Chapter 23

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"You guys ready yet?" Mark called from down stairs.

"Just about," I replied.

It was Mark's birthday yesterday so he decided that he wanted to go to some fancy restaurant to celebrate.

"Looking beautiful as always," Danny said, walking over to me. He moved my hair away from my right shoulder and started placing soft kisses along my neck, making me giggle. I playfully pushed him away and grabbed my bag from the side.

"Please be nice to Glen tonight," I said. "It's Mark's night, it wouldn't be fair on him if you know, start arguing or whatever."

"I know," Danny replied, running his hand through his hair.

It's been almost a week since the thing with Glen, and each day I've been feeling even worse. We hardly see Glen anymore. He goes out for the whole day then comes back at night and goes straight to bed. I've started to get worried about him, but every time I try and talk to him he just mumbles something and leaves the room.

"Come on," I said, taking Danny's hand and walking downstairs. Mark was already waiting by the door. Glen was there too, but he was just staring at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Who's driving then?" Mark said, holding up a set of car keys. He looked over at Glen who's usually the designated driver, but he said nothing.

"I'll drive," I shrugged. Everyone looked round at me with a confused expression.

"You can drive?" Mark asked.

"Yeah," I replied, showing them my licence. "I passed my test at the beginning of the year. I was saving up for a car, but never got round to getting one."

"Oh, okay then," Mark said, handing me the keys. He opening the door and sighed. It was raining heavily. "Typical. All the umbrellas are in the car."

We ran to the car and got in. Danny sat next to me in the front whilst Glen and Mark sat in the back. I started the car and reversed out of the driveway, the heavy rain making it hard to see.

Everyone stayed quiet for a few minutes until started to talk to Glen quietly.

"Hey uhm Glen, what have you been doing this last week, I haven't seen you at all," he whispered.

"Just been busy," Glen shrugged.

"With what?" Mark asked.

"Planning new ways to hit on Faye probably," Danny pitched in.

"Danny!" I whispered, shooting him a glance. I looked back at the road, squinting to try and look through the rain.

"Look I already said sorry," Glen said. "Nothing happened, it was just an accident-"

"So you accidentally told my girlfriend you're in love with her?" Danny said, sarcastically.

"Guys stop," I said, my eyes filling with tears. This is all my fault.

"I didn't say I was in love with her," Glen argued.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Danny's fists clench and his right arm rise up.

"No, Danny stop, please," I cried, taking my hand off the wheel to grab his, panicking.

I looked at him, and his face softened slightly, his hands relaxing.

"Sorry," he mumbled, obviously seeing how upset I was.

"Faye, look out!" Mark shouted out of know where. I gasped and I shot around to face the road again, putting both hands back on the steering wheel and quickly tried to steer away from the oncoming headlights.

But it was too late.

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