Cody!" You yelled at your husband
"Jackie is sick do you want to pick her up"
"I have to pack" he said
"So your not gonna be here for her birthday"
"Y/n its her 7 birthday she's not go to remember it"
"Cody did you really just say that" you said walking out to pick up your daughter and while you were there you picked up your son Kyle who is in 7th grade
"Dad left didn't he?" Kyle asked they never really get to see him anymore especially around this time
"Yeah but he has to its his job"
"So he's going to miss her birthday"
"Sadly yes" I said
"Oh" he looked out the window
Skip time
As you came home Jackie went to sleep and while Kyle sat in the living room there was a note on the table
"Y/n I dont know what I was thinking please tell Jackie we will have the party when I get back on Friday or when she feels better I promise I will also make it up to you" you sighed but smiled
Hello" you said
"Hi Y/n"Cody said
"Did you get my note I'm really sorry about what I said I really I am I hate seeing you like that"
"I know Cody but that hurt our baby girl is not going to be young forever just think in a couple of years she's going to have a boyfriend or girlfriend
"Don't scare me like that"
"Cody face its going to happen to both of them"
"I know but I hate seeing them grow up so fast"
"Yeah I know"
"Tell the guys I said hi"
"OK I'll call you later y/n love you"
"Love you too" you said hanging up
"Daddy" Jackie yelled as she went up to hug you
"Hey girly how are you"
"I'm 7 now" she said i smiled
"Where's everyone" he asked kissing me on the cheek and hugging kyle
"She didn't want a party she just wanted you and her uncle and aunt"
"And they are"
"On there way"
"Why dont you two go in side I have to talk to your mom" Kyle took Jackie's hand and they went inside
"I missed you" he said hugging MW close
"Yeah well they bed feels really empty with out you"
"Well I'm here now" he said kissing you
"Come on Cody let's go you don't want to keep them waiting"
"We will finish this later" he whispered in your ear making you blush
A/n: this took forever to come out but I will have a Hangman page one by tomorrow I hope you like it
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