Chapter 18

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Tobias's P.O.V

And my phase of anger gets worse. I head out to the control room for work, I spot Zeke and call him over to my computer.


"Not much, how's Shauna?" I ask glancing over the different cameras. I've never fancied myself as being a person that is interested in other people's relationships. And I'm not but I'm making conversation - small talk.

"Gorgeous as ever."

"Little Zeke, going all soft." I tease.

"Soft? I don't know what you're talking about..." He flings himself into the chair next to me, happily. "How are things with you and Tris?" I don't want to talk about her dream issues so that leaves me with...the family.

"Great. Tris is..." Getting better. "Doing great...Relationship still is buzzing." Buzzing? Really?

"And the kids?"

"Lil' Tobie is hard to please and Tamra as sensible as ever." I casually cross my legs over, as an attempt to not sound (or look) awkward.

" and Shauna are expecting." He says smiling. Clearly what he wants.

"You are having a baby?"

"No, Four. Shauna is, dumbass."

"I was joking." Maybe I do have a bland sense of humor...

"Oh." Is all he says. I know we both feel awkward so why not shoo him away?

"Anyway, you should probably go check in on Shauna, you know, expecting an all." I watch panic flood in his face.

"What if she's in labour?" He says thinking out loud. I laugh.

"Just go." He grins and runs off, I chuckle until I see Eric at the door.

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