," I respond slightly confused, "so did you just come here to see what I was wearing?"

"Oh no of course not I am here to bring you downstairs to see the others. We are all so happy to see you considering you have been up here for three days."

"Three days? I thought it was only two," I think for a second and realize that I was probably asleep for the first day. "Nevermind let's go."

Toga grabs my hand and quickly pulls me out of the room. I realize that she is a lot stronger than she looks as I stumble behind her.

We walk down the stairs, well more so I tried to walk as Toga skipped. She wouldn't stop giggling and muttering things. It made me uneasy.

I was just about to ask her to stop when we reached the bottom of the stairs. The room was dark again but the dim lights were a normal color. There were ten people, I was surprised that I knew some of them.

"Momo? Oh my God Mina, is that you?" I drop Toga's hand and run to Mina.

She embraces me in a tight hug. "Yeah, it is, Deku."

"You look so different, in a good way of course. You cut your hair and your skin has changed. But you look good," I complement trying to not seem like an idiot. Her once velvet skin was now pink and not a skin tone pink straight-up acid pink.

"Well, you haven't changed a bit. Do you still suck at dancing?" She asks shoving my shoulder a bit.

I nod my head and look at everyone else. "So why am I down here?" I ask.

"To meet everyone as I told you," Toga says grabbing my hand again. She sits me down at the bar and sits down next to me.

"So you already know, me, Momo, Mina, Toga and, Present Mic-"

"What Present Mic?" I question cutting Todoroki off. I stand up and look around frantically. A smile forms when I see the tall long haired former teacher. "Wow, you look no different."

The man looks up and smiles. I was about to ask why he'd wasn't saying anything when Todoroki came up behind me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Present Mic can't talk," Todoroki whispered to me then stepped back.

I sit back down trying to not seem embarrassed by how close Todoroki was to me. Toga looks at me with a smile that I had seen before from Uraraka. It was a shipper smile.

"As I was trying to say," Todoroki playfully glared at me, "the people that you don't know are."

"Dabi," A very scarred man says as he hopped up onto the counter.

"Get down from there. People eat on that you know," An orange-haired girl said sternly as she hits him upside the head. "Right, I'm Kendo, nice to meet you. And this is Monama."

I look to where she is pointing and see a boy around my age pouting like a two-year-old. He was hunched over a gaming console. "What is his problem?" I ask Todoroki who was still standing by me.

"He doesn't like UA. I can explain later." He answers making me start to wonder when later is.

"Shigaraki," The last person to talk said. I kinda felt bad for him, his skin was decaying. He was too busy itching skin flakes off his neck to wave at me.

"So all of you are Infecteds?" I ask not trying to be rude but I wanted to make sure.

"Yea pretty much, our scout isn't but she is out right now," Dabi says stopping his fight with Kendo.

"Oh okay," I say wondering why in the world their scout wouldn't be an Infected.

"But hey, if you want to join us we could have two Fresh Fleshies" Toga says with a huge smile.

"Fresh Fleshy?" I ask with a laugh.

"Hey kid, you give us a weird name like Infecteds and we give one right back, Fleshy," Dabi says with a creepy smile.

"I'm not a kid," I argue crossing my arms. "I'm already nineteen."

"And I'm twenty-two so, yeah you are a kid," Dabi says crossing his arms too.

"Okay so what your saying is that you are an old man," I shoot back making the whole room erupt in laughter.

"Sorry to break up the party but I have to show him the other room now," Todoroki says taking a step closer to me.

I swear to God I had never seen the mood in a room shift faster. Everyone looked anywhere but me.

"Be careful okay?" Kendo says looking at Todoroki.

"Okay Mom," He says rolling his eyes a bit.

"Hey, don't mouth off right now. This is a serious matter," Momo scolds.

"I understand," he turns to me sadly, "come on Midoriya."

I got off my stool and walk up to him, "where are we going?" I ask quietly scared because of how everyone was acting.

Todoroki takes my hand and smiles. It pissed me off that his smile was so calming.

"It will be okay I promise," He whispers back and starts to walk. I didn't entirely believe him but I did believe he would do everything in his power to fulfill his promise.

I follow after him as he was still holding my hand. We walked down another set of stairs into a basement of sorts. The hallways were narrow and the only door was at the very end of the hallway.

Todoroki's and I start to walk towards it. Every step I took felt my feet get heavier. My heart rate increased and I could hear the blood in my ears. "I know you said that this will be okay but I don't entirely trust you again yet. And it kinda seems like you are about to murder me," I explain to Todoroki.

"I'm not going to murder you. Traditionally that would be Toga or Dabis' job," he says with a wink.

I frown and stop and the door. "Can you please just tell me where we are going," I beg trying not to seem terrified"

Todoroki looks me straight in the eyes and starts to talk. "I can't tell you. I promise that if you want to leave at any time you can but please go in first."

I sigh and nod. Todoroki opens the door and goes in first. I close the door as I walk in after him.

I almost screamed at what it was. It was so horrifying that I felt tears prick my eyes. My body crumpled to the floor.


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