In the Midst of it All (Episode 3 - Help Me Help You)

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I've decided that all of the series' episodes will be told in third person because it's easier to talk about the surroundings and the characters' emotions and such.

Third Person P.O.V.

Slaine got up early in the morning and made his way towards the main building to meet up with (Y/N).

He was nearing the doorway of the school when he saw an all-too familiar face being scolded by the school's assistant principal, Cruhteo.

The tall blond haired and aquamarine eyed man towered over (Y/N).

"Miss (L/N), you know very well that skateboard isn't allowed on campus," he hissed.

The girl shrugged, "I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure the rule was no skateboarding during campus hours," she bluntly as she emphasized the word during.

Cruhteo scoffed, "I will be confiscating that board of yours now," he said as he held his hand out.

"Nope," (Y/N) responded as she shook her head.

Crutheo's blood started to boil. He reached for (Y/N)'s neck and aggressively snatched the hidden necklace (Y/N) had always worn.

"Hey!" she yelled at the man.

"Excuse me?" Slaine barged in as politely as he could, "But there's no need to confiscate that board. I'm sure Principal Harklight would've allowed for her to keep it. It is before school hours."

Cruhteo had just glared and jeered at the two students, "I swear Harklight is too easy on you guys."

"And I swear that you're always on your man period," (Y/N) mumbled.

"What was that?" Cruhteo hissed.

"Nothing," (Y/N) said nonchalantly.

"Just for that (L/N)," he dangled the necklace in front of her face, "You won't be getting this back anytime soon...unless you earn it...and I doubt that'll be happening anytime soon."

The man walked away and as soon as he left (Y/N) mumbled, "Or I could just take it."

Slaine looked at (Y/N) with concern in his eyes, "Are you alright?"

(Y/N) sighed, "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks, by the way, for stopping him from saying anymore."

Slaine patted his friend's shoulder, "You're welcome (Y/N). Help me help you right? I'm just sorry I wasn't able to stop him from taking that necklace of yours."

"It's fine. I'll just break into his office or something," (Y/N) responded.

The two walked into the building and waited for Inaho.

"So why haven't I seen that necklace before?" Slaine asked.

(Y/N) exhaled as she started playing with the little chain on her black jeans, "I always hid that under my jacket. It's a gift from my parents."

Slaine was about to speak when his brown haired friend walked in, "Hey you two!"

"Good you're both here," (Y/N) said, "Now we can talk about today's plans."

The boys listened intently.

"Ok," (Y/N) started, "So your job for today, Inaho, is to talk to Asseylum about Troyard as much as you can since you have more classes with her than we do. And you, Troyard...just act normal. I may act at random times so keep your guard up. Okay? Good."

The two boys nodded in response and the three ended up talking until the halls started to slowly fill with students.

"Asseylum!" (Y/N) called and waved as Asseylum walked over.

"Hey you three! I see that you've met (Y/N) as well Inaho?"

"Yeah. Met her yesterday," Inaho responded.

(Y/N) had decided to walk to her locker really quick and bumped into Slaine on purpose causing him to bump into Asseylum. He glared at her as she shrugged and continued to go to her locker.

(Y/N) looked back to see that her plan was working. Slaine and Asseylum started to chat along with Inaho.

She smiled, "I see he's following the first step I gave him," she thought as she was about to open her locker only to have it slammed back close by Lemrina.

"Lemrina," (Y/N) greeted casually.

"I do hope you'll do as I say," she growled.

"Please," (Y/N) mocked, "Give me a reason to listen to you."

Lemrina stomped her way to (Y/N) and grabbed (Y/N) by her jacket causing it to crumple. (Y/N) still kept an expressionless look on her face.

Slaine, Inaho, and Asseylum had made their way to check up on (Y/N).

"What are you doing Lemrina?" Slaine asked with venom in his voice.

Lemrina's angered face softened as she saw Slaine, "I was only smoothing out the crumples on (Y/N)'s jacket."

"And I was only about to smoothen those large crumples on that giant forehead of yours," (Y/N) smirked.

Lemrina held a fake smile on her face and punched (Y/N) playfully in the shoulder, "Oh you're so funny. Bye you guys!" she waved as she walked away.

"Pfft," (Y/N) said as she eyed Lemrina, "She's so fake."

The bell had rung and Inaho and Asseylum made their way to homeroom while (Y/N) and Slaine walked to theirs.

(Y/N) spoke, "You have helped me once again Troyard."

She gave a little laugh, "Kind of strange if you ask me."

Slaine frowned, "How so?"

She shrugged, "It just is."

They continued walking until they got into homeroom. The two took their seats and the school day had begun.

It was now the fifth class of the day, drama. Another class that Asseylum, Slaine, and (Y/N) had together. The class was quite lively. (Y/N) leaned back in her chair as Slaine and Asseylum were having a small conversation. Two familiar faces walked in.

"Inaho," (Y/N) said still leaning on her chair, "I see you've transferred into this class?"

He smiled, "Yep and I see that the two are getting along?" he said while making a gesture towards Slaine and Asseylum.

(Y/N) was about to speak when a short black haired female with violet eyes interrupted her with a hug, "I'm back (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) let out a small smile as she recognized the voice of a familiar friend, "Hey Inko."

"You two know each other?" Inaho asked shockingly.

"I met her when I met Asseylum. They were friends so it's only natural that I became friends with her as well."

Inaho took a seat behind (Y/N) as Inko went to greet Asseylum.

(Y/N) turned to face the brown haired male, "So I heard that the teacher will be assigning a group project."

Inaho nodded.

"Whatever it is," (Y/N) continued, "Make sure that Slaine and Asseylum end up in the same group."

The teacher walked in. She had blood-red hair and eyes. Her name was Angelina Dalles, but preferred to be called Madam Red.

"Ok class!" she said while clapping her hands, "We will be doing a group project today. I need you to get into group of three! Come on! Chop chop. There will be several different topics I will be handing out today. Some about love, some about betrayal, yadda yadda."

(Y/N) nudged Inaho, "Join Slaine and Asseylum."

"What about you?" he whispered back.

"Let's be in the same group (Y/N)!" Inko ran over.

"(Y/N)," a voice teased, "Can I please be a part of your group?"

"Whatever Calm," (Y/N) sighed as she looked back to Inaho, "And there you have it. Nothing to worry about. Now go join Slaine and Asseylum."

Inaho joined Slaine and Asseylum just as (Y/N) had told him to do so.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Slaine asked.

Inaho pointed to the table where (Y/N) sat at. She was talking to Inko while completely ignoring Calm's attempts of flirting with her.

Asseylum looked over with pity, "Poor (Y/N). Having to deal with Calm's nonsense."

"She'll be fine," Slaine stated, "She's dealt with worse."

Madam Red walked around the class handing each group their scripts. She had stopped by (Y/N)'s table.

"Hello Madam Red," (Y/N) smiled.

"Hello Miss (L/N)," Madam Red smiled back.

Madam Red was one of very few teachers that actually liked (Y/N) as a student. She knew that (Y/N) wasn't really any trouble unless she was threatened.

Madam Red shuffled through the different scripts and placed it on the table.

"For your group, Calm, you will be (Y/N)'s lover."

Calm smirked as he attempted to put an arm around the rebel only for it be swatted away violently.

"As for you (Y/N)," Madam Red started again, "You will be the one who doesn't accept him."

"Like a rejecter sort of thing right?" (Y/N) asked. Madam Red nodded as (Y/N) smiled again, "I knew I could count on you Madam Red."

"Of course," the teacher smiled, "Inko, you will be the person who likes Calm and confesses to him but he does not accept. Kind of like a love triangle you know?"

Inko nodded as Madam Red walked to the other trio's table, but before she could do that, (Y/N) asked for a request. Red smiled as she made her way over and handed them their script.

"Slaine," she started, "Your role will be the secret admirer of Asseylum. You're feelings are kept hidden until Inaho over here, also tries to win Asseylum's heart. Asseylum, your job is to choose who you will pick, and you will eventually pick Slaine over Inaho."

The three nodded.

"Good," Madam Red as she continued to roam. After finally passing out all the parts, she announced to the class that this project would be an out-of-school project meaning they'd have to work on it at their homes.


It was the end of the school day and Inaho and Slaine made their way towards the lockers being as that had somehow became the group's meeting place.

"I bet you wish our project was a reality huh?" Inaho asked Slaine, "Except for the whole I like Asseylum thing."

Slaine nodded, "And it will become one, minus that last part, once I confess to Asseylum."

A sudden slap was felt on Slaine's back. He had tick marks on his head until he turned to see that it was (Y/N). His angered face faded.

"Good job Troyard," she spoke, "For your first day, you've made some pretty good progress with Asseylum."

Slaine smiled, "All thanks to your plan," he said gratefully.

"No need for thanks," (Y/N) shrugged, "All you needed was that little push."

"Hey, I've got to leave you two. My sister's calling me." Inaho waved goodbye as he left Slaine and (Y/N).

Slaine and (Y/N) roamed the halls as they passed by Cruhteo's office.

"Are you going to get your necklace back?" Slaine asked.

"Not right now," she responded, "He's expecting me to come and take it within the next couple of days. I'll do it once a good amount of time has passed. That way, he won't be expecting it."

"So Troyard," (Y/N) started as she started to form a small evil smile on her face, "I heard about your project parts."

Slaine blushed at the thought as (Y/N) nudged his side, "I told her do that you know," she said while crossing her arms and smiling triumphantly.

"You what?!?" Slaine exclaimed.

(Y/N) shrugged while still holding that smile, "Help me help you remember?"

Slaine exhaled and smiled at the rebel, "Thanks (Y/N)."

"No problem," was all she as walked towards the door, "I'll see you soon Troyard."

Slaine watched as (Y/N) walked away, "I'm glad to have met you and made you my friend. Even if you are somewhat cold and stubborn to me," he thought to himself.

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