[NOTES] hi, welcome!! i hope you all enjoy this fanfic. before starting i would just like to say, this fanfic follows all canon naruto arcs, but i will be implementing my own twist throughout this fanfic!! otherwise than that.. welcome to..
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Streets of Konoha.
"[Name] Hyuga-Uchiha. That's what I want to name her."
Neither clans had seen this day coming, the birth of a Hyuga-Uchiha during these unprecedented times. The years of turmoil & tension [Name] Hyuga-Uchiha would face as a member of two well respectively known yet rivaling clans of Konoha. Her respective clans clambered at the thought of outside enemies & forces she would face in the future. For once though, the two clans agreed to keep certain things about the girl secretive from the public, dubbing her name as '[Name] Uchiha' within the public. Rather than a mixture of both a Uchiha & Hyuga.
There wasn't much of an obvious sign that she was a Hyūga, she resembled her mother above all, from her [H/C] hair, [E/C] eyes & her mother's beautiful [S/C] complexion. Her father so happened to be Hizashi Hyuga, the twin brother of the head of the Hyuga clan. He was also the father of Neji Hyuga, [Name]'s half-brother she wasn't quite aware of. [Name]'s mother, Mina Uchiha was an astonishingly strong kunoichi of the Uchiha clan, known to have been of the female Uchiha to gain a Mangekyo Sharingan.
[Name]'s parents met on the battlefields of the Third Shinobi war, seemingly growing closer after Hizashi's first wife passed away. Respectfully both of the clans loathed the relationship the two members had formed together, both clans tried & failed to keep the two members away from each other for their own benefits. And now [Name] came into the picture..It was a sight of dismay to both clans at first..
At the age of three, [Name] had already experienced the loss of her father. She wasn't close to the man like her mother wished she was, [Name] had mostly known of his name & pictures of him, but never once did she have a vivid memory of him at her young age. So there was no surprise to her mother that she wouldn't awaken her Sharingan upon the passing due to her young age of not comprehending death & the absence of her father in her first years. As [Name] would grow up, her mother could only hope a resentment towards him wouldn't be profound in her mind.
Two years later, now at the age of five, [Name] started attending Academy alongside her friend & clan member, Sasuke Uchiha. The two were unimaginably close since their respective births & both their mothers had been friends years before either of them were born so it had only strengthened the bond between Sasuke & [Name]. Overtime after Hizashi's death, the Uchiha clan began to slowly accept [Name], examining her, Sasuke & Itachi as the clan's pride and hoped only good would come from those 3 that would benefit the clan for the better.
"Sasuke! Stop running off I can't catch up with you!!" [Name] yelled out to the boy that was way in front of her. They were returning home from the Academy that day, the presence of both of their parents nowhere to be found as they wanted to be 'responsible' and come home on their own. Well, it seemed [Name] lacked tremendously upon seeing Sasuke out of her pivotal sight. "Uh oh.." she mumbled out as she examined the crowded streets before her.
She began to wander off in directions that didn't look familiar to her, finding herself on a street that had a enormous amount of vendors and scary people in her perspective. Her curious mind came to a halt upon hearing the voice of a child yelling to the right of her. A boy that looked around her age with Blonde hair & blue eyes found himself being taunted by an older man with a cane, and what [Name] observed as his cult followers behind him also taunting the boy.
The Uchiha-Hyuga recognized him as one of her fellow classmates she never really got the chance to talk to before. Naruto Uzumaki. He was the outcast in the class, so no one found it 'cool' to be around him. "Hey!" she suddenly found herself absentmindedly marching over to the side of the road to the boy's rescue. "Leave him alone! You old weirdo!" she said to the taller elder and his entourage. "Yeah! Leave me the hell alone!" Naruto piped in.
The man had bandaged wrapped around one side of his face, his arm also lied within a cast? or was it a cloak. Either way, he was a weird-looking person she had never lied eyes on before, and quite frankly she didn't like him already. The man noticed the clan symbol on the satchel she carried, his eyes magnified in delight. "Ah, an Uchiha?"
"What's it to you?!" she retorted back, standing in front of Naruto with a glare towards the elder and his two entouragees, her mother's glare. "A very magnificent clan. It's a shame you have to protect someone like this..You're meant for more than this, greater than this monster."
"The only monster that stands before us is YOU." Before the man could reply back to the girl's smart remark, an older more fragile voice approached the two kids & him. "[Name]!?" It was her mother alongside a frantic Sasuke. "I-I'm sorry.." he said apologetically to [Name] for leaving her behind. Sasuke looked over at the elder man, In his mind, the man had a scary appearance causing him to hide behind Mina. "Mom! This man is harassing Naruto!"
"..Lord Danzo.." [Name] heard her mother said with annoyance to the older man, "I suppose you have nothing better else to do today, hm? Maybe let's slack off on this little guy & kids in general especially Naruto,..He's done nothing but bring joy to my heart.! I mean just look at him.." Naruto geeked a smile at the elder man before sending a death glare to him as [Name]'s mother placed a hand on his shoulder. "We shall get going then.., good day, Danzo."
And as the three kids walked off in the other direction with the older woman, he couldn't help but wonder; Why did he feel such impending doom with those three?
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Mina Uchiha's Residence.
Naruto wasn't expecting to walk upon such welcoming people today after all he's been through in the past 5 years he's been alive in this Village. He knew little of the two Uchiha's before him; other than they were looked up to a lot in the class, especially Sasuke. [Name] on the other hand was different from Sasuke, considering the fact that Sasuke kept sending this death glare towards the Uzumaki right now. Still, she was different.
She was nice to him, both her and her mother. He appreciated it and hoped that it wasn't a one-time thing, he hoped that these people would be of the few to begin accepting him. The atmosphere before him felt so homey & welcoming, besides Sasuke. "Naruto if you'd like to stay for dinner you can..!" Mina offered from the kitchen of her house, [Name] sat next to him and her eyes pleaded for him to stay a bit longer with the Uchiha's.
"Okay!" he wondered for a moment how the woman knew his name initially upon earlier but shook it off to maybe it was the fact he was known village-wide and not in a good way. "You're in Iruka's class with us right?! That's so cool.. maybe we can surprise Iruka tomorrow and show that you have new friends, I think he'd really like that!"
"Count me out.." The male Uchiha exclaimed from the other side of the table, "Sasuke why are you being soo! ugh!"[Name] annoyingly said to her friend, rolling her eyes. "Because, Naruto is so..uncool!" Sasuke reasoned back, Naruto looked at the Uchiha with a look of annoyance. "Don't listen to him Naruto.., he still has accidents in his bed. And we're 5! Can you believe that?!!"
"Hey! I-I do not!"
Mina listened from the Kitchen of the house as the children playfully bickered with each other, a smile displaying on her face before suddenly a vicious cough overtook her and she frowned. The blurriness in her eyes only getting worst as time went & all Mina could hope for was that [Name] would be put in good hands when Mina's time was up.
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