The beginning

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~~~~Luna's POV~~~~

Everything was blurry. The only colours I see are red and black. I was running from everything and everyone.

 Who cares anyway? Heard that silence? Exactly, no one... Even if there was, they are fake. It's been a week since I ran away from home and no one has come after me, I bet that they don't even care if I died or not, if they did, they wouldn't have put me through that.

I was hun-, no starving, but I had no money or food. My alter ego, the wolf, better known as Jinx, told me to hunt for food, but I had no energy. My stomach started growling as I rubbed my stomach, hoping to ease my hunger somewhat, but it didn't work.

I shivered as the cold wind blew in my direction, my clothes doing little to no help in keeping me warm. I continued walking down the streets, hoping to find something, anything to help with the cold and the hunger.

My body shivers as the cold wind breezes through me, my pyjamas are little to no help against the cold.

Suddenly, I smelt something delicious. Very delicious. I looked up to see a restaurant still open and has its backdoor open very slightly. 

I peered in and saw a loaf of bread just sitting there. My mouth watered at the sight of food along with the heavenly smell of other foods in the kitchen.

But my fear was holding me back, what if I got caught? Will I go to jail

"Will you just go? We're starving. At this rate, I'd rather go to jail than starve to death due to you being a coward. At least jail serves food so we won't starve"- Jinx sneered, she has a point

" But, We'll be locked up again and will be practically be treated the same way the pack has been treating us. That's why I don't want to go to jail."- I said back, telling her what I think about jail.

She sighs as she spoke " well then, you only have one option, steal some food quickly without getting caught"I agreed with what she said and slowly looked around the kitchen through the gap in the door. There were 2 chefs present. I kept watching, hoping that they will move at least to another section of the kitchen or the restaurant.

And just my luck, a waitress walked through a set of doors and looked at both the chefs.

"Both of you, a customer wants to meet the chefs. If you guys aren't busy, mind following me out to the front?"- she asked as her thumb pointed towards the set of doors she just passed through.The two chefs looked at each other, before nodding their heads as they followed the waitress to the front of the restaurant.

Realizing that this is my chance, I swallowed my fear of getting caught in the action of stealing and I pushed open the door and quickly took the bread and made my way to the door. As I reached the door, a hand yanked my hair back, causing me to yelp in pain.

"Well, well, well. Look like a rat decided to come in here thinking that she can steal some food cause she's hungry and that she can get away from it"- A gruff voice spoke from behind, it was one of the chefs. Damn it, of course, they had more than 2 chefs, it's a restaurant for christ's sake.

"Looks like I have to teach you a lesson about stealing, fucking bitch bringing in dirt into my restaurant," he said in disgust, as he slowly loosen his grip on my hair. Thinking I will be able to escape, my eyes gleamed, but that wasn't the case.

Before I knew it, the air in my lungs got knocked out as the chef's hand wraps themselves around my neck tightly. I squirm around, trying to loosen his grip somehow. However, it was futile as he decides to tighten it even more.

Black dots filled my sight as I struggle to stay awake. Knowing that if I go unconscious, I probably will never ever wake up to see the next sunrise. Panicking, I quickly looked at my surroundings, hoping to find something to defend myself.

Hope fills my heart a bit as I spot a skillet near the edge of the table on my right. Reaching my hand out, I grabbed the skillet in a tight grip and turned the bottom towards the chef.Using the momentum, I bought the skillet up successfully hitting his jaw, once I reach above his head, I swung it down as hard as I can.

As the skillet came in contact with his skull, a crack can be heard, he quickly fell onto the floor, blood slowly coming out of his ear, probably having his eardrums burst from the impact of the skillet.

Air has finally made its way back into my lungs as I gasped and coughed. Worried that someone may have heard the commotion, I quickly grabbed the loaf of stupid bread which had fallen onto the floor during the struggle and sprinted the fuck out of the kitchen, not wanting to bump into another chef and get attacked again.

I ran for what felt like hours before I fell to the fall. I managed to manoeuvre myself so that the bread was safe from any more bacteria.

Looking around, there's was no one in sight. I bought my knees to my chest and ate the bread as slowly and as little as I could, who knows when's the next time I get to have any kind of food. Tears slowly made their way down my face as I held back a sob. The weight of everything that I went through suddenly came crashing down on me.

I stopped eating my bread and buried my face into my knees as I cried, thinking how unfair life is, did I deserve all this? Maybe I did deserve this. I'm meant to die on the streets, it doesn't matter where anymore, my mate doesn't want me, my family despises me, the whole pack uses me as a punching bag and as a slave.

I'm done with this life, what did I do to deserve this?

Just when I thought all hope was lost, a shadow loomed over me. I slowly looked up to see a man, probably in his 20s. He slowly squat down to my level as he tilted his head

"Are you going to die?" he asked.

"I have no family or friends, heh, even my mate hates me.. so yea, why not?" I chuckled, dying sounds like a good option now. But what he said next shocked me

"Alright, If you don't want your life, give it to me." - He said, slowly standing to his full height.

Silence graced us for a couple of minutes before I asked

"How and why do you want my life?"

"I can train you to be stronger, and I can give you a place to stay. All I ask from you in return is to work under me and remain loyal to me until the end of the earth." I stared at him, not letting my guard down. Who knows what his intentions are, asking a random kid to go with him.

"We can trust him", Jinx whispered.

"What?"- I asked back in disbelieve. Not once have I heard Jinx say anything good about someone. This was the first time Jinx said anything good about someone, let alone ask me to trust anyone throughout my life. I'm not used to it.

"Look, it's either you die, or you go with him. What's the harm? Plus my instincts are telling me that he's not lying and that he's a good guy." Jinx was right.

There's nothing to lose anymore.

He wants my life, and Jinx trusted him. No need for further explanations.

"I accept your offer, I'll be in your care from now on sir. " I said with determination in my eyes.

"I love your eyes, that determination gleaming through it. Thank you for trusting me, I'll do my very best to train you to be the best." He said.

I felt a smile creeping on my face. This is the first time someone complimented me. I snapped out of my thought as I saw his hand reaching out to me.

"I go by Lucas. Tell me, what's your name?" I hesitated, sceptical if I should tell him my real name let alone be working with him. But I had nothing to lose, plus since he saw me and was talking to me, not once was there disgust in his voice nor his eyes.

It was pure anticipation and excitement. Like he really wants me to work for him and serve him.

"My name is Luna, just Luna. My surname is not worth mentioning, I know this is going to be an out of line question, but will you be using me as a slave?". I asked, genuinely worried that I was going to be treated like how I was back in my pack.

His eyes soften as sympathy fills him, he smiles gently before shaking his head. "Never. You will be trained harshly, which I will admit and say upfront right now. But I swear on my life that I will never abuse you or treat you like a slave, no one will bully you or even think about treating you like a slave. Everyone in the organization is a big family, everyone is treated equally and fairly. Should I lie about any part of this, please feel free to kill me"- he announced without a hint of hesitation like he did not just say that I can kill him if he lies to me about what he said.

I looked at him in bewilderment before chuckling a bit "I'll be holding your words against you, sir, thank you for the reassurance"- I said, extending my hand to him for a handshake.

"Well Luna, I look forward to working with you. I hope that you will work with me till the end of the earth."- Lucas said as he extended his hand, grasping my hand and giving it a firm shake.
We made eye contact and he gave me a warm and beautiful smile, stunning me for a moment before returning the gesture.

This feels nice, being wanted like this feels nice. I'll be getting a new family, a new father figure, and a place to stay rather than the streets, I won't have to scavenge for food like just now and I'll finally have a place, a warm, welcoming place that I can call home.

" I look forward to working for you Lucas, My loyalty shall be with you till the end of the earth"- I said as I intertwined our hand together and placed it directly above my heart as I went to kneel on one leg.

He hummed in delight as he tugged me up from my current position and proceeded to guide me to a nearby black car. Upon reaching the car he opened the door and gently nudged me in, I slowly took in the interior of the car, it looked slick.

I slowly crawled inside to the other end, giving him enough space to enter the car. Lucas then closes the door then signals the driver that we're ready to go. The car ride was silent, all you can hear are the gravels under the tires and that's about it.

As they ride when on, I thought of something" Hey Lucas, how did you find me? Did you stalk me or something?"- I asked, looking right at him
His eyes widened before he started laughing like I just told the best joke he's ever heard. He then looks at me, slowly calming down before saying

" You stole that loaf of bread from my restaurant. I saw you on the cameras and decided to follow you. Sorry about the laughter, it's just the way you made the chef deaf and unconscious was amazing. Oh don't worry though, I fired that person."- he said, giggling a little bit here and there

Oh lord, what the fuck have I done.

"Anyway, you should sleep while you can. The road back will be kinda long so it's a good time to catch on some sleep"- Lucas said as he made me lie down on the car seatsBefore I know it, I fell asleep

~~~To Be Continued~~~

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