Ei happily invited Nito and his friends including Aether and Paimon to stay at Tenshukaku. The home of the almighty Shogun Raiden.
They were all on the top floor of the Tenshukakku in the dining room where they received the guests. Even Miko the high priestess of Grand Narukami Shrine came to dine to honor Makoto.
Nito, Anzu, Kagehira and Yuuki were having dinner together with Yae and Ei. Archon Electro looked at them curiously "I didn't know you were an idol.... Nito."
Archon Lux looked up with a smile "Well.... I was but a long time ago Ei. Ever since the Archon war I would want to do a Dre Fes but you know.... My duties as an Archon have prevented me."
Yae looked mockingly "Oh.... I who was hoping to be able to see more about Nito as an idol. If only there were some pictures out there." The blond looked mockingly "In your dreams~*."
"I think I have a couple of pictures." Anzu replied as Nito froze. "Wait! Anzu! No-" Yae quickly pushed him aside as he walked over "Let's see let's see~*"
The blond recovered from the push and was about to stop her but it was too late as he heard a familiar song play on the speakers of Anzu's phone. "OH! What a cutie~*" Yae smirked watching the video before showing it to the Shogun "Watch it Ei~* What a cutie."
"La la Beats Love Ra✽bits issho ni Dreamy night~*"
(La la la Beats, Love Ra✽bits, together we will have a dreamy night).
Ei laughed at Nito's gesture of imitating bunny ears with his hand "How cute. I never knew this side of you. Nito-san."
The idol put his hand on his forehead "..." Mika looked confused "Are you really embarrassed?" Hearing the ex-idol denied "No.... I'm rather worried about... Her."
Kagehira looked to the same direction seeing Yae Miko's mocking face as he understood why "Oh..."
Ei looked curiously at the phone in her hands "I've never seen a machine like this.... How does it work?" Yae nodded just as interested "It's very small and looks very different from the Daguerreotype that Fontaine has."
Yuuki quickly began to excitedly explain the phone and some things left Ei confused and Yae trying unsuccessfully to understand.
Nito tapped him on the shoulder stopping him "Mako-chin.... Remember that this world are not advanced.... Technologically." The Trickstar idol blushed at the realization "I'm sorry.... I got carried away with that..."
Yae crossed her arms "For being from another world.... It's fascinating, I'd like to know more." Ei nodded but at that moment the maids sat down with the food among them there was Ramen, Dango, Fried Tofu. Ei smiled "For the time being.... Let's enjoy the delicious feast."
They all nodded as they enjoyed the food that had been prepared for them. As the dinner progressed Yae stopped eating "By the way.... I can see the Muhou Isshin that Makoto gave you?"
Nito nodded as he used his elemental power summoning the sword which floated to Yae who studied it. He could notice a difference... The emblem that normally depicted three flower-shaped drops inward was replaced by the emblem of the Lux Element.
Yae could feel Nito's elemental power in the sword "His power.... It is clear that Makoto created it for you Nito.... She entrust her legacy to you as well."
Nito drew his sword again and made it disappear. "I know... So from now on... I can't fail her." Everyone nodded as they enjoyed dinner and resting at the Tenshukakku.
The next day.
Anzu began to wake up as she noticed the sun entering her room. She did not hesitate to change into the clothes she had been given which consisted of black leather pants a white shirt and a brown leather jacket.
She came out of the room a Shogunate guard greeted her "Good morning. I was told that when you are awake I will take you directly to where your excellencies are."
She nodded as the soldier led through the halls of the Tenshukakku. Down the hallway to her surprise she met the others "Mika, Yuuki, Shinobu. Good morning."
The three greeted at the same time with a smile "Good morning Anzu." The soldiers escorted the group directly to a huge entrance to a hall and opened it letting the four in as behind them the doors closed.
The four heard the sound of two swords clashing.
Anzu didn't hesitate to run and saw a huge area where he saw Nito and Ei training with both Musou Isshin swords.
Nito parried Ei's attack with his sword and pushed her back and counterattacked while blocking it. Both were exchanging blows but both were not willing to give in.
Shinobu, Kagehira and Yuuki arrived at the producer's side watching the two fight, amazed by the elegant but powerful blows exchanged.
Now both Archons were standing face to face as Ei looked on seriously "As expected.... Every time I find an opening.... You quickly close it, in a real battle it would be hard to say who would win."
Nito smiled amused "Dear.... This is a warm up, don't underestimate my battlefield experience in my 4,600 years."
She nodded "But it looks like our guests have already arrived." They both looked at Anzu and the rest who clapped in amazement.
Nito smiled "Good morning everyone." Ei also greeted "I hope your stay in Tenshukakku was comfortable." Anzu nodded with a smile "It is very relaxing."
The Raiden Shogun smiled in satisfaction "I see. We were waiting for you guys so you could have breakfast with me." They all nodded gratefully and after a delicious breakfast they were now in front of the Tenshukakku or rather at the exit accompanied by the Raiden Shogun and Kujou.
The Shogun nodded to Kujou "Nito.... And his friends. I want to give you a gift." The Tengu walked over and showed an open box where there were what appeared to be passes.
The Electro Archon smiled "These are access passes to the Tenshukakku. If you ever want to visit me you can access the palace with these passes." Sara handed one to each of them as she thanked them with a smile "Thank you for this precious gift Raiden. I'll be sure to visit you when I can."
The violet haired girl nodded with a smile "I'll be looking forward to it." Kujou looked serious "Make sure you don't lose them." Sara referred to Anzu and the three idols who nodded seriously.
After saying goodbye to both of them they started to explore Inazuma city. Nito had a Daguerreotype, since he forbade Anzu, Kagehira, Yuuki and Shinobu to use their phones.
Anzu noticed something "Where are Aether and Paimon?" Nito scratched his head "He's doing adventurer's guild commissions so they had to get up early."
The people passing by watched in amazement at Nito since he was the Archon who stood up to the Raiden Shogun. The four nodded ignoring the stares of the people of Inazuma and explored the city in awe. It was like being back in Japan. The buildings in Hanamizaki were incredible. Everything seemed to be going well until a voice echoed through the city. "HAHAHAHAHA!"
"I won!"
Nito noticed the Oni while in front of him there was a group of children crying. Anzu seeing that approached in annoyance, Nito tried to stop her but it was too late "Hey! What do you think you're doing!"
The Oni turned to look at her "Hey? What's wrong, do you need something? Wait... Do you want to join the glorious Arataki gang?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
The producer felt annoyed "I'm not here for that.... What have you done to the kids?!"
"Me?!" Itto looked offended "I fairly won an Onikabuto fighting game! These treats are mine!"
Nito frowned hearing that as he looked at Yuuki and Shinobu who was feeling a bit tense as the Ra*bits leader sighed and approached noticing he was wearing red horns "He's..." He didn't hesitate to stand next to Anzu "You are aware that you are older than them right?"
"Huh?! I beat them fair and square!" The Oni replied as Nito smiled "You don't know who I am, do you?"
Itto tilted his head to the side in confusion "HUH?! hahahaha! A dwarf like you? You're nothing before the great Arataki Itto so go to mom with that pretty face."
Some people who were walking nearby and knew Nito from that incident with Shogun began to tremble in fear and immediately walk away. Itto had angered not just any person but an Archon.
Before the Oni could react he was sent flying through the air by a punch landing in one of the water channels in the plaza. The blond looked up at a citizen "You."
The man bowed respectfully "Y-Yes.... Lord Nito."
"Notify the Tenryou Commission." Hearing that from Nito the citizen nodded "Understood..."
In just a few moments Kujou Sara appeared with two guards who saw the scene where Nito and the group were trying to calm the children while in a drainage canal lay Itto unconscious. The Tengu snorted as she ordered her soldiers to arrest Itto knowing that he was responsible for provoking the Eighth Archon.
She ordered her men to take them to the Tenryou Commission jail while the Tengu immediately apologized "Lord Nito. I'm very sorry about this."
Nito looked curious "Is it always like this?" She crossed her arms "I'm sorry you ran into him.... Some consider him useless and childish."
Anzu leaned closer annoyed "I'm not surprised.... He's someone grown up but this snatching treats from children is a bit embarrassing. Typical red-horned oni."
Oh!" Anzu then remembered the horns "So he really was an oni." Sara put her hand to her forehead "No matter how much we try to warn him while he's in jail.... There will always be a time he always ends up arrested. A pain in the ass." Nito looked chagrined "I sympathize."
Anzu was trying to cheer up the now somewhat happier children. "Well... What's going on?" the voice of a certain emergency food caught the group's attention where they saw the traveler and Paimon returning from a commission.
Shinobu smiled "Aether-dono.... The truth." The young ninja idol explained the situation. The traveler put his hand on his forehead "Itto..." Kujou looked serious "I'll be sure to punish him accordingly. Lord Nito. I hope you enjoy your visit on Narukami Island."
Nito nodded and approached the children "Come on, don't cry. How about if I buy you treats?" Now the little ones looked curiously at the Archon who gave a smile.
Uyuu restaurant.
The children had tricolor Dango each as they ate it happily. Paimon ate her's while Nito gave the owner the Mora he had to pay.
Anzu, Yuuki and Kagehira were enjoying tea along with Aether. The blond looked curiously at the Ra*bits leader. "Did you ever meet any Oni?"
Hearing Nito thought before smiling "Once.... I think it was 600 years ago. There was an Oni that served Makoto. His name was Chiyo. Ei told me that she was corrupted and he killed her. It's a pity. She was one of the most loyal to the Shogun."
After that they said goodbye to the children and Aether and left the restaurant. Nito had an idea "I know.... Boys, Anzu. You would like to visit the other two nations." Hearing that the four of them smiled excitedly and nodded.
Chinju Forest.
Nito opened a portal and they entered it being teleported this time to none other than the lands of Archon Geo. Liyue Harbour.
Liyue Harbour
Shinobu watched in amazement "This place is it?" The blond nodded "This is Liyue, and its capital city. Formed under the guidance of Archon Geo."
"Archon Geo?" Anzu asked curiously but Yuuki answered immediately "The God of contracts and the Geo element. Rex Lapis."
Nito smiled proudly "Exactly! Rex Lapis is even older than me surpassing me by 1,600 years more to the head. In short he is 6,000 years old. He is the oldest of the eight, me coming in at the second oldest Second Archon position of the original three remaining."
Kagehira was astonished "So you are grandfathers then."
"...Are you calling me old?" Nito spoke offended and annoyed startling the poor Valkyrie member "N-not that..."
Mika gulped as Nito smiled grimly "I'll pass on this one." Nito led them towards the harbor showing the beautiful views of the sea and the city buildings. Anzu, Mika, Yuuki and Shinobu were amazed the vast difference between the nations.
The ruby-eyed blond turned to look at the group "By the way there is something else but.... It's about Rex Lapis." Anzu and the rest looked on curiously as Nito whispered to them explaining about the incident with the Fatui.
"Did he what!" Yuuki shouted in surprise but the other blond covered his mouth "SSSSHHHH. Discretion. He asked me, only very few of us know he's alive."
Anzu, Kagehira, Shinobu fell silent as they nodded as the blond led them to a Funeral Home noticing at the entrance the headmistress come out. Nito didn't hesitate to call out to her "Hu Tao!
The Funeral Parlor director turned to see the blond with a smile "OYA!" she approached with a smile "Nito! And I see you brought friends, are you coming to visit me?"
The blond laughed uncomfortably "Actually.... I'm here to see Zhongli..." Hearing that she crossed her arms thoughtfully "Hm.... I'm afraid he's not here right now. He said he was going to visit Guyun Stone Forest."
Nito nodded gratefully "Thank you Hu Tao. I hope you find customers." She laughed amused "Someday. By the way if one of you starts to feel like dying I have a juicy discount of-"
"Another day Hu Tao." Nito pushed the rest quickly away as they quickly said their goodbyes before disappearing into the crowd.
Guyun Stone Forest
A golden portal appeared on one of the islands where the group emerged being greeted by the huge stones.
Shinobu looked around "This is.... The stone forest." Nito looked around "It's been millennia since this place was formed.... But I remember it like it was yesterday..."
Anzu looked curious "Huh?" The Archon looked serious "These rocks were actually Geo spears used by the Geo Archon. Here also fell several deities who tried to ravage Liyue. Among them one known as Osial. The God of the Vortex."
Shinobu looked around "Are these like.... Lapidas of deities?" Nito tilted his head "Something like that." He then looked up as he sensed the Geo presence in the distance. On is special on one of the islands which is the largest of the small archipelago. "That's is... Follow me."
The group walked up the large rocky hill until they reached the top where they saw a certain young man. Shinobu, Makoto, Mika and Anzu looked at each other but Nito smiled and walked over "Thinking about the past, old friend?" He stood next to the man who was still musing "I certainly am.... But you seem to have some very curious friends."
Nito smiled as they both turned to look at the three idols and the producer. "Allow him to introduce himself."
"I am Zhongli. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Yuuki looked sidelong "It's not possible.... Your voice..." Nito realized what he meant "Hehehe.... I know, if voice is identical to Hidaka-kun."
The former retired Geo Archon smiled "Knowing Nito you know my other identity." Shinobu looked excited "Yes! We
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