Chapter 14

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I sat on Danny's bed and stared at my phone. Alex had been trying to contact me all day, constantly ringing and sending messages.

I ignored all of them.

I threw my phone to the side and picked up the book that I had brought with me. It was a scrapbook that my sister had given me on my 10th birthday. She had wrapped it up in bright yellow wrapping paper, and gave it to me with a massive smile on her face. Inside the book, she had stuck pictures, written poems and drawn pictures. I flicked through, so emerged in it, I barley noticed that Danny had walked in. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. 

"Hey, um I was just getting some clothes to sleep in an - why are you crying?" He said, tilting his head to the side. I touched my cheek which was wet with tears and sighed. I didn't even realize I was crying. 

"Uh, just looking at this I guess," I said, looking back down at the book, wiping away the rest of the tears with the back of my hand. Danny came and sat next to me, glancing at the picture on the page. It was of me and Mackenzie in matching fairy outfits on Halloween. 

"She looks just like you," Danny said, smiling. I nodded, looking up at the photo in the frame of me, my mum and Mackenzie.

"Yeah", I whispered. "She looked more like my mum though." Danny followed my gaze to the frame on the bedside table. We sat there in silence for a few moments before my phone beeped. I picked it up and sighed. Another text from Alex asking where I was. I opened it up and read it:

'Faye you're really scaring me, where the hell are you?!!' 

I rolled my eyes and put the phone back down.

"I think you should talk to her, she seems really worried," Danny said, nodding at my phone. 

"Maybe. I guess I can't avoid her forever," I replied, picking my phone up again. 

'Meet me in town tomorrow and I'll explain everything.' I typed. I didn't know what else to put. Meanwhile, Danny was pulling clothes out of his wardrobe and heading towards the door. 

"So, I'll see you in the morning," he said, giving me a small smile. 

"Um, you can stay if you want...besides, a bed is more comfortable than a sofa." 

"Okay," he shrugged, his smile wider than before. He went off to the bathroom to get changed before coming back and getting into the bed next to me. He put his arm around me like he did the night before, and pulled me closer allowing me to snuggle against him. 

"You're really warm," I whispered.

"Thanks, I know i'm hot," he replied

"Yeah ok, whatever floats your boat," I giggled. He laughed along with me, before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. 

"Goodnight babe," he whispered into my hair.

"Night," I mumbled back, before falling asleep.

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