Julian's POV
I want to fix things with (Y/N), but I can't. Would she ever forgive me? It's pointless to even try... I still continued to bully and make fun of Auggie hoping that it would make me feel better. He's so hideous he makes me want to puke! I feel bad for (Y/N) having to see that 24/7. Today I put a note on Auggie's desk with a Freddy Kougar on it. Funny right? One of my best yet!
(what a jerk. don't worry I wanna punch him too. it's all just for the story)
(Y/N)'s POV
Today's a pretty good day! I tried my best to pay attention to math, and I kinda understood what was going on... Math is so confusing and unnecessary. Anyway, I was walking with Auggie to put our stuff away in our lockers, when we saw a huge crowd of boys surrounding Auggie's locker. They're definitely doing something. Just wait until I get my hands on- Someone pointed at Auggie and they all ran. Leaving us behind. Jerks. I'll make them pay. Boys can be so immature.
"Hey, hey, hey! Why are we running in the hallway?" Mr. Brown asked the boys who were running down the, you know, hallway. I looked to where they were standing and saw the school picture except without Auggie. These kids never run out of ideas huh?
At the bottom of the picture it said:
'No freaks aloud'
I hate boys. I hate bullies. I can't believe I was even friends with one!
"Auggie, (Y/N), you guys okay?"
Mr. Brown asked us concerned,
"Yeah, it's fine. We're late for class." Auggie told him.
"Auggie you go up ahead. I'll catch up." I said to him and he nodded. Auggie walked away and I looked up to Mr. Brown. Maybe I should tell him what's going on... I think I can trust him...
"What's going on (Y/N)?" He asked.
"I'm not entirely sure, but it definitely hurting Auggie..." I spoke quietly. Why didn't I tell him it was Julian? C'mon feelings! Don't get in the way! Maybe someone else should tell him...
Mr. Brown looked around and saw Amos hiding behind a locker. He feels bad...
"Amos do you know something about this?" Mr. Brown questioned.
Ames shrugged, looked down, then nodded.
"(Y/N), Amos, please come with me."
Amos ended up telling Mr. Brown everything, who told Mr. Tushman. Why couldn't I tell him... God... I can't like him anymore! Not after what he did! Family first! Right...?
I ended up having to sit through and listen to Julian and his parents getting told about what Julian had done. I felt bad for him... He looked like he really regretted it...
"Do you understand? We take bullying very seriously at this school. There is zero tolerance."
Mr. Tushman explained strictly. His tone scared me.
"Excuse me, sir? Can you explain what's going on here? Isn't Julian the one who got punched in the mouth. If there's any bullying going on it is not my son." Mrs. Albans told Mr. Tushman in disbelief.
Mr. Tushman took out the class photo.
"You wrote that Julian?" Mr. Ablans asked.
"Yes sir," Julian replied quietly. He looked down then up at me and I looked away. I want nothing to do with you right now...
"That note was written on the back of a class photo, your son photoshopped Auggie out of it." He explained to them. I couldn't look anyone in the eye so I looked down.
"No, he didn't. I did. Of course, I didn't think he would bring it to school. When our friends come over I want them to ask about our son and not that August." Mrs. Albans said. I want to spit in her hair.
"Your son also wrote these other notes," Mr. Tushman told her as he showed them more drawings and doodles of 'Auggie'.
"Okay if no one else is going to say it then I will, these kids are too young to be dealing with these things. Julian has had a nightmare because of that kid. Did you know that? We had to take him to a child psychologist to take care of his night terrors." Mrs. Albans told him. Excuses.
"His only punishment is a two-week suspension. He won't however, be able to go to the field trip." Mr. Tushman said. A little harsh but maybe he deserved it. Before anyone could answer the door swung opened and revealed Auggie.
"Since I'm the victim shouldn't I decide some of his punishment?" Auggie tried to lighten the mood by joking. I stifled a laugh and he pretended to think.
"Mr. Tushman. I think that Julian should be suspended, but only after the field trip. If punishments are too cruel that would only make the bullies hate your guts." Auggie crossed his arms and smirked. Auggie never takes insults too seriously. He's strong enough to know that others' opinions won't matter.
Julian stares at Auggie is disbelief.
"A-Auggie? You're not joking right?"
Auggie smiles and shakes his head. Julian closes his eyes and bows his head in shame.
"I am so sorry Auggie, I was such a jerk too you. What I did was so wrong of me. Please forgive me..."
Auggie puts a hand on Julian's shoulder and says.
"It's alright Julian. Just try not to bully kids anymore. Some of them aren't as cool as me." Auggie flips his hair and Julian laughs. Forgiveness is just as strong as kindness.
"We'll be on our way then. Thank you, August." Mr. Albans smiles briefly and walks out the door.
"I am sorry too. I shouldn't have photoshopped him out of the photo. Auggie truly is a kind person." Mrs. Albans smiles at Auggie and looks at me.
"(Y/N) you make sure Julian behaves on the field trip, okay?" Mrs. Albans asked.
"Sure thing," I replied.
She smiled and walked out.
"Seems like my work here is done." Auggie waves goodbye and hug walked back to class.
"You two can go too." Mr. Tushman smiles and Julian apologizes again.
"Mr. Tushman, I truly am sorry. Thank you for letting me off so easily."
"Don't worry about it. Now go!" He shoos us away and Julian and I walk to our class in silence. Julian stops in his tracks.
"(Y/N)?" Julian calls quietly.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"I sorry. I just felt like ever since Auggie cane to the school you wouldn't hang out with me anymore. He was way smarter than me, way nicer, and way funnier! I was scared everyone would leave me... I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please... at least tell me you're not mad...?" Julian spoke with so much pain he was shaking and almost burst into tears. I hugged Julian and whispered:
"I forgive you... it's what friends do after all."
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