Oh the Honeymoon

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A/N  I am getting close to the end of this little twist on my take of the TKB, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.  For my first time ever writing anything, it has been fun and for me has actually given me some closure.  

Elle's POV

As we did our final packing for our honeymoon in Europe, I was getting so excited, Noah said he had an amazing adventure set out for us.  I am just going to follow his lead.  He has been to Europe before and me, I have never, I just can't wait.  We booked a late flight that way we can sleep on the plane, get to our first stop and then enjoy the day.

I called work to make sure everyone was organized with what to do for the next three weeks.  Then when I get back we have the launch and we are going to be busy.  Plus I want to have a meeting with everyone, I have a great idea for next year, and hope we can pull it off.  Noah closed down his office for the three weeks, things were going so good there, he already had about a half dozen clients.  He was loving it so much.  He was sticking to the little guy that need help with anything, from setting up their own businesses to even separating from their significant others. He wasn't specializing in one field just yet, he wanted to get a feel for what was him.  I told him anything he does will be him.  He just laughed at me "I always have my cheerleader cheering me on." He bent down and gave me a hug and I nestled right into my sweet spot, head tucked under his chin.  He kissed the top of my head.  "So Elle is there anything we are forgetting?"  He knows me too well, I always have a list going, and as I read over it, "nope we really have everything, and the Uber will be here in two hours and off we go."  I was so excited, I squealed and jumped into his arms.  "Well if we have two hours, how will we make use of the time?" Noah said as he was looking at the bed than me, flashing those dimples I love some much and can't refuse.  I slid down off of him, laid on the bed on my side, rub my hand on the blankets, and patted to say come here.  He wasted no time and he was there and clothes were flying off and body parts we intertwining into each other, it was breathtaking.  I don't know why but we have been back together in just over a year and been married 2 1/2 months and each and every time we make love it is just or if not better than the last time. 

The Uber showed up on time and off we went, arrived at the airport on time, checked in, then headed to the lounge for a few drinks, then on to the plane and off to England first.  We both slept on the plane there and woke up just in time to prepare for landing. We got our luggage and hailed a cab to our hotel, we're staying here in London for two days, then off to Paris, then to Spain, over to Italy, then to Germany and then back to London and home.

The hotel we were in London was very posh, Noah's parents paid for the hotels for us, my dad pitched in on the flights with Lee and Rachel, all we had to do was pay for travel between each destination, you know car rentals, cabs, and food of course.  But with Flynn's booking and paying for our hotels, you bet they are magnificent.  The one in London overlooked Big Ben, I was in shock, the room was so elegant it was crazy, I was afraid to touch anything because if I broke it, I could not afford to fix it or buy a new one.  Noah just laughed at me.  We got changed and head out for the day, we went to as many places as we could, by nightfall we were starting to get tired, so we decided room service and a movie would work just perfect for us.  I think just after dinner we laid down to watch a movie and I don't either of saw 5 minutes and we were out.  Noah had requested a wake-up call at 9, mainly because we had a busy day ahead of us, then tomorrow we head to Paris.  I couldn't believe I was here, just in awe of everything I was seeing, we even went for a ride on the London Eye that was a view. Again we arrived back at the hotel in time to get ready for dinner, which the hotel had a 5-star restaurant so we got all fancied up and headed there for dinner.  By the end of the night and after our stroll outside to see the lights we were both exhausted.  I wanted to take a soak in the tub, you should have seen this tub OMG, huge soaker tub with jets, Noah and I fit it which ended being just what we both needed.  But of course, things got hot in there, and ended up on the bed, the chair, in the shower, it made my night but we had to get up early, so finally, about 2 am we headed off to sleep.

The next day we headed to Paris, and again another posh hotel, lord a girl could get used to this, we spent 3 days in Paris, again I think I saw everything, made love endlessly it felt like, well after all we are in the city of love.  After our 3 days we headed to Spain, we were staying in Spain for a week, then 3 days in Italy, 2 days in Germany then back to England and then home and every place we went was just as magical as the other, hotel rooms were unbelievable, food was amazing, I tried so many new things, places we visited were breathtaking and mind-blowing.  This was the best time I have ever had and I am so glad I did it with Noah, we had talked about doing this after my college graduation, but well you know that story.

Once home again back in boring old LA, I laughed at that thought, but after what I had just experienced it was boring.  Now we have a week home then back to work we go.  We spent a few days at home getting over the jet lag.  It was just what we needed. We headed to see our families, thank them so much for the time we had and gave them their gifts.  It was a perfect ending to our trip, but Monday we had to get back to reality, and I had my launch on the first of December which was only a few days away.

Noah was busy with a new client, he just told me little snips of it, like it was an employment breach of contract over a guy playing Santa.  We had a good laugh at some of the things, though I didn't know everything, what he told me was always a good laugh, like when his client showed up at court in his Santa suit, which was ok, but the red bag of gifts he was handing was weird, to say the least.  I headed into the office we had a meeting about the launch tomorrow.  In the meeting, we had set a date for the next meeting with all the developers, and graphic designers, I was eager to tell them about my new idea and see if it can be done.  The next day the launch went off without a hitch the presales were crazy, and then the launch sales were just as nuts.  The boss called to see how it was going and I gave him the numbers he couldn't have been happier.

Two days later we had our meeting, I told the staff about my idea, they said there was something similar to it but they all had ideas on how to individualize it.  We were going to make a VR game that was sort of like the DDM, but it is to involve the equipment the completions and even have judges there.  I was so excited that everyone like my idea and had more to add to it, next Christmas this is going to be a blowout and that is my goal.  Maybe I am peaking too soon, but why not when you have the idea to go with it.  Noah and I finally got a night to ourselves and spent every minute of it being with each other, I don't think we left one another's side for nothing

It is 2 weeks before Christmas and I am almost done with all my shopping, I just had to do one person and I am done.  We are having dinner at our place this year now that we have the room.   I am so looking forward to pulling out all the stops to do this.  Thank god Noah is a good cook, and I am good at decorating, this is going to be a feast and an awesome day.

The guys were heading out to go golfing, so Rachel and I decided we need a girl's day.  I called her to let her know I am on my way, but she sounded like I had just woken her up.  "You ok Rach?",  "Ya, we have been so busy at work, Christmas does this to our company, designing and setting up Christmas parties, it is a lot of fun, but wow it drags the energy right out of me." I get her feeling, with the launch done, and the sales soaring, but the fun stuff starts when the glitches come in and we have to keep doing little upgrades to fix them.  "Do you still want to go?", "Oh ya totally, it is just what I need."  I have some breakfast, and off I went.

I arrived at Rachels to pick her up and I am not trying to be mean, but that foxy lady look like a wet dog.  It wasn't like Rachel to look worn out.  She hops in the car, "ready for the day" she says being upbeat sounding." "Ok let's get it done, time to relax, and let someone else pamper us."  We arrived at the spa, first had a sauna, then a hair refreshing, then a massage, lord that felt so good, I mean Noah is pretty good at them, but nothing compares to a good deep tissue massage, then hot rocks, aww all my worries wash away with this. Rachel seem to be perking up, I think she just needed this, a good pamper.  After the spa, we headed for lunch, where we had promised each other that we are going to watch what we eat.  But that failed, appetizers and a few glasses of wine, then I had a burger, Rachel had pasta.  We sat there for a while just talking, filled her in on our honeymoon, told her she needs to get Lee to take her one day.  By the time I dropped Rachel she was feeling like herself again.  Me, I needed a nap, the massage relaxed me so well, just want to lay down for a bit.

The next day I woke up feeling like crap, I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, holy that was not fun.  I must have startled Noah, "Elle, you ok?"  I hear come from the bedroom, "Ya I have no idea, I feel ok now.  Must have been something I ate." "Ok good, come back and lay down for a bit, may just a little bit more rest is what you need."  I wander back into the room, dragging my heels a bit, crawled under the blankets where they were all nice and room, Noah rolled over and cuddled up to me, like he usually does, places his one arm over me, pulls me into his chest, it felt good. 

I phoned Rachel later to see if anything had upset her stomach, and she had said no, she felt rejuvenated.  Crap I still feel sluggish.  Noah went to do some groceries for us, I just laid on the couch for a bit, just didn't feel like me.  The next day was the same and I had a few errands to run, I didn't need this.   I went to the mall, did my last-minute things, but I was wearing out fast, I was starting to feel a bit faint.  There is a medical clinic in the mall, I thought maybe I should pop in there and see if they can recommend anything I can take to make this feeling go away.  As I sat there waiting for my turn, I texted Noah to let him know what I was doing.  "Do you want me to come to meet you there?"  "No, probably not eating right, exhausted from the holidays, you know the usual things."  "Ok, let me know what they say"  I get called in and sit patiently waiting for the doc to show.  First, the nurse comes in ask me a whole bunch of questions, you know the typical, have you been out of the country lately, have you eaten anything different, ever had this feeling before, what I do for a living, then she asked when my last period was and could I be pregnant?  I sat there and started doing the counting trying to figure out when my last period was, was it last week, no.  I must have gone white, cause then I heard her say "you ok?"  I had realized my period was before we went on our Honeymoon over a month ago,  SHIT!!!!!!"

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