Several days had passed since the attack and the entire nation was on high alert. They did not expect the Abyss to be able to find Luminaris and gain access to the site.
Valyrie Palace.
Rinne was walking through the golden halls of Nito's palace. He had had a little chat with Leon to see if there was any news. He clenched his fists "Hiiro."
Nito: "Are you sure?"
Rinne hid to the side of the hallway creeping closer and saw Nito talking to Kreist. The rabbit boy looked serious "I'm afraid so." After hearing the talk...
They both started walking towards where Rinne was standing who carefully retreated from the spot.
Hiiro (Durin) was sitting at a table as he took a bite of the apple in his hand "I see, so Dvalin almost joined the Abyss? How disappointing."
Lumine looked serious "That's why.... We ask a favor of you Durin. Aside from killing Barbatos, there is a certain interesting person who is under protection of the Lux Archon."
The red haired boy smiled "Oh?" as Lumine smiled "Homunculus 7." Hearing that Hiiro (Durin) HUHAHAHAHA! Him? I remember him I end up in my stomach like the rest of my little brothers!" She settled back in her chair "He miraculously managed to survive."
The boy stood up "I'll give him a chance to join us.... If not... I'll kill him like I did his brothers and then after killing Barbatos and Dvalin.... And finally I will kill Gold!"
Hearing that she nodded "Well then.... What's your plan?" The boy smiled looking at Lumine "I already have one. I'll kill the Lux Archon first and then finish off the rest. This boy Hiiro, is very special to him. Killing me means he will kill his friend."
She nodded as Hiiro (Durin) stood up and walked towards the exit leaving the place. The Herald appeared behind her "This isn't your real plan?"
"My plan goes much further." Lumine closed her eyes meditatively "Leave." The Herald disappeared into the shadows.
Valyrie Palace.
Nito walked down the stairs descending into the prison that lay his palace. He came to a square room where the only living Abyss Mage they captured lay. "When are you going to keep this up, Abyss? I only ask you how you have managed to break through the barrier and.... What do you want from Hiiro."
The mysterious creature looked up "I'll never tell you.... But I will say one thing.... We only had one chance to penetrate the barrier..."
Nito looked serious "Why do you want Hiiro?" The Wizard of the Abyss chuckled "Celestia's downfall..." Hearing that Nito rolled his eyes "What do you guys have against those guys?"
"Don't you know...don't you know what happened to the survivors?" The creature looked up "We were Kaenri'ah's people! They turned us cursed. And I swear they will pay for what they did to us."
Nito looked annoyed "Well good luck with that, I too detest Celestia as much as you do but your way of going against them.... Grotesque... If you tell me where Hiiro is.... I will have mercy on you creature."
The Mage began to glower "Regrettably.... I am already doomed..." Nito quickly created an elemental barrier around the Mage who shouted "Death to Celestia!"
The mage exploded turning into ashes as Nito looked on in shock "Damn..."
Ensemble Square.
Aira aimed her bow at the target as her Vision Pyro wrapped the arrow in flames.
He released the string as the arrow shot out crashing into the target creating an explosion.
The blond lowered his gaze gritting his teeth "Hiiro-kun..."
"You know it's not your fault or anyone else's." Ritsu approached seriously looking at the shattered target "We don't expect something like this. Worse whatever they want against Hiiro.... Nor is it any good."
Aira put her bow away "Kohaku, Yuuki and Mackie feel bad too.... They were in Ensemble Square when he was kidnapped and I was the only Vision bearer in Yumenosaki.... I could have saved him..."
Ritsu put his hand on his shoulder "It was an event that none of us even Archons like me and Nito could predict." He looked up at the sky "We can only pray that he will be alright..."
Valyrie Palace.
Nito was sitting on the throne while Eichi, Nagisa, Rei, Leon and Ansel looked on seriously.
Leon crossed his arms "And to think that our only prisoner of the Abyss would commit suicide." The Fine leader looked worried "What will they do to Hiiro-kun?"
Nito denied without knowing how to answer "I don't know.... But I think they'll want to use him for something to go against Celestia."
Nagisa had a grim look on his face "The Abyss.... And to think they were people of Kaenri'ah." Ansel put both hands on his hips "How are we going to find them? Not even Sieghart was capable with his great Vision against the Abyss."
Nito looked serious "It may be due the art of Khemia." Rei had a somber look "Let's hope this isn't the beginning of a storm."
Sieghart watched from the horizon has already noticed something "!!!!" He was surprised Hiiro reappear in his sight field walking through the snowy mountains"Hiiro."
The boy fell to his knees "Sieghart.... Please." Sieghart quickly thrust the sword "Hold on kid."
Rinne who walked along with Nicredo and Kreist on the bridge to see Sieghart if there was any news. At that instant they saw the Porte Di Lux turn and point towards the horizon and activate.
Rinne looked serious "What's wrong?" The three ran towards the Porte which a few seconds later deactivated.
Sieghart pulled out the sword as he ran towards the hair boy "Hiiro. Hold on-" Out of nowhere the boy grabbed the guardian's neck "Agh! Hiiro?!"
"Huhuhu... That was too easy~*"
Rinne, Kreist and Nicredo noticed a second flash from the sound of an explosion.
The three saw something unexpected shoot out of the Porte Di Lux before hitting the ground startling the three of them "Sieghart!" The three screamed in shock and ran to the guardian who was groaning in pain "Ugh..."
The three reached him and knelt down. Kreist looked worried "Sieghart, what happened?" Before he could speak they heard a couple of footsteps as Rinne smiled happily "Hiiro!" He was about to run towards his little brother but Kreist stopped him "Wait.... There's something wrong about him."
Hiiro (Durin): "So this is Luminaris..." Nicredo stood up looking at the boy in shock "That voice.... Impossible, you're dead. Dvalin killed you."
Hiiro started laughing "Hu.... HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What do we have here... Homunculus number 7... I thought I devoured you along with your brothers." Hearing Nicredo summoned his golden sword "How dare you to talk to them like this.... We are your brothers too!"
"Hmp... Maybe but I'm not here to kill you.... We were victims of Gold's deceit.... That bastard will pay for what she did to us." The boy held out his hand "Join me Nicredo. And we will kill mother."
The Homunculus denied "No.... And that body you wear... It doesn't belong to you, it's my uncle." Hearing that Hiiro (Durin) looked at the reflection he saw from the crystal bridge "Ah.... I see..."
At that instant two boys landed in front of them as Nicredo looked "Dad.... Uncle Ritsu." They both looked towards them before seeing the possessed idol. Hiiro (Durin) smiled "At last we meet. Lux and Void Archon."
Nito looked serious "Hiiro?"
"Dad, watch out." Nicredo walked to his side. "I don't know how they did it but I'm afraid Hiiro is possessed by Durin."
Hearing that Ritsu looked up in shock "Wait, Durin. The dragon that caused chaos in Monstadt and was killed by Barbatos and Dvalin?!"
The boy looked annoyed "Why do you always mention those two stupid assassins!" He took a couple of breaths to calm down while Rinne looked annoyed "Leave him.... LEAVE MY BROTHER!"
Hiiro (Durin) looked serious before laughing "Hahahaha.... I see, you're this kid's older brother.... Yeah, I'll enjoy killing you first and making Hiiro look imposing as I use his body to kill you."
Nito and Ritsu summoned their weapons while the blond looked on guard "Over our dead body." They both charged while Hiiro summoned two swords made of bones and corruption.
The two charged towards Durin who did the same causing their weapons to clash.
Ritsu and Nito attacked with polearm and claymore attack combinations while Durin used his swords blocking them and counterattacking.
Durin quickly jumped back as several Hydro, Cryo, Electro and Pyro attacks landed in front of him creating a loud explosion.
Kohaku, Yuuki, Mackie and Aira aimed their weapons but to their surprise a violet energy drill shot out of the smoke as the four dodged.
Nito looked on in horror as he saw that the leader of Crazy:B was in the drill's path. Rinne quickly grabbed him being pushed a few inches away. His hands began to drip blood as he groaned in pain "Ugh..."
Kohaku looked in shock and ran to stop the drill "Rinne! Hold on!"
"Not so fast." Hiiro appeared in front of him as Kohaku blocked the attack with his sword.
Rinne closed his eyes tightly until a voice echoed in her mind "Someone.... Whoever... Save me..."
He looked up at his possessed brother "GRAAHHHHHHH!
A whirlwind of flames erupted from Rinne as Hiiro (Durin) looked on in shock "Eh?" Everyone stands on to see the tornado of flames.
Nito's Chamber
The red armor glowed as it disappeared from the chamber.
At that instant the tornado exploded releasing a gale of ash.
(Imagine a male version of this armor).
Nito looked in shock "That armor.... Knight Vermilion?!" Ritsu looked serious "Knight Vermilion? Wait... On his chest... A Pyro Vision?!"
Rinne at that moment made a slash with his Claymore "Shine, An-Utu!" Powerful flares shot out at the speed of a projectile hitting Hiiro.
Hiiro all backwards before slowing down and standing up "What's.... This firepower." Rinne smirked "I'm ready for round two."
Hiiro groaned in pain "And to think that a human could have this amount of power.... But I think we should take a break~*" A black portal appeared behind him as Hiiro stepped into it before disappearing not before letting out an ultimatum "This is just the beginning, I'll come after you first.... Rinne Amagii."
The portal disappeared as Nito approached seriously "Rinne..."
"I know. I eavesdropped, sorry." Rinne looked serious "I know this armor needs my life force, and I know my life is in danger by using it more than I should."
Hearing that Nito sighed as he crossed his arms "Are you really sure about this?" the flame-haired boy nodded.
An hour later.
Ensemble Square.
Everyone had gathered at Starmony Dorm.
Niki looked worried "We want to save Hiiro but..." He immediately looked at Rinne "I don't want anything to happen to Rinne either." Hearing that the leader of Crazy:B laughed out loud "Hahaha! I'm stronger than you think and besides. We'll save Hiiro and I'll take the taste of the best Luminaris alcohol." Hearing that Nito smiled "You're too carefree. Well, I'll make sure to prepare the best Luminaris Whiskey."
Leon handed him an injector capsule "This contains the liquid from what's left of the flower we used on Aira to remove the corruption. This will stop Durin." The boy nodded putting the capsule in his pocket.
He nodded as Eichi looked at Kreist "How long can he hold out?" The rabbit boy denied seriously "I'm not sure, worse the longer he carries it. The more he wear it. He will kill him."
Oy!" Rinne laughed seriously "I'm fine, we'll save Hiiro sooner than you think and I'll take off this armor." Nagisa sighed in defeat "You're so stubborn, no wonder Hiiro would get that attitude out of you."
A black portal appeared behind Rinne which emerged hands which grabbed the older boy.
All: "Rinne!" He was quickly dragged into the portal and disappeared leaving everyone. Nito gritted his teeth "Shimata..."
Location: ???
Rinne's eyes opened as he looked around. "This is..." He was in a dark dimension filled with darkness as he is standing on a huge circular platform with six pillars forming a circle around him.
"Huhuhuh... Welcome to my domain. Nii-san~*" Hiiro was floating in the air with two bony dragon wings in his back and descended to the ground.
Rinne readied his Claymore "I've been waiting for you." Hiiro held out his hand "Are you ready to die, human?"
He was quickly drawn in by Hiiro's powers stopping in mid-air in front of him "Struggle all you want.... Worm."
At that instant he was thrown forward while Hiiro (Durin) summoned a cube causing Rinne to crash into the object.
Hiiro snapped his fingers as the cube began to spin ⬇️
At that instant his fabrics transformed into a drill as Hiiro who had his index finger pointing to the sky reached down towards the ground as if cutting the cube. ⬇️
The energy webs disappeared as he put his hands behind his back looking arrogantly at the crater he had created "Hmph.... Pathetic..."
Hiiro (Durin) turned away as he turned his head away grazing the blade of the sword on his cheek resulting in a cut before it slashed into the pillar behind him.
Hiiro (Durin) Stared in disbelief at the crater where Rinne emerged with torn armor and glowing lines on his body where elemental energy coursed in his veins and covered in wounds and bruises "I hope.... That you're done attacking.... Now it's my turn... I hope you don't mind, kid."
Hiiro put his hand on his forehead before looking with his scarlet eyes at the other Amagii as he laugh. "Hahahahahahaha! Die!" He instantly summoned hundreds of portals where bone spines emerged.
Rinne got into combat stance while the sword that had shot out returned to its owner.
Rinne: "Hiiro... When you wake up...
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