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Tobias comes in and sleeps with no problem. Me however, I can't sleep. I couldn't sleep thinking that I might be crazy. I turn to Tobias, he's sleeping. 

"Tobias?" I whisper but he's to deep in sleep to hear me. He's a pretty deep sleeper...considering of his past with Marcus. I turn the opposite direction again because I know he's not going to wake. I let my tears seep through my eyes. Somewhere in the middle of crying, I release a groan, something along the lines of 'I'm sorry'. What for though? I calm myself down and settle down for a long, restless night's sleep.

I wake in the morning size Tobias gets out of bed.

"I didn't mean to wake you, Tris." I shrug and get our of bed too. Obviously he didn't wake to my crying last night. "Do you want to go to the cafeteria for breakfast?"

"Yeah. Whatever." Smooth. Now he's going to think something wrong. Nice one, brain. Luckily he doesn't mention anything.

"Do you mind if I take a shower and you get the kids ready?"

"Yeah, sure." I say, trying to sound casual. I gently tap three fingers on Tamra's door and then go in.

She runs her small eyes and gets up.

"How are you mummy?"

"I'm fine, why'd you ask?"

"I heard shouting last night...I got scared." I pull her in to hug me.

"Don't worry, I'll always be here for you..." I say quietly, but loud enough for her to hear.

"What about daddy?"

"Yes." I'm not so sure. He better hadn't be lying to me. "Well, you better get dressed." I give her a black t-shirt, bottoms and shoes to wear. I leave her to get changed and go get Tobie.

I put him in a better playsuit, a newer and clean one and change his nappy.

"All done!" I say to him soothingly. He can't talk yet but his eyes tell you everything. They are a lighter shade of Tobias's eyes - a mixture of both of us. I hear the door creak open and Tamra stands next to me. I bob Tobie up and down and smile at Tamra. She gently strokes his head, she's gonna be a great big sister.

"Let's go!" Tobias shouts from in the living room. I notice jow Tamra flinches. She's scared of her own dad. But why?  I place my hand onto her back, to reassure her that everything is okay. I continue to bob Tobie up and down as we all go into the living room. I give Tamra a reassuring look, hoping she'll act normally. She does. She hides her emotions...like Tobias. And covers her tracks...like me. "Come on, let's go." He says to Tamra.

"Uhh...d'you know what, you go, I'll get ready and bring the kids when I'm done." I tried.

"No, Tris, it's fine, I'll take them. Give Tobie here." He holds his arms out and I'm hesitant to give Tobie to him. But I give in and give him to him.

I get ready as quickly as I can, for Tamra and Tobie's sake. I don't want my daughter to be scared out of her life around him. So I needed to get ready quick.

I practically run to the cafeteria. And when I do get there, I can't see them. Anywhere.

"Four?" I yell, Christina runs to me. Considering I probably look crazy shouting a number.

"He said he's gone back to your apartment to find you..."

"But...I just left my apartment!" Before she has chance to say anything, I run. As fast as I can to the apartment. And when I get there. There he is. With my kids.

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