Yay, another chapter!
"Hey, Thomas! Care to join us?" I called out to the blonde walking into the cafeteria looking very lost.
"(Y/N)! Thank God! I thought I was going to have to sit by myself!" He smiled and placed his tray on the table.
"No way I would let my new friend sit alone on his first day!" I beamed. Thomas looked around and saw Auggie. His expression didn't change, his face stayed happy. At least he could hide his shock!
"Let me introduce you to everyone!" I told him.
"This is my boyfriend Julian." I pointed to Julian who looked very bored at the moment.
"Nice to meet you, Julian. I hope we can become good friends!" Thomas smiled politely and Julian just stared with a small smile on his face.
"Nice to meet ya too, Anderson." They shook hands and I continued the introductions.
"This is my twin brother August Pulman!" I smiled proudly and pointed to Auggie. He took his hand out and shook Auggie's.
"Pleasure to meet you August." He smiled.
"No need for formalities! Call me Auggie." Auggie smiled and Thomas's cheeks reddened with embarrassment. He quickly regained his composure.
"I do have one question for you two," Thomas said.
"Do you two have twin-telepathy? Is that a thing here?" He asked genuinely concerned.
"Sadly we don't. It would have been way easier to pass Math if we did." I frowned and laughed.
"You still failed even when I tutored you!" Auggie said. Thomas burst out laughing.
"Are you not any good at Mathematics?" Thomas asked in that fancy accent of his.
"nO I did noht parss mAtHeMaTiCs." I mimicked his accent. He crossed his arms and laughed.
"I do not sound like that!"
"Yehs you doo luv." Auggie joined me in the mimicking and all three of us burst out laughing.
"Anyway Tommy, tell us more about yourself," I tell Thomas.
"Well uh, my sister Scarlett and I moved here from London, England, just over the summer. Father wanted to start fresh in a new country, so we moved here." He explained thoroughly.
"What was it like in London?" I asked him. Leaning forward in anticipation.
"It was very prestigious. I had to go to a private school. They raised us to be very well-mannered and proud. Although sometimes we couldn't be..." Thomas' eyes flickered with sorrow, but I decided not to question it.
"They did a very good job. You are the most well-mannered dude I've ever met!" I smiled trying to cheer him up.
"Thank you. I hope I make my father proud." We smiled at each other for a few seconds then I looked around. I made eye contact with Julian who scoffed and looked away. What was that all about? Did I do anything wrong?
After school, I was waiting at the entrance of the school for Auggie. I see Auggie and Julian walking up to me.
"Hey, guys! Ready to walk home Auggie?" I asked my brother.
"Yup! See ya, Julian!" He waved goodbye and we walked out.
"Wait is that...?" I squint my eyes and see Thomas!
"Hey, Tommy! Wait up!" I shout to catch his attention. He was a few yards in front of his with Scarlett. Thomas turned around and smiled. Scarlett rolled her eyes at me. Geez, what did I ever do to her? The two siblings walked to us and we spoke for a few minutes. Julian was just waiting for his driver to get there.
"Hello (Y/N) and August! What a pleasant surprise! Do you two walk this way as well?" The charming boy asked.
"We do! Do you guys mind if we walked together?" Auggie asked him.
"Of course not! I'm sure Scarlett doesn't mind either." He smiles and nudged Scarlett who rolled her eyes.
"Yeah... Whatever..." She shrugged.
"I apologize for my sister's behalf. She can be a bit blunt sometimes." He bowed slightly and smiled again.
"Should we get going?" I asked them. Thomas and Auggie nodded.
"Hey (Y/N)! Wait!" Julian called out to me. I turned and faced him.
"Would you like to come over tonight?" He asked while blushing and rubbing his neck. Behind him was his car and driver waiting.
"I'd love too! It's been a while since I've been over!" I agreed. It really has been. The last time I went over was even before Auggie came to school.
"I'm sorry Thomas, but I'm gonna have to cancel out little trip today." I apologized to him.
"It's not a problem. Go enjoy your time with Julian." He smiled and I sighed in relief.
"What about you Auggie? Will you be okay?" I asked August. He just patted my shoulder and said.
"I agree with Thomas! Don't worry about me! I'll just walk with him and Scarlett!" Auggie reassured me. I smile and hug the two boys.
"Thanks, guys. This means a lot." I whisper while hugging.
"C'mon (Y/N) let's go!"
Julian's Mom ended up calling my parents letting them know I was here.
"Alright, you two! Go have some fun!" Mrs. Albans shooed us away.
"Thank you for letting me over Mrs. Albans!" I thank her while Julian dragged me upstairs.
"So what are we planning to do?" I asked him sitting on his bed. He sat right next to me and leaned in.
"This." Julian's lips brushed mine but he pulled away.
"Hey! What was that for?" I asked him with a red face. He held up a remote.
"I was just reaching for the remote." He smiled innocently and turned on the TV.
"Sure..." I said suspiciously.
"But for real this time, what do you wanna do?" I asked him. He didn't answer, he just held up two Wii Remotes.
"You are literally the best." I kissed his cheek and grabbed a remote.
"I know." He smirked and laid on his bed.
"What game? Mariokart, Super Mario Brothers, or Wii Sports?" Julian asked me.
"Why must I choose? They're all so good!" I sobbed as I looked at the three CDs.
"We can always play all three if you want." He told me with a grin.
"YES!" I shouted in joy. We first played Super Mario Brothers:
"Hey stop stealing my Yoshi!" Julian screamed with his eyes fixated on the screen.
"No! I wanted the blue one! You can have pink!" I yelled back.
"Why pink! I'm a guy!" He whined. I threw a pillow at him.
"Pink can be for guys too!"
Next was Wii Sports: We played the round of tennis and guess who won? Yours truly, (Y/N) Pullman!
"No fair! You play more than me!" Julian complained.
"I'm just better than you!" We ended up playing baseball but Julian rage quit in the middle.
"God! I hate getting foul balls!" He punched a pillow and groaned.
"Oh shut it. Let's just play some Mariokart." I suggested. Mariokart is simply one of those games that destroy friendships.
"How are you in 12th place! Haha, loser!" I taunted Julian from 1st place. Oh no... Blue shell.
"AHH! My worst enemy!! The blue shell!" I screamed as I got hit by the shell. I was on the final lap of Coconut Mall right in front of the finish line! Everyone zoomed past me and I ended the game in 9th place. Julian started to victory dance in my face.
"I won! You lost! I'm the best! You suck!" He laughed and mocked me.
"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and laid on the bed.
"Hey... Are you okay?" Julian asked softly. I can never resist soft Julian. Ugh.
"No. I lost in Mariokart." I pouted and slouched.
"You wanna steal some cookies with me?" Julian asked. I gave him a huge grin in return.
So how did you guys like this chapter? I personally liked it. It was some needed quality time with (Y/N) and Julian.
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