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I couldn't focus at work as my mind could only think of what Jacob looked like. Time seemed to move slowly as I chewed on my pencil. I felt someone tap me and saw it was Youngwoong.

"You okay? You look so antsy." he said as he looked me over.

"I'm meeting Kevin's first love." I replied flatly. "I'm gonna meet the asshole."

"Woah there, first of all, no profanity. I get it that you're jealous, but Jacob got to him first. And you have to respect Kevin's decision if he chooses Jacob over you." said Youngwoong as he patted my back.

"I know..." I sighed.

"What about Changhyun?" he asked curiously.

"I still like him, but I created situations and placed them both in all and see how I'd feel. I even did some online quizzes. I'm in like Kevin. I'm sure about it." I said as I held him by his shoulders.

"Well, glad to hear you gave it thought, but hasn't it only been less than a day since?" he asked.

"I've been thinking about it for a long while now. Woong, I feel nervous." I said now that I thought of the Jacob guy. What if he was good looking?

"Dude, calm down. Immerse yourself in work and before you know it, time will pass in a flash." he said then rolled his chair back to his cubicle.

ㅎ ㅎ

It was almost time for me to clock out. My nerves were at an all time high. What would be said? Would I lose myself and do something stupid? I looked at Youngwoong who started to pack up. I started to do the same.

"Want me to go with you?" asked Youngwoong.

"Yes please." I replied quickly.

ㅎ ㅎ

I found myself standing outside of the park with Youngwoong.

"This is as far as I go. I'll plant myself by the entrance and wait. You have to face them yourself." he said as we walked in.

He sat down then whipped out his phone. I gave him puppy dog eyes, but he didn't look up. I sighed heavily and walked ahead. Each step felt heavy. After walking for a bit, I spotted Kevin sitting by the fountain alone. I thought Jacob would've come with him.

"You're here alone?" I asked as I hovered over him.

"Jacob's on his way." he replied as he swung his feet.

I sat down and decided to wait with him. Minutes passed and no sign of Jacob anywhere.

"Where does he work? Does he work at all?" I pressed.

"He does work." Kevin replied.

I closed my eyes as the sounds of the water and idle chatter filled my ears. Soon the sounds has died down and caused me to open my eyes. Somehow I had ended up back in the grassy terrain place. I looked for Kevin who was no longer by my side. A chipmunk circled around me then headed off. I followed it without hesitation.

We ended back at the lone house. I hurried towards it then squeaked in surprise at the door swinging open and Kevin jumping out at me. I held him as he rubbed his head against my shoulder. I was confused.

"I missed you Jacob." he whispered.

"What do you mean...?" I asked, secretly hoping he meant what I hoped he meant.

"I been looking for you. My precious Jacob..." he said then cupped my face. "I been... won...wondering where you go..."

I looked at him in shock. Did I hit my head? Did he really mean me? I couldn't believe it. I had wanted this, but it feels surreal. I pulled away and had him look me in the eye. His hands never left my face.

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure it's me? What convinced you?" I asked a bit curious.

"When we almost kiss." he said as he poked my lips. "Your eyes..."

"But you've looked at my eyes for months." I countered.

"It different. I felt heart." Kevin said as he placed a hand on my heart.

"But wouldn't it be the same from before?" I countered once more.

He shook his head then explained to me what he was trying to say. Apparently to fairies, humans have distinctive heartbeats when they're around people. It wasn't easy to process, but it seemed plausible.

"I not know it yours because it beat... unfamiliar. And your eyes clouded." Kevin said with a frown.

I couldn't help but feel weak under his gaze. Why did I like him? Was it the way he looked at me? Was it the way we clicked? Was it his bright smile? What was it? I leaned closer and the sense of deja vu overtook my body. And just like then, I stopped inches away from his face.

"Tell me... why... why did you go...?" he asked softly.

"I don't remember much when I was younger, but we suddenly left because of my mom's job. We came back five years later." I replied, not breaking eye contact.

Everything about it made me nervous to the point I was positive I had started sweating. My heart wouldn't slow down. It never felt this serious before. Maybe I wasn't well. I felt like puking. My brain felt as if it was being squeezed like a pimple. I felt Kevin hold me close and I prayed for the pain to subside. I looked down and saw we were sitting in a hammock made up of plants.

A memory appeared in my mind and a child that vaguely resembled Kevin was present in it. Kevin looked at me curiously.

"Is it okay...?" he asked while outlining my lips.

I pressed my lips to his. I couldn't stand teasing myself. Kevin probably didn't care for me the same way, but I'd rather not regret not taking the chance. I gently tugged on his bottom lip and forced entry into his mouth. My brain was pounding against my skull with the same amount of force of my feelings for Kevin. I pulled away and panted. Kevin did the same.

"It really is you..." he said as he kissed my cheeks. "You taste the same..."

"Taste?" I asked confused.

"Save me from drowning and did CPR..." he said with a nostalgic look. "I thought I die."

I ruffled his hair then closed my eyes as my headache steadily got worse. I felt something touch the top of my head then disappear quickly. I let my eyes close as I had gotten what I wanted. I was happy that things had turned out this way.

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