FORTY TWO | search for the uchiha's

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Pain's Tower โ€” Akatsuki Main Base


Two weeks had passed. And a lot happened. Immediately after returning from her latest mission with Deidara and capturing the Three tails, she hadn't been deployed on any missions as their focus had been sealing the tailed beast they had gathered within the past few weeks and dealing with the sudden loss of Kakuzu & Hidan in such a short span of time. "I told them to be careful of those rats." Deidara tsked out from beside the girl he sat next to on the cold floor of her room, he noted upon the loss of the Zombie combo, whilst [Name] didn't have much to say, rather than the tower seemed more empty now.

Kisame & Itachi weren't around much, nor were Konan & Pain. Even Obito was less frequent with his visits as the two siblings had been dealing with a downfall since his enranged speech to her a few weeks prior about Itachi. The only times should she ever see Akatsuki as a whole was during the times of sealing and that had been it. An empty holographic silence as they gathered for days at end sealing what would lead to a better future. Sighing out, [Name] leaned her head onto Deidara's shoulder as she divulged into deep thought.

"It' boring here lately..." [Name] mumbled out, "Kinda miss Hidan and Kakuzu always trying to find ways to kill me. It was quite entertaining." She reminisced upon the two, as they both had their own reasonings as they wanted to see her demise, but alas there came before hers. "Your home has seemed to gotten stronger hm?" Deidara asked her, as Konohagakure had always been the fueling force to certain demise with Akatsuki lately. "Are you aren't a spy..and I'm just your-"

"No." [Name] seeped out irritatingly, as she rolled her eyes at the boy's accusation, "No..but..something or someone has gotten stronger.., I can tell.." her mind began to drift to Naruto & Shikamaru particularly, their efforts that lead to what happened, and precisely the reason behind it. Asuma. "Shit..." this life of hers was getting too close to home. And Jashin forbid Hidan ran his big mouth while he was in Konoha. Her current escapades weren't something she wanted others outside of Akatsuki to know. "Hm..?" Deidara hummed out as he heard her curse out quietly, "It's nothing..." she quickly returned to him, lifting her head off his shoulders and she straightened out and looked at him, he couldn't know her distress, and precisely what was causing it.

He already had a grudge towards Konoha and an even bigger grudge towards Naruto. "We just need to find something to do.., not sure how much longer I can stare at this ceiling.." she reasoned to him, as she could feel a smirk appearing on his face shortly after her statement. "Well there's a lot we can do..." she felt a pang of irritation wash over her at the boy's hints. "You're not as bold as you think you are." she added on, as she rolled her eyes.

He tsked out, he mumbled out something incoherent to her statement, as he leaned closer to her. She stifled up as he grew closer to her abruptly, inching closer and closer to her. She had to admit, he was growing on her, badly. "Deidara..." she could feel their lips touching, just almost. Her hand clenched up, grabbing nothing but the flatness of the floor cold hard floor. She leaned closer ever so slightly before โ€” "Oh?" she jumped โ€” well they both jumped. "Deidara-san..? [Name]-chan..? you two are the only ones here.." It was Obitoโ€”Tobi.

The tone of his cheerful voice noted nothing of what he probably really would've sounded like under this situation. As Deidara's face began to grow redder by the second. "Shit..! Can you knock..?!" he angrily responded to the masked man before them. [Name] cleared her throat as she moved further away from Deidara's in response to Obito's looming glance at the two. "Iโ€”I'm sorry..! It's just really urgent.." Tobi stated to Deidara, waving his hands up in response, the blonde's ears perked up at the mention of urgent in the man's statement.

"Well?" He hoped it was urgent just as Tobi made it seem. "Well I don't exactly haveโ€”" and Deidara groaned out loudly, "Then why the HELL?!โ€”" he halted as something began shimmying from above the ground and into his eye view โ€”Zetsu. "But they know!" Tobi cheerfully stated as he waved his hand out for the grand entrance of the big plant that abruptly came through the ground. [Name]'s room was becoming a vocal meeting spot at this point, causing her to seep in irritation as the two Akatsuki members stood before her and Deidara.

"We have been informed that Sasuke Uchiha has killed our previous member Orochimaru.." her ears perked up at the mention of Sasuke abruptly, a chuckle left Deidara as he huffed out. "Which further explains the absence of Itachi as of lately.." Zetsu continued on, though [Name] rose an eyebrow at the correlation. What exactly was he getting at? "This all leads up to the recent findings that an Eight-man squad has been formed in Konoha.. consisting of Naruto Uzumaki & Kakashi search of the Two Uchiha brothers."

"Whatโ€”" before she could begin, she was caught off. Deidara's hand landing on hers as his hand clenched up into hers. "This is finally my moment.." he openly said, humming at the news he heard. Tobiโ€”Obito had turned throughout this, as he stared into a void that was [Name]. He wondered what came to her mind in that moment, what exactly was she thinking? What did any of us have to do with me? She cleared her throat as she stopped zoning out, all eyes lead onto her as she felt so out of place and so small. Silence ensued, their eyes were truly on her as they waited for a response of some sort. She gulped as she looked at her brother, "What are you tasking me to do..?"

An ominous glare staggered in her eyes.

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NARUTO'S Perspective

Gates of Konoha



"I wonder if you'll find her along the way..." Ino mumbled out to Sakura, though Naruto could hear the two conversing about their upcoming mission outside of Konoha. "I'm not sure..but I am hopeful we will. If not..we're hoping to bring Sasuke home at least." Smoke began to cloud the air in Naruto's face, the smell of cigarettes rising to his nose as he scrunched it up slightly. "Bring her home.." Shikamaru mumbled out, his eyes gazed to the ends he could see beyond the gate of Konoha. A month prior, the Hyuga's had lost contact to the girl via her curse mark, leaving most to believe she was dead. That was the narrative for most.

There was something about [Name]'s classmates that lead them to believe she wasn't dead, and the Uzumaki and most of all were hoping he could differ from the opinion that had leaked out to the public. Naruto didn't have much to say, nor did he have much faith in himself lately. His biggest fear lingered above him, the sense of failure once again, Sasuke's taunts. "Naruto?" Sakura called out to the boy, "Are you ready?" the Haruno then asked to the Blonde. It took a moment for him to register what she said before he nodded a few seconds after. He examined the 7 people before him. Team 8 & Team 7. "Well. Let's set off. We don't have time to waste." Kakashi broke him out of his trance, as the Uzumaki nodded a few seconds later and hummed.

He wondered, could this be his moment, where he would find both of his teammates and friends? At least solve some whereabouts about [Name]? That's what all seemed to roam through his mind, and it clouded heavily at this moment. "Naruto.." he heard the soft voice of Hinata call from beside him as they walked out the gates of Konoha. "Hm?" the boy hummed to the particularly quiet girl. "If..we find her..I-I think you'll get through to her better than me.." Hinata spoke out to him, she timidly looked away from him as she admitted her stance on what would bring [Name] back to Konoha. "Why do you say that? I don't think we would have to convince her right? She's..not going down the same path as Sasuke..? We've heard nothing of her since she left ya know.."

"But.." Hinata drew quiet again, no one was necessarily paying attention to their convo but she felt she would say something regretful in the Uzumaki's ears. "Ever since you left Konoha, she hadn't been the same..and our clan is to account for that.." she gulped out, as she truthfully admitted for the first time to someone what she believed had caused to arise in [Name]. "I'm..not saying it was justified but..she was pushed to an extent.., I-I'm sure it's obvious Me & [Name] weren't the closes of cousins..and it was mostly due to our clan system.."

"I wonder why she never told me any of this?" Naruto questioned as he listened to the Hyuga girl, noticing a frown appearing on her soon after his spoken thought. "What..?" he then questioned as he noticed her expression, "I-I didn't ignore it did I?" he started to panic a bit as he believed that maybe there was a moment and he just never realized. "No.." she quickly tried to reassure him, though her voice grew more solemn. "It's always been bad for the Branch family..but it only got worst for her.....a-after Sasuke & Kakashi-Sensei became hospitalized.." Kakashi could hear his name being mumbled out, he looked back over to the two. "..Our grandfather wanted her to sever connections to both you and Sasuke.."

A quietness grew after Hinata's revelation, he felt his heart dropping more and more as he reminisced upon the days before he left for his two-year training. He never noticed a change of demeanor much until after he returned. What happened throughout those years? While I was unable to protect her from it? He felt as if he was beginning to spiral out of some sort, as his mind adjusted to the new perspective of [Name]'s name sake more. He had known few things due to his fight with Neji, after the revelation of the Hyuga curse mark became more prominent within Konoha. But still, he didn't think much of it until his mind flashed back to the first thing she said during her team introduction so many years ago.

"Well.., I'm [Name] Uchiha-Hyuga. I don't have much interest nor hobbies as I'm conformed to having to serve a family for the rest of my life. I don't like liars or people that try to control every aspect of my life and..I have a goal of finding a way out of my family's compound!"

Where have you gone [Name]? Please tell me you aren't in the darkness that has consumed Sasuke too...

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[NAME]'s Perspective

Kusagakure Forest

Land of Grass

The three of them roamed throughout the forest, her  ByakuSharingan vividly activated as she looked forth for any trails of Itachi or Sasuke. She wasn't sure what to expect throughout this ordeal, who they would find first. Her eyes lead her in the direction of Kusagakure, where she found trails of Itachi nearby, but couldn't exactly decipher where most had gone. They were mostly quiet throughout the whole thing, mostly due to the fact that the trio had Obito with them. Not much could he say between the three, but Deidara did find it weird that Tobi wasn't his usual talkative self.

Side eyeing Obito, she focused back on what faced her and what was in her predominant view. "You've been rather quiet.." Deidara spoke first, not in a precise direction to whom he directed his comment to. Obito stayed quiet, "Yeah.." [Name] responded back as she tried focusing, squinting as she thought she believed to see something. The blonde cleared his throat, as he eyed back to Tobi. Something heavily lingered in his mind, an unstoppable feeling puncturing him. Just as he was about to open his mouth, [Name] spoke up. "I...have to pee..." she admitted, dragging out her words as the two males looked at her oddly. "Don't look at me like that, I'll figure it out." she then commented. Obito looked at her with much emphasis from behind the mask.

She wish she could tell what he probably expressed from behind the mask, as she wondered if he sensed her suspicious behavior at that moment. "Hmm.." Deidara hummed out, as he watched the girl began walking in the opposite direction towards the forest with no complaints from either males. She clenched her fist as she began stepping into the forest, twigs, and leaves cracking from under her feet. Her eyes skimmed over the entirety of the area until she stopped. Something flew past her eyes, quickly. A crow of some sort. Itachi?

Blinking quickly, more seemed to gather around her as something formed before her eyes. All of Itachi's charka embodied into the crows before a clone of him formed before her. "What's...going on? We thought you defected from Akatsuki or something.." she mumbled out to him, he stood before her quietly and stern. "I need you to meet me in a more remote location. Come to the base near Sora-Ku." he directed to her only before he disappeared a few moments later. What the hell is happening..? She thought to herself, as she looked at the air and forest before her. She slowly looked behind her. "Shit.." she cursed to herself, her mind thinking back to Deidara & Obito.

The situation into which she was leaving them for, without them? She froze up when she heard the sounds of rustling nearby, her eyes skimming the area before quickly jumping from off the ground and into a nearby tree above her. She crouched there for a moment, as she looked down and noticed both of Obito & Deidara's chakra signatures approaching. "Where the hell...?" Deidara mumbled out, as Obito looked around quietly in the surrounding area. She stood there for a moment, as she contemplated what to do.

Throughout the leaves, the rays of the sun peeked through the leaves and she thought about what she found herself getting into. Sighing out, she stood up from her crouched position, taking another look at the two below her before jumping off into the opposite direction. This had to be more important.

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[name] is having her existential crisis moment maybe,,, but how long is it gonna last....? whatttt is about to go down in this next chapter hm??? cus whew...get might be a two-parter it might not idk...jus..buckle up yall..

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