I'm Home

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•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Ray POV•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

'Don't stop running,If not they'll catch you.'

Those sentence replayed in my mind just like 9 years ago..It was the same..Running away from hell,only this time the first hell is my home now.

I kept on running until I stumbled upon a town.I saw a mirror and walked towards it,only to notice that due to the experiments .I've change in both physical and emotional

I was shocked but noticed that my facial expression didn't change from its poker face.I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard whistles,a group of guys surrounded me probably some ass thinking they can get laid.

"Hey,girly.What are you doing out here?Wanna come play?"one of the Guys said

"Sure lets play catching,you guys run,I'll hunt.Whoever is caught by me,will be killed"as soon as I finished what I said,I grabbed the closest guy and broke his windpipe in one swift hit.

"You have 10 seconds"I said as I looked at them dead in the eyes


They all started running at that command,and soon they were gone.I quickly went to the dead guys body and search his pocket.Bingo,found $400 and a pocket knife?Oh,well.It's mine now.Next stop home.

I decided to crash at a nearby hotel first,then the next day get some new clothes.I walked the streets and soon stumbled upon a hotel,I went in,payed for the night and went to my room as darkness consumed me.

•~•~•~•~~~•~The next day•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

I woke up,sunlight shining into my eyes.I went to take a bathe then called room service for breakfast.While waiting,I looked around the place and soon realised that I'm very close to the pack.After eating breakfast,I decided to get some decent clothes and bandages in case.

I walked around Town after getting what I needed.But some the same guys that ran away came back but with more people.

"Follow us,we got scores to settle."

I followed them,not wanting more attention towards me.As we reached an open alleyway,they surrounded me and soon attacked me.I quickly dodge an attack that was coming from behind and front by jumping up and kicking the asshole's faces as i landed on the floor and quickly picked up a dagger that dropped on the floor.

'What are you guys doing?! She's just a girl!'

"But boss-"

"No buts!Everyone attack!!'

at that command all came rushing towards me which was a dumbest thing to do especially to an assassin. I quickly looked around and kicked the fastest guy that was running towards me.But before I could kill him he slashed my stomach, leaving a deep cut on it but I ignored it and kicked him again,then I held the dagger tightly and stabbed the guy in the head then ran towards the mob and soon,one by one felt dead onto the floor.

Now,the remaining are.The assholes leader and.............well........that's it..I look at him with a sadistic smile as i licked the blood off my dagger, hey don't judge...Judge the vampire in me.The leader fell onto the floor shaking and I think he peed his pants.I put the dagger close to his throat and started to threaten him.

"Give me the keys to your motorbike"

"please...Please s-spare m-me"

"I will if you shut the fuck up and give me your keys"

He did as i told and ran away,but before he can get far.I took the dagger and threw it at him,killing him efficiently.

"one thing,Never trust a assassin's word"

I walked towards his bike and drove it to the pack as i tried to heal my wounds,apparently and self-healing that I was 'taught' at the lab needed my blood which was a pain in the ass,soon I arrived at the pack house,but what I saw got my blood boiling,the pack was under attack.As i scanned around, I saw that one fucker was about to stab Lucifer.I forgot about my wounds and ran to his side as fast as I could.Which leads us to now.

-------Present time-------------

I looked at everyone and saw some having shock,guilty and sadness in their eyes and my gang has pride in their eyes telling me that they are proud of me.My thought was interrupted when the door suddenly opened revealing a panting Lucas.

I smiled and opened my arms as he ran towards me and killing me in a bone crushing hug.I felt my soul leaving from the force

"uhh,Lucas...You're killing her"Micheal pointed out as he tried to suppress his laughter but failed when he saw Lucas pouting.

"You okay?"Lucas asked,looking into my eyes with guilt,sadness and worry.But went away when I hit his head

"yes,But why are you feeling guilty? Listen here,I only want to see happiness in your eyes.No sadness,guilt,worry.None only happiness got it?"I said and gave him the brightest and genuine smile.

He nodded,smiling back at me before bringing me into another hug and whispered into my ears

"Welcome Home"

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