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She was sitting on the edge of a cliff. Darkness almost conquered all lands, and there was the only knight who was so brave to fight against this murk - the moonlight. The breeze slightly moved back and forth the ocean waves. The wind fondled her hair and cheeks and the fresh air didn't stop filling her lungs with life. She could feel that each inhale imbued her and each exhale cleaned her mind. The landscape - so picturesque, vivid and monumental, but at the same time so calm. Probably, it was exactly that moment she'd read about a lot when people said they found what they were looking for.

"The carriage has been fixed, we're set to go, pretty lass" - she heard a voice beside her.

"Great, I had no doubt that everything you touch turns into gold!" - she was excited to hear good news.

"Mind if I join in?" - the voice asked.

She turned to the man and nodded, welcoming him.
"I don't wanna be a spoilsport, but if you insist..."

She chuckled and punched him friendly to the leg.

The bloke sat next to her. He looked at her eyes - "Don't stop smiling, it suits you".

"As far as I remember, you always make me laugh" - she said.

"To be candid, I can't go against my nature". - he replied.

"Do you remember that day when we first met?"
"How can I forget? A young lady needed some help and besides, you were cute as a button so I couldn't resist."

"Stop it!" - she started laughing again - "Although, now I know that my charms work."- she laid her head on his shoulder. - "I just wanna say I'm glad that our roads have stumbled across."

The wind brushed out the sky and gifted to them a masterpiece full of stars.

"Time will show, but I guess that taking a year off after finishing university and going around the world was a good decision. All this "normal life" fuss forces you to fly blind, but sometimes you need to take your foot off the break and look around. I don't think I'd be a more empathetic and open person sans this trip, it made me revise my attitude to everything - what I definitely want, who truly took care of me, moreover it showed that no matter where you go you always will find great people."

"Except for who tried to steal your bag." - he noticed.

"Yep, these were jerks, but you know better than me, every rule has exceptions."

"Besides, there was a moment when you came" - she continued. - "My knight in shining armour".

"To be precise, in trainers and shorts..."

"Don't ruin the moment, in my imagination you were on the horse."

"...and I was on my bike". - they couldn't help laughing.

"You know what?" - she looked at him - "I've caught myself thinking that I've never asked you before why you are doing all this".

"What do you mean?"
"I mean, there should be a story behind why you left out a lot and started hiking around the world with a backpack, spill the beans!"

"Well, to be honest, there isn't a huge story behind it. A trivial tale about one insignificant man who is seeking something new in this life."

She noticed a faint smile on his face.

"But I don't think that I'm a true nomad, a seeker I'd say. If you look back you may see that being a nomad was a question of survival. Lots of folks still live in that way, but for us, from our world's side is a modus of finding sense. Spiritual way. I got fed up with living in a bubble of a rut. Tired of being at the same places, they all were like my room - the same four walls - a cage, but a little bit more. Being under pressure of expectations. I know, it may sound as if I ran away. I was afraid of responsibility. I should've gotten a grip and carried on living, but I needed space - I felt like I was gasping. The last thing that you should do when you're drowning is to dive deeper. You may expect to use the ground to jump out, but the truth is that you turn over from the light. For me, it was a turning point. Sometimes starting from scratch demands more bravery. Don't get me wrong, I accept with all my respect people' wish to be tied to a cosy place. Have a quiet life without worries. I'd want to have one, once, but it should be a proper spot, right? And how do you know that it's your place if you've never seen anything else except for your hometown? My roamings gave me a great chance to see how other people live: what's important to them, what they hold true.

You know, I would read adventure books in my youth. For me, each of these volumes was a real page-turner. I was amazed at these stories about immeasurable treasures and islands and places that are full of mystery. Speaking frankly, I'm still into it. I always wanted to be a character, not a spectator" - He fell silent for a moment - "And now when I'm free as a bird I've managed to make my dreams come true - all the world in front of me. But there is one thing that I regret about." - he directed his glance to the sky - "That we were born too early in order to be space voyagers."

"Forgive me, Father, I have sinned" - she said. - "Sorry, couldn't resist. Thanks for sharing".

"You know, I have another revelation." - He embraced her gently. - "I've never said it before, and it may be a little odd to say that to someone whom you know not for a long time, but still... I have to come clean that my most dreadful fear is...". He stopped to take a breath. "... to wake up in the morning and find out that I've made you up. You're my spark that keeps the flame inside me."

"A petrol, to be precise..." she giggled.

"Now it's your turn to ruin the moment...". - he chuckled.

"It's not a one-way street!" - she replied - "I appreciate it, the same to you. Look around - what a lovely moment. I wish it never stopped."

"Once, during my roaming I met an old fella who shared with me some wisdom. He said, "Don't forget, life is a journey, not a destination." And you know what? I believe in it. The final is already known to all of us. So why not enjoy each and every moment between?"

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